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13 Июля 2009. Канал #32

[00:07:20] * Ящирка (~pIRCuser1@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:22:29] * HeKuT ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[00:32:02] * HeKuT ( has joined
[00:33:48] <LeXuS> Buster: ты квипом чо не порльзуешься, там и майл и аська и джаббер всё вместе
[00:40:39] <Buster> нах
[00:41:46] <LeXuS> функциоанльней
[00:41:49] <LeXuS> и красивее
[00:41:49] <LeXuS> =)
[00:53:50] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: )
[00:58:31] * teddy (ll-ll-ll-l@ has joined
[01:23:27] <teddy> ______I8888888888888? 888 ___________________,? 8888888888888b
[01:23:27] <teddy> ____________________? _____`Y8888888888888? 8P"""""""""""baaa,__? _____,88888888888888? 8,
[01:23:27] <teddy> ___________,adP"""""? """"""9888888888P""^? ____________________? _^""Y888888888888888? 8I
[01:23:27] <teddy> ________,a8"^_______? ___,d888P"888P^_____? ____________________? ____^"Y8888888888P'
[01:23:28] <teddy> _______,a8^_________? ___,d88888'_________? ____________________? ________^Y8888888P'
[01:23:30] <teddy> ______a88'__________? _,dPAPAP'___________? ____________________? __________I88P"^
[01:23:32] <teddy> ____,d88___________d? 88888P'_____________? ____________________? _________"b,
[01:23:36] <teddy> ___,d88'___________d? 888888'_____________? ____________________? ___________`b,
[01:23:38] <teddy> __,d88'___________d8? 88888I______________? ____________________? ____________`b,
[01:23:40] <teddy> __d88I___________,88? 88888'______________? ____________________? _____________`b,
[01:23:42] <teddy> _,888'___________d88? 88888__________,d888? 88b,________________? ______________`b,
[01:23:46] <teddy> _d888___________,888? 8888I_________d88888? 888b,___________,d88? 88b,___________`b
[01:23:48] <teddy> ,8888___________I888? 8888I________d888888? 8888I__________,8888? 8888b___________8,
[01:23:50] <teddy> I8888___________8888? 8888b_______d8888888? 8888'__________88888? 88888b__________8I
[01:23:52] <teddy> d8886___________8888? 88888_______Y8888888? 8P'___________Y88888? 88888,________,8b
[01:23:57] <teddy> 88888b__________I888? 88888b______`Y888888? 8^___________ `Y888888888I________? d88,
[01:23:58] * teddy was kicked by YooKim (Requested)
[01:24:06] * teddy (ll-ll-ll-l@ has joined
[01:24:08] <teddy> _I8888888b,____,8888? 88888888888888ba,___? ___d88888888b_______? ________,ad8888888I
[01:24:11] * teddy was kicked by YooKim (Requested)
[01:24:20] * teddy (ll-ll-ll-l@ has joined
[01:24:22] <teddy> __888888888888869888? 88888888888888888888? 88b_,ad88ba,_,d88888? 888888888888888888
[01:24:24] * teddy was kicked by YooKim (Requested)
[01:24:34] * teddy (ll-ll-ll-l@ has joined
[01:24:37] <teddy> __Y88888888888888888? 88888888888888888888? 88888888888888888888? 8888888888888888P
[01:24:39] * teddy was kicked by YooKim (Requested)
[01:24:47] * teddy (ll-ll-ll-l@ has joined
[01:26:11] * teddy (ll-ll-ll-l@ Quit (Quit: Товарищи!!! Я ухожу с сервера! На нём бродит злостный маньяк-педофил! Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[02:13:45] <LeXuS> !stat
[02:13:47] <Jaiss> LeXuS: 91282 words, 542894 letters, 17049 smilies, проведенное время: 45 недель 3 дней 19 часов 4 минут .
[02:13:49] <LeXuS> !stats
[02:14:11] <LeXuS> !stat HeKuT
[02:14:13] <Jaiss> HeKuT: 46048 words, 301907 letters, 6434 smilies, проведенное время: 22 недель 23 часов 12 минут .
[02:14:28] * LeXuS (~lexus@ Quit (Quit: )
[03:57:34] * HeKuT ( Quit (Quit: Тише едешь - не приедешь! Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт: N I r c Script! by LeXuS. СкАчАй с :)
[07:09:11] * Chemko ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[07:11:12] * Chemko ( has joined
[08:49:53] * Buster ( has joined
[09:41:26] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
[09:50:57] * Buster ( has joined
[10:38:48] * Buster ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[10:38:48] * Buster]off[ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[10:38:48] * Chemko ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[10:40:12] * Buster ( has joined
[10:40:12] * Buster]off[ ( has joined
[10:40:12] * Chemko ( has joined
[11:18:27] * Юрчик (zxzxzxzx@ has joined
[12:14:38] * Buster is now known as Buster]
[12:36:09] * Юрчик (zxzxzxzx@ Quit (Quit: )
[12:38:07] * Buster]off[ is now known as Buster
[13:00:15] * Buster] ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
[13:26:56] * YooKim (~YooKim@ has joined
[13:26:56] * * changes topic to ' (~NrG~)'
[13:27:02] * * changes topic to ' (~NrG~)'
[13:28:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o YooKim
[14:10:19] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
[14:23:47] * Buster ( has joined
[16:16:21] * HeKuT ( has joined
[17:11:04] * Buster is now known as Buster[off]
[17:11:31] * LeXuS (~lexus@ has joined
[17:13:21] * HeKuT ( Quit (Quit: Заpукоблудился в тpех соснах... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт: N I r c Script! by LeXuS. СкАчАй с :)
[17:16:10] * HeKuT ( has joined
[18:16:07] * Buster]off[ is now known as Buster
[19:02:31] * FLaBeR (~fLab@ has joined
[19:25:01] * Йа_Алёнко (lol@ has joined
[19:29:44] * Йа_Алёнко (lol@ Quit (Quit: Здесь был Chemist)
[19:29:47] * Chemist (~Chemist@ has joined
[20:04:04] <Chemist> Buster, а у тебя СТС кажет? Или тока СТС+7ч
[20:04:21] <Buster> кажут
[20:04:22] <Buster> оба
[20:04:41] <Chemist> Эмм...
[20:06:02] <Chemist> Ок А то вчера был тока звук, а видео в ауте
[20:22:55] * FLaBeR is now known as запивохин
[20:32:33] <HeKuT> !хочу
[20:37:27] <HeKuT> !к
[21:15:46] * HeKuT ( Quit (Quit: TAMPAX. Доставка. Установка. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт: N I r c Script! by LeXuS. СкАчАй с :)
[21:23:48] * запивохин (~fLab@ Quit (Quit: -_-?)
[21:30:39] * Crafti (~crafti@ has joined
[21:53:11] * Crafti (~crafti@ Quit (Quit: Здесь вам тут не там. А я вам тут не Вы. В смысле не они...)
[22:12:53] * FLaBeR (~fLab@ has joined
[22:24:24] * Chemist (~Chemist@ Quit (Quit: Здесь вам тут не там. А я вам тут не Вы. В смысле не они...)
[22:24:41] <FLaBeR> !п иваново
[22:37:31] * Buster[off] ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Session timeout))
[22:38:15] * Йа_Алёнко (lol@ has joined
[22:57:56] * LeXuS (~lexus@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:04:33] * LeXuS (~lexus@ has joined
[23:04:33] * LeXuS (~lexus@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[23:33:06] * Йа_Алёнко (lol@ Quit (Quit: Здесь был Chemist)
[23:50:41] * WheoR (~frizz-@ has joined
[23:51:29] <WheoR> бастер скажи плиз через какие проги кроме неро можно винду записать:?
[23:51:40] <WheoR> только чтоб мультизагрузачная была
[23:53:43] <Buster> образ?
[23:53:49] <WheoR> ага
[23:54:03] <WheoR> образ чтоб потом взять и установить
[23:55:06] <Buster> я только неро знаю
[23:55:09] <Buster> а так их дочерта
[23:55:16] <Buster> даж вроде в алкоголи есть
[23:56:08] <WheoR> уху
[23:56:08] <WheoR> ясн
[23:56:46] * WheoR (~frizz-@ has left ()
Query time 0.0207 s