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3 Июня 2011. Канал #eggdrop

[00:00:22] * short_Flake (~short_Fla@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:06:11] * Zelik ( has left ()
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[00:07:13] * Night_Tiger is now known as Night_Tiger[afk]
[00:09:02] * Gremlin is now known as Gremlin[off]
[00:21:46] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[00:27:37] * Stels ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[00:30:00] <Talisman> * [2/42] code.test = | [kns]
[00:52:11] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[01:21:37] * short_Flake ( has joined
[01:30:00] <Talisman> * [1/42] error.libtcl = Ругается, что не может найти библиотеку Tcl? Suzi: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/tcl/lib;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH;LANG=ru_RU.CP1251 LC_TIME=en_US ./eggdrop || Обычный: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/tcl/lib;export LD_LIBRARY_PATH; ./eggdrop. Можно также создать командный файл. Для этого первой строчкой пиши в нем #!/bin/sh а второй - указанную ранее строчку, в зависимости от типа бота.
[01:50:33] * YooKim ( has joined
[01:50:33] * * changes topic to '.: Official EggDrop Help Channel :. LATEST STABLE RELEASE FROM: (Win32 NEW!: | Scripts:'
[01:50:34] * IRCServ sets mode: +v YooKim
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[02:08:19] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: )
[02:30:00] <Talisman> * [4/42] memory(ram) = чтобы узнать сколько потребляет на самом деле бот памяти, ввести в патилайн .tcl exec ps -orss= -p [pid] [Vеrtigо]
[03:00:48] * lumian[bnc] (lum@lumian.infy.local) Quit (Ping timeout)
[03:06:34] * short_Flake ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[03:30:00] <Talisman> * [5/42] bomb.tcl(bomb) = [fiоlеnt]
[03:33:23] * Depeche_Mode (~irc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[04:17:45] * short_Flake ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[04:30:01] <Talisman> * [6/42] ccs = | - Channel Control Script - TCL скрипт для eggdrop/windrop, который дает возможность управлять каналом с помощью публичных команд. [kns]
[05:05:15] * DPblH ( has joined
[05:30:00] <Talisman> * [9/42] викторина = - скрипт для проведения викторины, - базы вопросов. | так-же !man new.3hauka [Аlех-]
[05:44:56] * short_Flake ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[05:57:40] * lumian[bnc] (lum@lumian.infy.local) has joined
[06:30:00] <Talisman> * [00/42] mafia(мафия) = Мафию можно взять тут - [Oцeлoт]
[06:41:44] * short_Flake ( Quit (Write Error: Broken pipe)
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[07:07:56] * DPblH ( Quit (Quit: У меня не телосложение, а теловычитание...)
[07:30:00] <Talisman> * [4/42] encoding.convert = [encoding convertfrom codepage $text] - конверт $text из codepage в Unicode; [encoding convertto codepage $text] - конверт $text из Unicode в codepage. [Сhросk]
[07:54:28] * MaGZz (~MaGZz@ has joined
[07:54:44] * MaGZz машет всм рукой привееееееееееееет
[08:08:35] * short_Flake ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[08:30:00] <Talisman> * [/42] antinp & antiadverting(ar) = (см.также: noadv) (теги: spam) [Smоllеtt]
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[09:25:17] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) Quit (Quit: )
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[09:30:00] <Talisman> * [3/42] др(dr) = день варенья канала 27 ноября 2003 года, 09:41:28 MSK [^х_о^]
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[10:11:31] * Old_magical ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[10:21:25] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[10:30:00] <Talisman> * [7/42] -nt(nt) = | - если у вас eggdrop не работает без ключей -nt [Oцeлoт]
[11:18:15] * Old_magical ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:30:00] <Talisman> * [5/42] php = PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor | Книжка по php4: | FAQ: | Томское зеркало: [GunМаn]
[11:40:30] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[11:44:15] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[11:52:23] * Zelik ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[12:16:39] * Хочу_секеса (~staff@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[12:30:00] <Talisman> * [/42] arena.setup = 1) создаём папку \scripts\mc\ и скидываем туда всё содержимое архива 2) в файле mc.defconf.tcl в самой первой строчке меняем название канала на свой, далее идут детальные настройки с описание, тоже что то меняем, но уже осторожнее, например mc:config:register moderating bool 1, меняем значение на 0, и бот больше не будет делать канал модерируемым 3) ну и наконец в eggdrop.conf внизу дописы
[12:31:03] <MaGZz> внизу дописы
[12:31:04] <MaGZz> 8)))
[12:47:50] * DPblH ( has joined
[12:57:00] * d^_^b is now known as грейпфрут
[13:11:42] * Nakato (~oMNa@ has joined
[13:14:51] * [psy]ABATAP4uk (~DEfendER@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:30:00] <Talisman> * [/42] 3hauka = - скрипт для проведения викторины, - база вопросов. | так-же !man new.3hauka [tсs]
[13:55:59] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) Quit (Quit: )
[14:07:26] * Old_magical (~Old_magic@ has joined
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[14:16:14] * JAGUAR (~StScr@ has joined
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[14:17:14] * Nakato (~oMNa@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:30:00] <Talisman> * [7/42] spin(bottle) = - бутылочка [Shrikе]
[14:30:51] * Stels ( has joined
[14:36:51] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[14:51:40] <MaGZz> пока
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[15:01:21] * Old_magical (~Old_magic@ Quit (Client closed connection)
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[15:30:00] <Talisman> * [96/42] badword(мат) = - маторезалка | так-же смотреть !calc antimat и !calc sbw [Shrikе]
[15:47:32] * DPblH ( Quit (Quit: Like cigarettes and gasoline I light a match and watch this scene. Burn away in front of me ashes of my misery. I swear sometimes I think this life is killing me...)
[15:52:37] * Old_magical (~Old_magic@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:30:00] <Talisman> * [7/42] вечность = set a 118;set b -399;set c 467;set d -128;set e -229;set f 260;set g -111;set h 18;binary scan "жопажопа" c* q;set r {};foreach x $q {append r [format %c [incr x [incr a [incr b [incr c [incr d [incr e [incr f [incr g $h]]]]]]]]]};return $r [аnаеsthеsiа] [vindiсtivе]
[16:31:21] * s1r ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[16:50:38] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[16:51:32] * masters ( has joined
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[17:30:00] <Talisman> * [6/42] cron = Для того что бы бот запускался сам, если при некотырх обстоятельствах он упал, нужно сделать следующее: cd ~/eggdrop/scripts/ ; ./autobotchk <eggdrop config> -10 -noemail; | если крон не работает, проверьте есть ли на botchk и eggdrop.conf права для запуска.(+x) | также проверьте есть ли в конце строки кронтаба пустая строка [Shrikе]
[17:59:10] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
[18:13:30] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) has joined
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[18:14:45] <tont> http
[18:14:47] <Talisman> Title: Форум: МегаФон (Поволжье) - -
[18:14:48] <Talisman> Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK ; Pragma: no-cache; Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT; Connection: close; Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0; Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1251; Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2011 14:14:46 GMT; Server: Apache
[18:30:01] <Talisman> * [3/42] cklib(ck.lib) = // для тех кто не освоил svn | | - RSS изменений [Oцeлoт]
[18:51:35] * Old_magical (~Old_magic@ Quit (Client closed connection)
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[19:30:00] <Talisman> * [9/42] commands(help) = | - cистема помощи по командам бота. [Shrikе]
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[19:39:37] <r1chY> пизда
[19:39:42] <r1chY> сам следи
[19:39:44] <r1chY> еблан
[19:39:45] * Buster sets mode: +b *!*@
[19:39:48] * r1chY was kicked by Buster (Buster)
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[20:30:00] <Talisman> * [4/42] netbots = [^imhо^]
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[21:27:58] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
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[21:30:00] <Talisman> * [0/42] girl = Скрипт забирает с сайта анкеты проституток. Возможет поиск по таким параметрам как Размер бюста, Рост, Возраст, Цена услуг. - [kudаr]
[22:00:13] * Night_Tiger[afk] is now known as bestialitas
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[22:30:00] <Talisman> * [6/42] suzipatch(patch) = - Патч исправления кодировки (в том числе букв "я" & "ё") EggDrop1.6.20 v0010 Автор: Suzi (теги: suzi) [Вuster]
[22:34:40] * Zelik ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[22:59:21] * Buster]off[ ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Session timeout))
[23:00:08] * Stels ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[23:25:57] <грейпфрут> Всем споке.
[23:30:00] <Talisman> * [0/42] quote(quotes) = - скрипт для !quote by Stream исправленная версия [Наyеnnе]
[23:39:28] * грейпфрут is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[23:40:14] * Zelik ( Quit (Quit: )
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Query time 0.0763 s