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31 Августа 2016. Канал #help

[00:07:45] * sets mode: +o Helper
[00:08:51] * sets mode: +o impres
[00:08:51] * sets mode: +v Abuse
[01:48:58] * Волгоградка is now known as Волгоградки|нет
[02:05:43] * ` (~HerrTod@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[04:04:39] * ` (~HerrTod@ has joined
[08:12:30] * XenonSP ( Quit (Local kill by XenonSP (за Адамикса!))
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[09:20:21] * ChanServ sets mode: +o X-Side
[09:42:14] * impres (unix@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:14] * Cromlech|away (~cromlech@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:14] * zergut ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:15] * Night_Tiger[afk] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:15] * [^_^]away ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:15] * Hawk sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:15] * GO_oD_Person[afk] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:15] * Chuckie[offline] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:15] * SNеГ[off] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:15] * Abuse ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:15] * [34Rus] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:15] * di ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:16] * SPRINT[afk] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:16] * Z-ha ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:16] * Rain (Rain@WeNet) Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:16] * _FANTASY_[BNC] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:16] * d^_^b|z-z-z ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:16] * Артемий ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:16] * a-one|off ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:16] * ушел__ ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:16] * мерзопакость ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:16] * log ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:16] * Morfein (Max@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:17] * Makaway ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:17] * PASport[away] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:17] * night_fenix[offline] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:17] * ^A^ ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:17] * Anaconda[away] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:17] * Котоэдр ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:17] * фея ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:17] * tr|away ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:17] * iliy-w (pll@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:17] * [die] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:18] * gadm_ ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:18] * X-Side ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:18] * kindfor (niko@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:18] * Волгоградки|нет ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:18] * wbot (~wircb@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:18] * Netsplitted|away (~cromlech@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:18] * Дрямыч (~dryam@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:18] * BlueTurtle (~fff@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:18] * Helper ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:18] * ` (~HerrTod@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:42:19] * XenonSP ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[09:43:46] * Helper ( has joined
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[09:43:46] * Cromlech|away (~cromlech@ has joined
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[09:43:46] * ` (~HerrTod@ has joined
[09:43:46] * BlueTurtle (~fff@ has joined
[09:43:47] * sets mode: +o Helper
[09:44:21] * X-Side ( has joined
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[09:44:22] * kindfor (niko@ has joined
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[09:44:24] * Rain (Rain@WeNet) has joined
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[09:44:24] * SPRINT[afk] ( has joined
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[09:44:24] * Abuse ( has joined
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[09:44:25] * Hawk sleep ( has joined
[09:44:25] * [^_^]away ( has joined
[09:44:25] * sets mode: +o X-Side
[09:44:25] * sets mode: +o impres
[09:44:25] * sets mode: +v Abuse
[09:44:26] * wbot is now known as Guest2399
[09:44:26] * Netsplitted|away (~cromlech@ has joined
[09:45:33] * Guest2399 is now known as wbot
[10:31:37] * sets mode: +o Helper
[10:32:33] * sets mode: +o X-Side
[10:32:34] * sets mode: +o impres
[10:32:35] * sets mode: +v Abuse
[11:04:42] * sets mode: +o Helper
[11:04:58] * sets mode: +o X-Side
[11:04:58] * sets mode: +o impres
[11:04:58] * sets mode: +v Abuse
[11:18:45] * sets mode: +o impres
[11:18:45] * sets mode: +v Abuse
[11:18:46] * sets mode: +o X-Side
[11:18:46] * sets mode: +o Helper
[11:22:28] * rty ( has joined
[12:10:38] * sets mode: +o Helper
[12:11:31] * sets mode: +o X-Side
[12:11:31] * sets mode: +o impres
[12:11:33] * sets mode: +v Abuse
[12:12:06] * wbot is now known as Guest2407
[12:13:23] * Guest2407 is now known as wbot
[12:19:20] * rty ( Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[12:44:49] * sets mode: +o Helper
[12:44:58] * sets mode: +o X-Side
[12:44:59] * sets mode: +o impres
[12:44:59] * sets mode: +v Abuse
[14:24:48] * sets mode: +o impres
[14:24:48] * sets mode: +v Abuse
[14:24:48] * sets mode: +o X-Side
[14:24:48] * sets mode: +o Helper
[15:04:56] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~Viktor@ has joined
[16:00:44] * sets mode: +o Helper
[16:00:45] * Jek ( has joined
[16:00:51] * sets mode: +o X-Side
[16:00:52] * sets mode: +o impres
[16:00:52] * sets mode: +v Abuse
[16:01:09] <Jek> Всем добра!
[16:01:11] * wbot is now known as Guest2413
[16:01:29] <Jek> сам отваливается? Или кто-то ему помогает?
[16:01:53] <Jek> Ну там опять забыли на сервере ntpd запустить или ещё какая фигня? :)
[16:02:26] * Guest2413 is now known as wbot
[16:47:09] * svistok ( has joined
[16:47:10] * ^A^ ( has joined
[16:47:10] * night_fenix[offline] ( has joined
[16:47:10] * Morfein (Max@ has joined
[17:52:30] * X-Side is now known as X-Side_away
[18:13:13] * Helper ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:13] * wbot (~wircb@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:13] * zergut ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:13] * Cromlech|away (~cromlech@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:13] * Дрямыч (~dryam@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:14] * Night_Tiger[afk] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:14] * ` (~HerrTod@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:14] * BlueTurtle (~fff@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:14] * X-Side_away ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:14] * XenonSP ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:14] * Волгоградки|нет ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:14] * kindfor (niko@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:14] * gadm_ ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:14] * [die] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:14] * iliy-w (pll@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:15] * tr|away ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:15] * фея ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:15] * Котоэдр ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:15] * Anaconda[away] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:15] * PASport[away] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:15] * Makaway ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:15] * impres (unix@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:15] * log ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:15] * мерзопакость ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:15] * ушел__ ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:15] * a-one|off ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:16] * Артемий ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:16] * d^_^b|z-z-z ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:16] * _FANTASY_[BNC] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:16] * Rain (Rain@WeNet) Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:16] * Z-ha ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:16] * SPRINT[afk] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:16] * di ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:16] * [34Rus] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:16] * Abuse ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:16] * SNеГ[off] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:17] * Chuckie[offline] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:17] * GO_oD_Person[afk] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:17] * Hawk sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:17] * [^_^]away ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:17] * Netsplitted|away (~cromlech@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:17] * Jek ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:17] * svistok ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:17] * ^A^ ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:18] * night_fenix[offline] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:13:18] * Morfein (Max@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
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[18:16:11] * sets mode: +o X-Side_away
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[18:16:12] * ChanServ sets mode: -o X-Side_away
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[18:17:02] * Guest2417 is now known as wbot
[18:20:58] * BlueTurtle (~fff@ Quit (Quit: нафек - нафек)
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[19:04:37] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~Viktor@ Quit (Quit: Удар по воротам! Мяч попадает в девятку! А вот и разгневанный водитель "девятки"..)
[19:37:40] * Cromlech|away is now known as Cromlech
[19:40:21] * Asgard (~webgate@ has joined
[19:44:59] * Asgard (~webgate@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:47:58] * Jek ( has left (Подъезжает Илья Муромец к придорожному камню и видит на нём надпись: "Без вариантов...")
[20:06:43] * sets mode: +o impres
[20:06:43] * sets mode: +v Abuse
[20:06:43] * sets mode: +o Helper
[20:07:10] * Cromlech is now known as Guest2420
[20:07:48] * [die] is now known as tont
[20:09:32] * tont is now known as [die]
[20:12:33] * Guest2420 is now known as Cromlech
[20:17:25] * Cromlech is now known as Cromlech|away
[20:56:45] * Makaway is now known as MaKaR
[21:07:34] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~Viktor@ has joined
[21:43:37] * sets mode: +o Helper
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[21:43:54] * ChanServ sets mode: +o MaKaR
[23:14:24] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~Viktor@ Quit (Quit: Удар по воротам! Мяч попадает в девятку! А вот и разгневанный водитель "девятки"..)
Query time 0.0263 s