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16 Февраля 2009. Канал #игасу

[00:01:16] <Komapuk> ВСЕМ ПОКА!!!!
[00:01:20] * Komapuk (~KoMaPuLLI@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[00:18:03] * ypy (chelovek@ Quit (Quit: настоящие понты это купить самый большой эвакуатор и эвакуировать эвакуатор который эвакуировал ваш ЭВАКУАТОР)
[00:23:53] <e1win> bb all
[00:25:16] * e1win (e1win@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:30:48] <_Denil_> Sollise, нука спать ((=
[00:41:31] <_Denil_> Ольк
[00:43:25] * С-4 (~pIRCuser4@ has joined
[00:43:32] * С-4 (~pIRCuser4@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:47:40] <Sollise> _Denil_: неть
[00:47:51] <Sollise> че ты меня гонишь?
[00:47:54] <_Denil_> ага
[00:47:59] <Sollise> _Denil_: неть
[00:48:04] <_Denil_> ты меня в друзья добавь
[00:48:07] <Sollise> я че тебе надоела?
[00:48:09] <_Denil_> фкантакте
[00:48:12] <_Denil_> хы
[00:48:16] <_Denil_> да успокойс
[00:48:19] <_Denil_> шучу жэ
[00:48:34] <Sollise> ну найди меня тогда
[00:48:38] <_Denil_> нашел
[00:48:44] <Sollise> еще раз...
[00:48:51] <Sollise> у меня комп издевается
[00:48:52] <_Denil_> седня нашел
[00:48:56] <_Denil_> чойт он?
[00:49:56] <Sollise> а тупит
[00:50:09] <Sollise> у него бывает
[00:50:21] <_Denil_> такая жэ хня
[00:50:27] <_Denil_> винду сносить влом
[00:50:44] <Sollise> недавно переустанавливала
[00:50:56] <_Denil_> в ноябре ставил
[00:51:03] <Sollise> ищи давав
[00:51:09] <Sollise> *давай
[00:51:14] <_Denil_> бери*
[00:51:15] <_Denil_> (=
[00:51:29] <_Denil_> нашел жэ
[00:51:33] <Sollise> не вижу
[00:51:37] <_Denil_> или ты меня найди
[00:51:41] <_Denil_> ник в поиск
[00:51:59] <Sollise> ссылку кинь просто
[00:52:04] <_Denil_> чичас
[00:52:14] <_Denil_>
[00:53:04] <Sollise> усе
[00:54:51] <Sollise> куда ущел?
[00:54:57] <_Denil_> тута
[00:55:01] <_Denil_> фотки смарю
[00:55:03] <Sollise> м?
[00:55:09] <_Denil_> тваи
[00:55:10] <_Denil_> (=
[00:55:17] <Sollise> интересно.......я ж страшная
[00:56:14] <_Denil_> ага
[00:56:22] <_Denil_> я тожэ не Бред Питт
[00:56:25] <_Denil_> (=
[00:56:39] <Sollise> =)
[00:57:07] <Sollise> так, ладно я спать, завтра учиться
[00:57:42] <_Denil_> снофф Ольк
[00:57:49] <Sollise> +)))
[00:57:52] * Sollise (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 3.4.0 Virgo
[01:01:42] * _Denil_ ( has left ()
[02:14:51] * beStiK (~aaggghhrr@ Quit (Quit: всё только начинается...)
[05:13:46] * MoRFai1 (~morfair@ Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[06:32:29] * Беспокоюсь (__________@ has joined
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[06:58:46] * Беспокоюсь (__________@ Quit (Quit: )
[10:23:51] * [M]aster (~pIRCuser4@ has joined
[10:24:16] <[M]aster> !seen _Belka_
[10:24:36] * [M]aster (~pIRCuser4@ Quit (Quit: )
[11:13:53] * Daisy (~oksana_78@ has joined
[11:13:54] * YooKim sets mode: +v Daisy
[11:15:18] * Daisy (~oksana_78@ Quit (Quit: Если вегетерианцы действительно так любят животных, то почему они съедают всю их пищу?)
[11:25:44] * _Denil_ ( has joined
[11:26:02] <_Denil_> утра
[11:26:49] * _Denil_ is now known as _Denil_away
[11:34:27] * _Denil_away is now known as _Denil_универ
[11:52:03] * Беспокоюсь (__________@ has joined
[11:54:24] * Беспокоюсь is now known as gism
[11:56:09] * gism (__________@ Quit (Quit: )
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[13:19:58] * Кодеин-фосфат (__________@ has joined
[13:20:41] * gism (__________@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:21:49] * Кодеин-фосфат is now known as gism
[13:28:46] * _Denil_универ is now known as _Denil_away
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[13:31:11] * gism (__________@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:32:49] * Кодеин-фосфат is now known as gism
[13:40:49] * _Denil_away is now known as _Denil_универ
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[14:09:17] * gism (__________@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[14:22:29] * _Spirit_ЛС (Spirit@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[14:25:10] * blitz (adm@ Quit (Quit: Никто не знает столько, сколько не знаю я...)
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[14:35:18] * _Denil_ is now known as _Denil_away
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[14:49:58] * Кодеин-фосфат (__________@ has joined
[14:51:08] * gism (__________@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:57:29] * _Denil_away is now known as _Denil_универ
[15:02:56] * Кодеин-фосфат (__________@ Quit (Quit: )
[15:04:25] * blitz (adm@ Quit (Quit: Назвался клизмой - полезай в ... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[15:11:21] * beStiK (~aaggghhrr@ has joined
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[15:29:47] * VLADA (~user@ has joined
[15:29:48] * YooKim sets mode: +v VLADA
[15:30:14] <VLADA> Всем привеееет)))
[15:31:07] <VLADA> Куда все делись на этом канале?!
[15:31:14] <VLADA> :-(
[15:32:08] * VLADA (~user@ Quit (Quit: ..мы живём и верим в красоту,видим свет во сне и наяву...)
[15:43:04] * MoRFai1 (~morfair@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:43:05] * _Denil_универ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:43:05] * Neophyte (~kaurich@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:43:05] * Xinata (pIRCuser62@ Quit (Netsplitted)
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[15:55:19] <Xinata> ухт нас тут 2ое
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[16:01:30] * _Denil_ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:01:30] * Neophyte (~kaurich@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:01:30] * Xinata (pIRCuser62@ Quit (Netsplitted)
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[16:35:51] * _Denil_ Michael Jackson - Еarth song
[16:47:21] * Xinata (pIRCuser62@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[17:02:00] * _Denil_ is now known as _Denil_away
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[17:05:13] <e1win> q all
[17:05:16] <e1win> сраная учеба)
[17:05:18] * _Denil_away is now known as _Denil_sleep
[17:05:21] * e1win is now known as e1win|exp
[17:11:30] * _Denil_sleep в бешенстве
[17:17:23] * Komapuk (~KoMaPuLLI@ has joined
[17:18:05] <Komapuk> Всем прУветЬ
[17:20:16] * _Denil_sleep ( Quit (Quit: темномирк:
[17:36:46] * Xinata is now known as Xinata|испарилось
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[17:45:27] * Komapuk (~KoMaPuLLI@ Quit (Quit: пока пока !)
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[18:19:40] * Xinata|испарилось is now known as Xinata
[18:25:10] * gism (__________@ Quit (Quit: )
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[18:59:42] * Аlice (~DTuser9@ Quit (Quit: All greetings and respects to Delta Telecom ISP -
[19:10:55] * Xinata (pIRCuser62@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
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[19:20:00] * Komapuk (~KoMaPuLLI@ Quit (Quit: пока пока !)
[19:28:51] * MoRFai1 (~morfair@ Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[19:32:57] * Neophyte is now known as Neophyte[gone]
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[21:13:25] <_Denil_away> !п иваново
[21:13:33] <_Denil_away> !гороскоп стрелец
[21:13:39] <_Denil_away> !п экибастуз
[21:13:45] <_Denil_away> хуле погода не работает
[21:22:07] * ГАЛЧЕНОК ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[22:58:21] * e1win (e1win@ has joined
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[22:59:40] * e1win (e1win@ Quit (Quit: ДЕРЖИСЬ, САХАРОК, ПАПОЧКУ СЕГОДНЯ ТЯНЕТ НА СЛАДЕНЬКОЕ!!!)
[22:59:40] * e1win|типовой_расчет is now known as e1win
[23:00:23] * beStiK (~aaggghhrr@ has joined
[23:00:45] <ГАЛЧЕНОК> Komapuk, привет
[23:00:57] <Komapuk> « ГАЛЧЕНОК » привет
[23:00:59] <e1win> to » Komapuk не опаздывай завтра
[23:00:59] <e1win> !
[23:01:03] <e1win> иди спать
[23:01:13] <Komapuk> « e1win » не опоздаю
[23:01:21] <e1win> смари нах
[23:01:21] <e1win> )
[23:05:51] * ГАЛЧЕНОК (~Dainty@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:07:11] <e1win> to » Komapuk бб
[23:07:13] <e1win> поду я ща спать
[23:07:19] <e1win> bb all
[23:08:11] * ГАЛЧЕНОК ( has joined
[23:08:13] <Komapuk> « e1win » бб
[23:09:23] * e1win (e1win@ Quit (Quit: ДЕРЖИСЬ, САХАРОК, ПАПОЧКУ СЕГОДНЯ ТЯНЕТ НА СЛАДЕНЬКОЕ!!!)
[23:09:31] <Komapuk> ВСЕМ ПОКА!!!!
[23:09:34] * Komapuk (~KoMaPuLLI@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[23:39:00] * _Sladkaya ( has joined
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[23:52:11] * ГАЛЧЕНОК ( Quit (Quit: jmIrc-m v0.32 by Archangel)
[23:52:48] * ГАЛЧЕНОК ( has joined
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