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14 Апреля 2020. Канал #eggdrop

[08:13:42] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) has joined
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[19:05:11] * suyks (~sal@ Quit (K-lined: Poorly Administered Network - Mass Messages and Spam Bots will not be tolerated on WeNet! (2020/04/14 19.05))
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[19:05:12] * wagfg ( Quit (K-lined: Poorly Administered Network - Mass Messages and Spam Bots will not be tolerated on WeNet! (2020/04/14 19.05))
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[19:05:12] * vjooz (~bgx@ Quit (K-lined: Poorly Administered Network - Mass Messages and Spam Bots will not be tolerated on WeNet! (2020/04/14 19.05))
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[19:05:15] * lxiky (~dvur@ Quit (K-lined: Poorly Administered Network - Mass Messages and Spam Bots will not be tolerated on WeNet! (2020/04/14 19.05))
[19:05:15] * bgtkupa (~imnd@ Quit (K-lined: Poorly Administered Network - Mass Messages and Spam Bots will not be tolerated on WeNet! (2020/04/14 19.05))
[19:05:15] * lkxmq (~aaj@ Quit (K-lined: Poorly Administered Network - Mass Messages and Spam Bots will not be tolerated on WeNet! (2020/04/14 19.05))
[19:05:15] * bvlnq (~wye@ Quit (K-lined: Poorly Administered Network - Mass Messages and Spam Bots will not be tolerated on WeNet! (2020/04/14 19.05))
[19:05:15] * knatzl (~kgl@ Quit (K-lined: Poorly Administered Network - Mass Messages and Spam Bots will not be tolerated on WeNet! (2020/04/14 19.05))
[19:05:15] * yhevpaz (~ooso@ Quit (K-lined: Poorly Administered Network - Mass Messages and Spam Bots will not be tolerated on WeNet! (2020/04/14 19.05))
[19:05:15] * wvvpv (~qok@ Quit (K-lined: Poorly Administered Network - Mass Messages and Spam Bots will not be tolerated on WeNet! (2020/04/14 19.05))
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[21:03:34] <tont> чёт и ботов тут практически нет
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[23:06:58] * Buster_ (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) Quit (Quit: )
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Query time 0.1029 s