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6 Июля 2012. Канал #help

[00:14:24] * мартовский ежик is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[00:31:13] * Julla (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: Я исключительно терпелива, при условии, что в конце концов выйдет по-моему... ;))
[01:23:38] * Lex is now known as [A-F-K]
[02:46:09] * [A-F-K] is now known as Lex
[02:46:12] * Lex is now known as Imperfect
[03:13:34] * Kseniya{меня_нет} (~irc@ Quit (Quit: Лучше сделать и пожалеть, чем не сделать и пожалеть об этом.
[03:24:20] * Imperfect is now known as [A-F-K]
[03:48:16] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[04:46:10] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[04:49:09] * [A-F-K] is now known as Imperfect
[05:34:55] * Imperfect is now known as [A-F-K]
[05:45:48] * [A-F-K] is now known as Imperfect
[06:03:15] * SiL (~__@ has joined
[06:03:20] * SiL (~__@ has left ()
[06:35:16] * Imperfect is now known as [A-F-K]
[07:43:28] * [A-F-K] is now known as Imperfect
[07:44:23] * fed (~g_alatibo_@ has joined
[07:45:04] * fed (~g_alatibo_@ Quit (Quit: Всем мир)
[08:43:45] * X-Side_away is now known as X-Side
[08:46:20] * Julla (~kvirc@ has joined
[08:56:04] * KonovalovM ( has joined
[08:57:08] * KonovalovM ( Quit (Quit: )
[08:59:23] * KonovalovM ( has joined
[08:59:49] <KonovalovM> всем привет! ребята нужна помощь, кто разбирается в ВПН подключениях напишите в приват плизззз !!!!
[09:00:54] * ale}{2 (~ale}{ has joined
[09:01:02] * ale}{2 (~ale}{ has left (Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away)
[09:01:09] <KonovalovM> ;'(
[09:02:30] * KonovalovM ( Quit (Quit: )
[09:05:03] * SiL (~__@ has joined
[09:05:20] <SiL> Доброе время суток.
[09:06:40] <SiL> Подскажите что значит строка, появляющаяся в окне Status: [troyanremover .timer] 1 0 .msg $decode(dHJveWFucmVtb3Zlcg==,m) Infected type-oper with $script (использую левкин скрипт 5)
[09:06:40] <Helper> Всё нормально, бот troyanremover проверил Вас на наличие вирусов.
[09:14:20] * SiL (~__@ has left ()
[09:53:55] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~NUser@ has joined
[10:13:56] * denio (~multik@ has joined
[10:17:44] * ХуЛиГаН ( has joined
[10:19:56] * Imperfect is now known as [A-F-K]
[10:21:17] * denio (~multik@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:43:27] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~NUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:47:20] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~NUser@ has joined
[11:33:35] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~NUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:46:55] * [A-F-K] is now known as Imperfect
[12:00:02] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~NUser@ has joined
[12:41:54] * Imperfect is now known as Lex
[13:52:32] * kanz ( has joined
[13:52:42] * kanz ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[13:56:33] * ХуЛиГаН ( Quit (Quit: )
[14:15:36] * Lex is now known as [A-F-K]
[14:19:31] * [A-F-K] is now known as Lex
[14:19:33] * Lex is now known as Imperfect
[14:20:35] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ has joined
[15:01:05] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~NUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:11:36] * Imperfect is now known as [A-F-K]
[15:23:04] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~NUser@ has joined
[15:41:29] * [A-F-K] is now known as Imperfect
[15:51:40] * Imperfect is now known as [A-F-K]
[15:51:41] * [A-F-K] is now known as Imperfect
[15:53:21] * Imperfect is now known as Lex
[15:54:31] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~NUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:55:53] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~NUser@ has joined
[16:46:14] * Zelik ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:52:25] * Zelik ( has joined
[17:04:15] * Lex is now known as Imperfect
[17:04:18] * Imperfect is now known as Max Otto von Stierlitz
[17:04:27] * Max Otto von Stierlitz is now known as Imperfect
[17:06:45] * Imperfect is now known as Lex
[17:10:30] * Apofis (~apofis@ has joined
[17:39:10] * ХуЛиГаН ( has joined
[17:39:41] * bozon (poll@ Quit (Read error: Input/output error)
[17:44:02] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as мартовский ежик
[18:35:42] * Lex is now known as Imperfect
[18:39:00] * Night_Tiger[afk] is now known as бурундук
[18:40:47] * ХуЛиГаН ( Quit (Quit: )
[18:44:34] * Apofis (~apofis@ Quit (Quit: )
[19:05:09] * мартовский ежик is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[19:24:10] * Grisha_бнц is now known as Grisha
[19:27:10] * Cromlech|away is now known as Cromlech
[20:13:43] * Grisha is now known as Grisha_бнц
[20:16:13] * бурундук is now known as бурундук|AwAy
[20:36:34] * Zelik ( Quit (Quit: )
[21:01:04] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as мартовский ежик
[21:04:52] * spock ( has joined
[21:43:40] * Imperfect is now known as Lex
[22:03:01] * ` (~AlucarD@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[22:20:57] * spock ( Quit (Quit: )
[23:05:36] * noytmega (zcxvjk@ has joined
[23:13:14] * мартовский ежик is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[23:28:57] * Lex is now known as Lex|afk
[23:35:18] * Julla (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: Я исключительно терпелива, при условии, что в конце концов выйдет по-моему... ;))
Query time 0.0044 s