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23 Мая 2009. Канал #32

[00:52:16] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
[01:10:57] * LeXuS is now known as АвЭй
[01:19:06] * oDyBaH4uK (~xz@ Quit (Quit: Высококвалифицированный хирург поможет плохому танцору. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[02:42:52] * PieSpy (~piespy@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[02:47:07] * PieSpy (~piespy@ has joined
[02:47:10] * YooKim sets mode: +v PieSpy
[02:49:39] * PieSpy (~piespy@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[02:57:11] * PieSpy (~piespy@ has joined
[02:57:12] * YooKim sets mode: +v PieSpy
[02:58:13] * PieSpy (~piespy@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[03:17:05] * PieSpy (~piespy@ has joined
[03:17:07] * YooKim sets mode: +v PieSpy
[03:17:33] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: )
[03:33:53] * PieSpy (~piespy@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[03:37:04] * PieSpy (~piespy@ has joined
[03:37:05] * YooKim sets mode: +v PieSpy
[03:38:52] * PieSpy (~piespy@ Quit (Client closed connection)
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[03:47:11] * YooKim sets mode: +v PieSpy
[04:17:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o YooKim
[04:17:51] * PieSpy (~piespy@ has joined
[04:19:08] * YooKim sets mode: +v PieSpy
[04:21:32] * PieSpy (~piespy@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[04:26:01] * Jaiss sets mode: -b *!*iritik@10.31.8.*
[04:27:08] * PieSpy (~piespy@ has joined
[04:27:09] * YooKim sets mode: +v PieSpy
[07:45:04] * PieSpy (~piespy@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[07:47:08] * PieSpy (~piespy@ has joined
[07:47:09] * YooKim sets mode: +v PieSpy
[07:48:49] * PieSpy (~piespy@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[08:09:03] * YooKim (~YooKim@ has joined
[08:09:03] * * changes topic to 'FLaBeR -->'
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[08:10:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jaiss
[08:10:01] * ChanServ sets mode: +o YooKim
[09:39:51] * АвЭй ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[11:15:32] * ChanServ changes topic to 'FLaBeR -->'
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[12:02:12] * Buster ( has joined
[13:06:34] * YooKim (~YooKim@ has joined
[13:06:34] * * changes topic to 'FLaBeR -->'
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[13:07:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o YooKim
[13:09:19] * YooKim sets mode: +v PieSpy
[13:10:32] * Jaiss (~Jaiss@ has joined
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[13:16:40] * HeKuT (~--Toper@ has joined
[13:20:15] * LeXuS is now known as АвЭй
[14:40:49] * oDyBaH4uK (~xz@ Quit (Quit: Летать на костылях непросто, но он научился. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[15:25:07] * Crafti (~crafti@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:06:40] * АвЭй ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:06:40] * Buster ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:09:57] * АвЭй ( has joined
[16:09:57] * Buster ( has joined
[16:12:12] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
[16:12:32] * LeXuS is now known as АвЭй
[16:33:27] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
[17:36:16] <LeXuS> Buster:
[17:36:19] <LeXuS> радио)
[17:37:35] * LeXuS :[ WinAmp ]:[ EvilNet - MAD_Evil Home ]:[ 02:44 ]:[ 128 kbps ]:[ 1/1 ]:[ no genre ]:
[18:09:16] * teddy (~NUser@ has joined
[18:34:20] * Kup (Kirill@ has joined
[18:34:24] <Kup> Всем привет =)
[18:34:28] <Kup> ладно ухожу
[18:34:28] * Kup (Kirill@ has left ()
[18:36:42] * oDyBaH4uK (~xz@ has joined
[18:56:16] * LeXuS ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[18:56:17] * Buster ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[19:00:44] * Buster ( has joined
[19:14:27] * oDyBaH4uK (~xz@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:19:47] * LeXuS ( has joined
[19:20:12] * oDyBaH4uK (~xz@ has joined
[20:52:39] * teddy (~NUser@ Quit (Quit: Я милого узнаю по колготкам... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[20:57:44] * oDyBaH4uK (~xz@ Quit (Quit: Ваши руки ввели идиотскую команду и будут ампутированы. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[22:02:54] * HeKuT (~--Toper@ Quit (Quit: Если нога завязывается в узел, то это конец,.. а не нога... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт: N I r c Script! by LeXuS. СкАчАй с :)
[23:10:55] * FLaBeR (~fLab@ has joined
[23:15:36] <FLaBeR> !п иваново
[23:54:53] * FLaBeR (~fLab@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Query time 0.1583 s