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20 Декабря 2013. Канал #eggdrop

[00:11:51] * Night_Tiger is now known as Night_Tiger[afk]
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[01:16:50] * tont is now known as [die]
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[21:47:51] * jerryxtc is now known as varun2
[21:47:51] * ThePengu is now known as KRIZHA
[21:47:51] * OsAmoDdi is now known as david35
[21:47:51] * MISSLONL is now known as justyb
[21:47:51] * iron is now known as jimbo
[21:47:51] * Dexxa is now known as Pauls
[21:47:52] * Tyr0ne is now known as jud
[21:47:52] * calman is now known as Zelgadis
[21:47:53] * wonderbo is now known as foxygirl
[21:47:53] * frenchie is now known as Hawaiian
[21:47:53] * babygirl is now known as Elconejo
[21:47:53] * Pei is now known as rainkiss
[21:47:53] * VioLeNT- is now known as BOBMARLE
[21:47:53] * CK is now known as lolitagi
[21:47:53] * ajit is now known as ^grey_wo
[21:47:53] * kaan is now known as Squid_ma
[21:47:53] * Derj is now known as asu
[21:47:53] * ros is now known as bahumatz
[21:47:53] * Crayzie is now known as KimPhilb
[21:47:53] * sparkley is now known as Metabo
[21:47:54] * SweetLov is now known as ^^Tolgah
[21:47:54] * Dionna is now known as paritybi
[21:47:54] * joyce is now known as radicald
[21:47:54] * GAME is now known as ayca
[21:47:54] * nutcha12 is now known as Dawna
[21:47:54] * Ehin is now known as marc_ant
[21:47:54] * finbun is now known as Black13
[21:47:54] * blowmeup is now known as slayer
[21:47:54] * slimphad is now known as bocko
[21:47:54] * DAdd is now known as bigcatpa
[21:47:54] * fareena is now known as RAEMO
[21:47:54] * GeMbLoNg is now known as ROXYFOXY
[21:47:54] * {GiBb0n} is now known as KungFu
[21:47:54] * Rebelle is now known as Telluur
[21:47:54] * cifchamp is now known as certz
[21:47:54] * suzie is now known as Nitehawk
[21:47:54] * Rope is now known as JO-TEI
[21:47:54] * Playmate is now known as onixlee
[21:47:54] * one4thhu is now known as Cerberus
[21:47:54] * ace is now known as Phantom
[21:47:54] * wampir is now known as MentoZ
[21:47:54] * GeNeTicD is now known as badgirlU
[21:47:55] * gundee is now known as rd
[21:47:55] * Zelgadis is now known as MissDana
[21:47:55] * elidion is now known as DrDeagle
[21:47:56] * DJAGA is now known as jughead
[21:47:57] * MissDana is now known as STAT
[21:47:59] * STAT is now known as klasseop
[21:47:59] * DrDeath is now known as BluEyedM
[21:47:59] * rinks3 is now known as mAdAmX
[21:47:59] * marc_ant is now known as myse|f
[21:48:00] * PietPaal is now known as Rawls
[21:48:01] * jughead is now known as Crazyfo
[21:48:02] * horny is now known as Tyr0ne
[21:48:03] * RandyAnd is now known as wrighty
[21:48:04] * calcium is now known as Fire-Of-
[21:48:15] * rd (~stallian@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.48))
[21:48:15] * DrDeagle (~SAB@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.48))
[21:48:32] * onixlee (~royalcro@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.48))
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[21:48:55] * Black13 (~derftsru@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.48))
[21:48:55] * Dawna (~phuhqu@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.48))
[21:50:08] * KRIZHA is now known as blowmeup
[21:50:08] * varun2 is now known as Gorth-
[21:50:08] * david35 is now known as Nygirl
[21:50:08] * justyb is now known as ACE
[21:50:08] * Pauls is now known as ttdude
[21:50:09] * jud is now known as Cindy
[21:50:09] * ttdude is now known as berrin
[21:50:11] * foxygirl is now known as CANDY
[21:50:11] * BOBMARLE is now known as dave
[21:50:11] * rainkiss is now known as blap
[21:50:11] * Hawaiian is now known as ice39
[21:50:11] * lolitagi is now known as talika
[21:50:11] * asu is now known as mysty
[21:50:11] * bahumatz is now known as DevilRag
[21:50:11] * KimPhilb is now known as Trickych
[21:50:11] * Squid_ma is now known as Guest_64
[21:50:11] * myse|f is now known as ros
[21:50:13] * Tyr0ne is now known as desenn
[21:50:13] * bigcatpa is now known as ThePengu
[21:50:13] * KungFu is now known as manee
[21:50:13] * ROXYFOXY is now known as brabbl
[21:50:13] * slayer is now known as holden
[21:50:13] * badgirlU is now known as vienna
[21:50:13] * Crazyfo (~tuttle@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.49))
[21:50:13] * mAdAmX (~HUNTER@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.49))
[21:50:13] * Telluur is now known as ranalama
[21:50:18] * ^grey_wo is now known as therealk
[21:50:18] * ^^Tolgah is now known as Superchu
[21:50:19] * Elconejo is now known as rough
[21:50:19] * Cindy is now known as Nat
[21:50:19] * certz is now known as dtran01[
[21:50:25] * MentoZ is now known as shakry
[21:50:27] * Phantom is now known as Cindy
[21:50:29] * ayca is now known as Lisa25
[21:50:29] * paritybi is now known as zaxaroul
[21:50:36] * Cerberus is now known as siryn
[21:50:36] * RAEMO is now known as Pei
[21:50:36] * bocko is now known as Lolligop
[21:50:36] * berrin is now known as iron
[21:50:36] * Metabo is now known as {Azrael}
[21:50:37] * Nitehawk is now known as trixter
[21:50:43] * iron is now known as kamael
[21:50:43] * BluEyedM is now known as hiem
[21:50:44] * CANDY is now known as taq
[21:50:44] * Rawls is now known as draven
[21:50:44] * blap is now known as Elconejo
[21:50:45] * dave is now known as jlxj15
[21:50:45] * talika is now known as Sue
[21:50:45] * therealk is now known as ___Alfre
[21:50:45] * DevilRag is now known as rd
[21:50:45] * Trickych is now known as finbun
[21:50:45] * mysty is now known as KOTA
[21:50:45] * Guest_64 is now known as funny7
[21:50:45] * Superchu is now known as GOGETTER
[21:50:45] * desenn is now known as live
[21:50:45] * holden is now known as kim18fem
[21:50:45] * ranalama is now known as KungFu
[21:50:49] * Fire-Of- is now known as trueone
[21:50:49] * blowmeup is now known as dropshad
[21:50:49] * Gorth- is now known as pE3k|-A-
[21:50:49] * Nygirl is now known as TekNOpho
[21:50:49] * X-grop is now known as HelloImN
[21:50:49] * brabbl is now known as eslow
[21:50:49] * ros is now known as Anthonio
[21:50:50] * wrighty is now known as DE-cYpHe
[21:50:51] * jimbo is now known as pixy1
[21:50:51] * ThePengu is now known as midwestg
[21:50:51] * radicald is now known as sweetNsa
[21:50:57] * ACE is now known as DeltaVis
[21:50:59] * vienna is now known as asu
[21:50:59] * Anthonio is now known as rhdsklek
[21:51:05] * shakry is now known as fmonster
[21:51:07] * rhdsklek is now known as Zeon
[21:51:08] * Cindy is now known as RadioKen
[21:51:09] * Lisa25 is now known as Krings
[21:51:09] * trixter is now known as crimsont
[21:51:09] * zaxaroul is now known as Authenti
[21:51:10] * sweetNsa is now known as shakry
[21:51:10] * siryn is now known as shopgirl
[21:51:10] * Pei is now known as Greeneye
[21:51:10] * Lolligop is now known as xtai
[21:51:10] * Nat is now known as siryn
[21:51:11] * {Azrael} is now known as mario
[21:51:14] * siryn is now known as Pei
[21:51:14] * draven is now known as Kencing
[21:51:15] * dtran01[ is now known as tattooed
[21:51:18] * hiem is now known as ToOTHroT
[21:51:22] * trueone is now known as talika
[21:51:23] * pixy1 is now known as BAD_DOG
[21:51:32] * manee is now known as BUMBUM
[21:51:32] * DE-cYpHe is now known as blackthu
[21:51:59] * iftekhar (~jabea@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:51:59] * bomber_b (~[Apollo3@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:52:05] * HelloImN (~Crayzie@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.50))
[21:52:06] * Zeon is now known as priti
[21:52:06] * taq is now known as Flemish
[21:52:06] * Elconejo is now known as idha
[21:52:06] * jlxj15 is now known as HARDON
[21:52:06] * Sue is now known as Gorth2
[21:52:06] * ___Alfre is now known as ency1
[21:52:06] * KOTA is now known as Ch|no
[21:52:06] * finbun is now known as Shez
[21:52:06] * priti is now known as silver
[21:52:06] * fmonster is now known as DiEsElBo
[21:52:06] * GOGETTER is now known as Rick
[21:52:06] * Authenti is now known as Savannah
[21:52:06] * live is now known as Tripwire
[21:52:06] * midwestg is now known as onehorny
[21:52:06] * eslow is now known as prince-c
[21:52:06] * BUMBUM is now known as justice
[21:52:06] * tattooed is now known as |-FlipMo
[21:52:06] * asu is now known as Gabriel
[21:52:06] * KungFu is now known as [CnC]Gan
[21:52:06] * kim18fem is now known as amol
[21:52:06] * dropshad is now known as Himan
[21:52:06] * pE3k|-A- is now known as onixlee
[21:52:07] * TekNOpho is now known as sphere
[21:52:07] * DeltaVis is now known as Politiki
[21:52:07] * kamael is now known as girlfun
[21:52:07] * Shez is now known as pemi
[21:52:07] * funny7 is now known as cuteguy
[21:52:07] * crimsont is now known as Taylor1
[21:52:07] * Krings is now known as {Azrael}
[21:52:07] * mario is now known as tribute
[21:52:07] * Bird000 is now known as marissan
[21:52:07] * girlfun is now known as ykska
[21:52:07] * RadioKen is now known as one4thhu
[21:52:07] * shopgirl is now known as Rope
[21:52:07] * Greeneye is now known as KOoL
[21:52:07] * xtai is now known as lookin4g
[21:52:07] * shakry is now known as SweetLov
[21:52:07] * ToOTHroT is now known as zaxaroul
[21:52:07] * Kencing is now known as Coazty
[21:52:07] * talika is now known as Triquetr
[21:52:07] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 98
[21:52:07] * ice39 (~hunnybun@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[21:52:07] * rough (~Wetkiss@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[21:52:07] * Himan is now known as Man
[21:52:07] * onixlee is now known as ShadySli
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[21:52:07] * Politiki is now known as Car1nna
[21:52:07] * mutt is now known as fido
[21:52:07] * ykska is now known as jbaruch7
[21:52:07] * marissan is now known as sam-sam-
[21:52:07] * Pei is now known as TekNOpho
[21:52:07] * jbaruch7 is now known as DE-cYpHe
[21:52:07] * Flemish is now known as EMinEM
[21:52:07] * idha is now known as nedders
[21:52:07] * HARDON is now known as raggie
[21:52:07] * Gorth2 is now known as Energize
[21:52:07] * ency1 is now known as frenchie
[21:52:08] * cuteguy is now known as Jayla
[21:52:08] * pemi is now known as ZACK
[21:52:08] * Ch|no is now known as SilverSt
[21:52:08] * Rick is now known as tuttle
[21:52:08] * Savannah is now known as BobbyG
[21:52:08] * [CnC]Gan is now known as atmale28
[21:52:08] * justice is now known as sue36msi
[21:52:08] * onehorny is now known as GeNeTicD
[21:52:08] * Tripwire is now known as Anthonio
[21:52:08] * DiEsElBo is now known as reed
[21:52:08] * ice39 is now known as iphantom
[21:52:08] * |-FlipMo is now known as [Apollo3
[21:52:08] * Gabriel is now known as wOmanOth
[21:52:08] * amol is now known as vwgirl
[21:52:08] * prince-c is now known as [T]oNnY
[21:52:08] * rough is now known as HayeL
[21:52:08] * silver is now known as brangirl
[21:52:08] * one4thhu is now known as Kool_Kit
[21:52:08] * KOoL is now known as kitos
[21:52:08] * lookin4g is now known as U2_one
[21:52:08] * zaxaroul is now known as Krings
[21:52:08] * Rope is now known as WAKs
[21:52:08] * Taylor1 is now known as Meils
[21:52:08] * tribute is now known as beaner
[21:52:08] * Coazty is now known as urstruly
[21:52:08] * SweetLov is now known as PilotCam
[21:52:08] * Triquetr is now known as Duke|12
[21:52:08] * brangirl is now known as Krilin
[21:52:08] * {Azrael} is now known as MsZoneBo
[21:52:09] * keti is now known as {Azrael}
[21:54:18] * Meils (~Cosmo@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.53))
[21:54:18] * [Apollo3 (~ass-hat@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.53))
[21:54:18] * Krilin (~Astanix-@ Quit (Quit: Excess Flood)
[21:54:18] * [T]oNnY (~{ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.53))
[21:54:18] * sue36msi ( Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.53))
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[21:54:18] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 92
[21:54:23] * Man (~snipas@ has left ()
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[21:56:54] * nedders is now known as RandyAnd
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[21:56:54] * Energize is now known as iceberg
[21:56:54] * SilverSt is now known as sharmain
[21:56:54] * rd is now known as bahumatz
[21:56:54] * Jayla is now known as bb
[21:56:54] * PilotCam is now known as curve
[21:56:54] * Anthonio is now known as ros
[21:56:55] * GeNeTicD is now known as Sue
[21:56:55] * atmale28 is now known as lolitagi
[21:56:55] * Gece_per is now known as TallGuy
[21:56:57] * wOmanOth is now known as conan
[21:56:58] * sam-sam- is now known as marcy
[21:56:59] * Krilin is now known as gundee
[21:56:59] * HayeL is now known as onehorny
[21:56:59] * iphantom is now known as Nasum
[21:56:59] * WAKs is now known as Crazyfo
[21:56:59] * Krings is now known as smike
[21:56:59] * EMinEM is now known as CANDY
[21:57:00] * Kool_Kit is now known as Karu-su7
[21:57:00] * MsZoneBo is now known as garann
[21:57:00] * beaner is now known as Tornado
[21:57:01] * ZACK is now known as jessica-
[21:57:01] * kitos is now known as Nygirl
[21:57:01] * U2_one is now known as crimsont
[21:57:03] * Car1nna is now known as Evangeli
[21:57:06] * Duke|12 is now known as Kencing
[21:57:08] * urstruly is now known as FARAZ
[21:57:09] * {Azrael} is now known as ansi
[21:57:10] * reed is now known as Eva-Unit
[21:57:11] * fido is now known as darkerth
[21:57:21] * marcy (~withnail@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[21:58:03] * CANDY is now known as linda26k
[21:58:03] * Nasum is now known as marie20
[21:58:03] * RandyAnd is now known as ReonVati
[21:58:03] * ajit is now known as ]-[Gs
[21:58:03] * gundee is now known as myse|f
[21:58:03] * iceberg is now known as ROXYFOXY
[21:58:03] * []MUFC[] is now known as thecrp
[21:58:03] * sharmain is now known as jessie
[21:58:03] * bb is now known as Rayliang
[21:58:04] * ros is now known as NaTaSHa
[21:58:04] * lolitagi is now known as kuzgun
[21:58:04] * TallGuy is now known as zorprime
[21:58:04] * Karu-su7 is now known as dadasboy
[21:58:04] * garann is now known as vector
[21:58:04] * Tornado is now known as maxxguy
[21:58:04] * conan is now known as jayjay
[21:58:04] * onehorny is now known as hornymal
[21:58:04] * curve is now known as Sparkz
[21:58:04] * Sue is now known as reza911
[21:58:05] * Crazyfo is now known as sharmain
[21:58:05] * Nygirl is now known as Krilin
[21:58:07] * crimsont is now known as Kuzey
[21:58:08] * Evangeli is now known as henryx
[21:58:08] * darkerth is now known as wOmanOth
[21:58:08] * marcy is now known as sabbyy
[21:58:08] * toffie is now known as Sandyman
[21:58:10] * Eva-Unit is now known as ED
[21:58:10] * ansi is now known as anja
[21:58:10] * smike is now known as CamDawg
[21:58:11] * reza911 (~Sparkle@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.58))
[21:58:11] * NaTaSHa (~wfs@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.58))
[21:58:12] * FARAZ is now known as Eagleye
[21:58:13] * sabbyy is now known as dark
[21:58:14] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 85
[21:58:16] * Kencing is now known as smike
[21:58:42] * myse|f (~Astanix-@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.58))
[21:58:42] * Shadey69 (~cicikizl@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.58))
[21:58:45] * henryx is now known as Chickenl
[21:58:45] * wOmanOth is now known as leif-23
[21:58:45] * dark is now known as marcus
[21:58:45] * Sandyman is now known as tattooed
[21:58:46] * anja is now known as izthisbe
[21:58:46] * CamDawg is now known as niko
[21:58:47] * linda26k is now known as sphere
[21:58:47] * hornymal is now known as GOGETTER
[21:58:47] * marie20 is now known as pattywac
[21:58:47] * ]-[Gs is now known as Holybull
[21:58:47] * ReonVati is now known as shaney-a
[21:58:47] * maxxguy is now known as PelvisRe
[21:58:47] * ED is now known as elidion
[21:58:47] * dadasboy is now known as fred
[21:58:47] * ROXYFOXY is now known as crazyleb
[21:58:47] * jessie is now known as T34FLyer
[21:58:47] * Rayliang is now known as Trickych
[21:58:47] * Sparkz is now known as Squid_ma
[21:58:47] * vector is now known as CoMaX
[21:58:47] * Kuzey is now known as snake
[21:58:47] * Krilin is now known as Simba
[21:58:47] * thecrp is now known as ReneDes
[21:58:47] * sharmain is now known as CHEEKS
[21:58:48] * jayjay is now known as kez
[21:58:49] * marcus is now known as pivo
[21:58:50] * Eagleye is now known as lushdogg
[21:58:52] * Chickenl is now known as B0Tmode
[21:58:52] * leif-23 is now known as Rayliang
[21:58:52] * pivo is now known as darkerth
[21:58:54] * smike is now known as Tom
[21:58:54] * niko is now known as beaner
[21:58:54] * beaner is now known as DarK^Ltc
[21:58:54] * izthisbe is now known as Have3Cat
[21:58:54] * sphere is now known as slonty
[21:58:54] * GOGETTER is now known as shopgirl
[21:58:54] * pattywac is now known as sparkley
[21:58:54] * Holybull is now known as Dobbis
[21:58:54] * shaney-a is now known as Taylor1
[21:58:54] * ReneDes is now known as spacecat
[21:58:54] * crazyleb is now known as nWo
[21:58:54] * PelvisRe is now known as jazz
[21:58:54] * T34FLyer is now known as ladyleg
[21:58:54] * Trickych is now known as hallu
[21:58:55] * Squid_ma is now known as cclia
[21:58:55] * CoMaX is now known as Braves
[21:58:55] * snake is now known as BAH25
[21:58:55] * Simba is now known as sarsilma
[21:58:55] * CHEEKS is now known as aZnnUt
[21:58:55] * elidion is now known as theagent
[21:58:55] * fred is now known as pci
[21:58:55] * kez is now known as Nicho
[21:58:57] * sparkley (~hunnybun@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.58))
[21:58:57] * shopgirl (~Wetkiss@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.58))
[21:58:58] * lushdogg is now known as H|GHcam
[21:58:58] * darkerth is now known as BucketA
[21:59:04] * Tom is now known as |20s-lif
[21:59:04] * zorprime is now known as Yelda
[21:59:04] * Yelda is now known as GirL
[21:59:04] * kuzgun is now known as _super_g
[21:59:04] * _super_g is now known as shandy
[21:59:09] * slonty is now known as idha
[21:59:09] * Taylor1 is now known as mouse
[21:59:09] * Dobbis is now known as jabea
[21:59:09] * nWo is now known as m46
[21:59:09] * spacecat is now known as ansi
[21:59:09] * ladyleg is now known as GAME
[21:59:09] * pci is now known as BluEyedM
[21:59:09] * hallu is now known as Lonely_L
[21:59:09] * cclia is now known as |AnGeLuS
[21:59:09] * Braves is now known as CAMEL
[21:59:09] * GirL is now known as SMOKEY
[21:59:09] * shandy is now known as DjMp3
[21:59:09] * BAH25 is now known as Bigo
[21:59:09] * mouse is now known as Fifthcor
[21:59:09] * aZnnUt is now known as tomahill
[21:59:10] * Nicho is now known as SHAFt
[21:59:10] * jazz is now known as Blownose
[21:59:10] * theagent is now known as POch
[21:59:11] * sarsilma is now known as CamDawg
[21:59:12] * Rayliang is now known as nedders
[21:59:12] * B0Tmode is now known as sarsilma
[21:59:12] * H|GHcam (~edge@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.59))
[21:59:12] * sarsilma (~___Alfre@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.59))
[21:59:12] * nedders (~DragonFl@ Quit (autokilled: Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network! (2013/12/20 21.59))
[21:59:14] * Have3Cat is now known as Chicho
[21:59:14] * DarK^Ltc is now known as ANETA
[21:59:24] * |20s-lif is now known as blondebl
[21:59:25] * BucketA (~withnail@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[21:59:25] * tattooed (~Lolligop@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[21:59:25] * ANETA (~viper@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:59:25] * Chicho (~tiburcia@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:59:25] * idha (~jason7@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[21:59:25] * Fifthcor (~lub@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[21:59:25] * jabea (~raggie@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:59:25] * Blownose (~kris1@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:59:25] * m46 (~Jesseca@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:59:25] * ansi (~Tsiis@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:59:25] * GAME (~amigdala@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:59:25] * |AnGeLuS ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[21:59:25] * CAMEL ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[21:59:26] * SussieQu (~Skyhawk@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[21:59:26] * Bigo (~pebbles@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:59:26] * CamDawg (~Krings@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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