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24 Апреля 2019. Канал #help

[00:21:32] * tont is now known as [die]
[07:25:05] * Cromlech|away ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[07:26:30] * Cromlech|away ( has joined
[08:56:52] * ^Xela^ ( has joined
[08:56:52] * ^Xela^ ( Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/04/24 08.56))
[09:10:42] * портретист (backfire@ has joined
[09:10:46] * портретист (backfire@ has left ()
[09:29:23] * Доцент (superman@ has joined
[09:29:23] * Доцент (superman@ Quit (Killed (OperServ (Floodbots are N-O-T allowed on WeNet!)))
[10:30:05] * окись (comic@ has joined
[10:31:44] * окись (comic@ Quit (Local kill by _ШУМКОВСКИЙ_ (реви))
[13:29:45] * BlueTurtle (fff@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:30:51] * BlueTurtle (fff@ has joined
[14:40:18] * возгорание (mystified@ has joined
[14:46:41] * возгорание (mystified@ Quit (Quit: древесина)
[14:59:13] * BlueTurtl (fff@ has joined
[14:59:18] * BlueTurtle (fff@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:00:02] * BlueTurtl is now known as BlueTurtle
[16:35:30] * ткани (pillar@ has joined
[16:40:46] * ткани (pillar@ Quit (Quit: расходы)
[17:26:03] * BlueTurtl (fff@ has joined
[17:26:36] * BlueTurtle (fff@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:17:31] * BlueTurtl is now known as BlueTurtle
[18:46:50] * горшечник ( has joined
[18:54:58] * горшечник ( Quit (Killed (AnToNiO (We need to go deeper. ©)))
[18:58:38] * вермишель (donkey@ has joined
[18:58:38] * вермишель (donkey@ Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/04/24 18.58))
[19:49:41] * Sikorsky ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:50:02] * Sikorsky ( has joined
[20:10:01] * Молочай прутьевидный (gift@ has joined
[20:10:01] * Молочай прутьевидный (gift@ Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/04/24 20.10))
[20:29:24] * [die] is now known as tont
[23:53:54] * tont is now known as [die]
Query time 0.0029 s