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10 Декабря 2015. Канал #eggdrop

[00:28:16] * SkaPar (~kvirc@ has joined
[00:30:54] <SkaPar> говорят, под эгдроп есть megahal, а cobe кто-нибудь пробовал?
[00:32:34] <SkaPar> оффтоп
[00:33:40] <SkaPar> или посоветуйте каналы на винете по машинному обучению
[00:38:34] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[01:04:07] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) Quit (Quit: )
[04:20:00] * voprosnik ( Quit (Quit: )
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[07:43:29] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[08:31:54] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[09:09:17] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) has joined
[09:09:18] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Buster
[09:19:29] * SkaPar (~kvirc@ has left ()
[09:40:52] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) Quit (Quit: )
[09:47:18] * masters (petr@ has joined
[09:57:30] * iliy-work (pll@ has joined
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[10:38:31] * Kote (~kote@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[13:32:16] * mitirc (pll@ Quit (Quit: поке \ BB)
[13:39:01] * sets mode: +o AliasNET
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[13:39:01] * sets mode: +v LogServ
[13:39:01] * sets mode: +v InfoServ
[13:54:31] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) has joined
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[14:04:41] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[15:08:02] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) Quit (Quit: )
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[18:15:10] * iliy-work (pll@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:26:32] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) has joined
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[18:47:09] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[18:49:09] * [die] is now known as tont
[21:29:30] * tont (ramzes@ Quit (Quit: Reconnecting)
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[22:16:25] <masters> Товарищи, подскажите, как можно сделать так, чтобы бот сохранял юзерфайл не каждый час, а раз в несколько часов
[22:21:45] <Buster> # Define here what Eggdrop considers 'hourly'. All calls to it, including such
[22:21:45] <Buster> # things as note notifying or userfile saving, are affected by this.
[22:21:45] <Buster> # For example:
[22:21:45] <Buster> #
[22:21:45] <Buster> # set hourly-updates 15
[22:21:47] <Buster> #
[22:21:48] <Buster> # The bot will save its userfile 15 minutes past every hour.
[22:21:52] <Buster> set hourly-updates 00
[23:00:04] * tont is now known as [die]
[23:26:35] * masters (petr@ Quit (Quit: ***)
Query time 0.0046 s