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26 Ноября 2019. Канал #eggdrop

[05:14:00] * [die] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[05:14:00] * Talisman ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[05:14:00] * Tanoshii[off] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[05:14:00] * Ermoha[off] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[05:14:01] * GO_oD_Person[afk] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[05:14:02] * RainyWIll[нет] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[05:14:15] * D-Face sets mode: +l 43
[05:50:11] * sets mode: +l 52
[05:50:11] * RainyWIll[нет] ( has joined
[05:50:11] * GO_oD_Person[afk] ( has joined
[05:50:11] * Ermoha[off] ( has joined
[05:50:11] * Tanoshii[off] ( has joined
[05:50:36] * [die] ( has joined
[05:50:37] * ChanServ sets mode: +o [die]
[05:50:42] * [die] is now known as tont
[07:09:45] * Talisman ( has joined
[07:09:47] * Night_Tiger[afk] sets mode: +v Talisman
[08:44:12] * Kote ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:43:55] * sets mode: +v Julia
[14:57:10] * Guest2130 ( Quit (Killed (AnToNiO (Seniau Temze buvo daug platesne ir gilesne.)))
[14:57:25] * PieSpy ( has joined
[14:57:28] * D-Face sets mode: +v PieSpy
[18:10:26] * D-Face sets mode: +l 48
[22:02:42] * tont is now known as [die]
Query time 0.0026 s