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28 Апреля 2010. Канал #RadioFunny

[00:32:49] * RusPrizrak (pIRCuser75@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:02:04] * Gizmo (~Gizmo@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[01:28:48] * morda ( has joined
[01:29:16] * morda is now known as [Zloy]Val
[01:32:39] * [Zloy]Val ( Quit (Quit: Жизнь коротка. Говори быстро)
[02:17:06] * DIXSON (~newuser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:25:59] * Guest177130 (lamo@ has left ()
[03:11:29] * одинокая_девченка ( has joined
[03:38:50] * одинокая_девченка ( Quit (Quit: я люблю тебя так сильно и уже не могу без тебя,моё сердце бьется так сильно,когда я обнимаю тебя,а когда ты меня целуешь, я на миг забываю обо всем...)
[03:48:01] * SeaFox (~Fox@ has joined
[04:36:35] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
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[05:15:40] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: АХАХАХХА ЙЙЙЙЙЙУУУУУУХХХХХХ :DDDD)
[05:20:06] * _ninja_ ( Quit (Quit: Да пошли вы в Ананас!!!!)
[05:21:55] <~Klik~> !викторина
[05:22:08] <~Klik~> !п Красноярск
[05:31:03] * Витя ( Quit (Excess Flood)
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[05:46:33] * ~Klik~ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:50:49] * Лямурчик ( has joined
[05:52:46] * Ch_DavRin (~newuser@ Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает)
[05:55:30] * saLt (~pIRCuser5@ has joined
[06:12:27] * _aLeX_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
[06:19:02] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
[06:19:10] * _aLeX_ УшЕл ОтМаЗкА: прижать губы к фильтру
[06:19:10] * _aLeX_ is now known as _aLeX_|away
[06:24:41] * SeaFox (~Fox@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:25:43] * ZuluS_ is now known as ZuluS_|away
[06:28:12] * _aLeX_|away is now known as _aLeX_
[06:28:12] * _aLeX_ ВеРнУлСя: оТсУтСтВоВаЛ 9мин. 3сек. (Причина: прижать губы к фильтру)
[06:43:34] * ZuluS_|away is now known as ZuluS_
[06:54:58] * _aLeX_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: )
[07:21:34] * RusPrizrak (pIRCuser75@ has joined
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[07:23:16] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Я юзаю самый реальный скрипт ==>> StimScript 3.5 <<== Скачай с .)
[07:30:37] * Лямурчик ( Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[08:07:51] * снежЁк ( has joined
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[08:20:12] * IIAPOBOZZZ (~iiapobozz@ has joined
[08:24:37] <IIAPOBOZZZ> !викторина
[08:24:52] <IIAPOBOZZZ> !вопрос
[08:24:57] * Sikonda (~pIRCuser8@ has joined
[08:25:03] <IIAPOBOZZZ> !Ёвикторина
[08:25:06] <IIAPOBOZZZ> !викторина
[08:25:08] <IIAPOBOZZZ> !викторина
[08:25:08] <IIAPOBOZZZ> !викторина
[08:25:09] <IIAPOBOZZZ> !викторина
[08:25:09] <IIAPOBOZZZ> !викторина
[08:28:25] * IIAPOBOZZZ СлУхАеТ «( Баста под куполом )»-*-«( :19/04:14 )»-*-«( Другой стиль )»
[08:29:27] * ^KURT^ (www.jrsx.r@ has joined
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[08:48:25] * IIAPOBOZZZ СлУхАеТ «( RP a.k.a Rap Pro feat. Рома Жиган - Мои демо )»-*-«( :02/03:34 )»-*-«( Другой стиль )»
[09:02:44] * хичкок ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[15:41:39] * * changes topic to '(R)(@)(d)(i)(o)(F)(u)(n)(n)(y) > Внутренний: > || Внешний: || Список всех каналов вещания: !Слушать '
[15:41:45] * * changes topic to '(R)(@)(d)(i)(o)(F)(u)(n)(n)(y) > Внутренний: > || Внешний: || Список всех каналов вещания: !Слушать '
[15:45:14] * brittie (~brittie@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:50:05] * Stassя ( Quit (Quit: .....НууХууЙййзнает.....)
[15:50:57] * bhabiibrOnie_Bhubs (~bhabiibrO@ has joined
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[16:11:02] * Витя ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[16:31:47] * afternoon ( has joined
[16:34:08] * SeaFox (~Fox@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[16:40:01] * Зайкуля is now known as Зайкуля|занята
[16:50:34] * SeaFox (~Fox@ has joined
[16:52:02] * MICKY ( Quit (Quit: В жизни нет хеппиэнда, веселись сейчас!)
[16:52:58] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
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[16:57:04] * Казявулька ( Quit (Quit: покидание)
[17:04:10] * IIAPOBOZZZ (~iiapobozz@ Quit (Quit: Одна девочка имела счастье. Счастье тоже в долгу не осталось... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[17:12:44] * Guest10583 (none@ has joined
[17:14:29] <Guest10583> !40
[17:15:43] <Guest10583> !40
[17:15:48] <Guest10583> что за х
[17:15:52] <Guest10583> ...
[17:16:10] <Guest10583> !40
[17:22:38] * пуся ( has joined
[17:24:13] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: АХАХАХХА ЙЙЙЙЙЙУУУУУУХХХХХХ :DDDD)
[17:26:23] * Ch_DavRin (~newuser@ has joined
[17:27:35] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Я юзаю самый реальный скрипт ==>> StimScript 3.5 <<== Скачай с .)
[17:30:38] * __Nikitos__ ( has joined
[17:33:53] * _КуКлА_ (~Sladka_96@ has joined
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[17:42:55] <saLt> !слушать
[17:44:39] * Stanidir|x_x (pIRCuser63@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:54:33] * SeaFox (~Fox@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[18:13:11] * Stanidir|x_x (pIRCuser63@ has joined
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[18:37:32] * IFBB ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:40:13] * _КуКлА_ (~Sladka_96@ Quit (Quit: ...NarKoMan's Script v.51...)
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[18:46:44] * San`Qa~ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[18:56:49] * _4ереп_ ( Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает)
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[18:57:00] * Маразматик is now known as Лентяй
[18:57:07] * __Nikitos__|away is now known as __Nikitos__
[18:57:39] * Ch_DavRin (~newuser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:59:57] * MICKY ( Quit (Quit: В жизни нет хеппиэнда, веселись сейчас!)
[19:01:28] * Зайкуля is now known as Зайкуля|упрыгала
[19:03:46] * КАТЯ24 ( has joined
[19:04:23] * КАТЯ24 <:><:><:> Претик всем !!! <:><:><:>
[19:06:20] * __Nikitos__ ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[19:10:09] * Guest177130 (~lamo@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[19:13:09] * Gor (~kvirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:14:41] * [djOnic] (~newuser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:15:02] * {Tony} ( Quit (Quit: What the fuck is going on?)
[19:15:20] * Vickhan (~1@ Quit (Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.35 от yXo ** **)
[19:16:23] * КАТЯ24 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:20:40] * ИвановскийМальчег (region37@ has joined
[19:21:12] * Лентяй is now known as Адекват
[19:22:06] <ИвановскийМальчег> всем вечер!!
[19:22:26] * ИвановскийМальчег Абнимаю всех незамужних деффачег канала!!!!!)
[19:23:11] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: АХАХАХХА ЙЙЙЙЙЙУУУУУУХХХХХХ :DDDD)
[19:23:42] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
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[19:24:41] * Belosnegka (newuser@ has joined
[19:35:18] * Каря ( Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
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[19:38:54] * пуся ( Quit (Quit: )
[19:41:54] * bhabiibrOnie_Bhubs (~bhabiibrO@ Quit (Client closed connection)
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[19:50:18] * ИвановскийМальчег Щитает бабки за сдачу в аренду чуркам тела Лисёнка
[19:50:24] <ИвановскийМальчег> бгггг
[19:50:37] <ИвановскийМальчег> не туда)))
[19:52:00] * SeaFox (~Fox@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:58:50] * Дух_времени ( has joined
[19:59:33] * __Wild DeviL__ ( Quit (Quit: not a legal street racing club Krasnoyarsk)
[20:01:21] * Каря ( Quit (Excess Flood)
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[20:11:37] * Зайкуля|упрыгала ( Quit (Quit: Существует интересная народная примета, что нельзя смотреться в зеркало, когда ешь - счастье свое проешь. И когда пьешь - пропьешь. А в туалете лучше вообще зеркало не вешать...)
[20:12:05] * ]I[uxap_ (~W@ has joined
[20:17:12] * Би_Надя19 (~456@ has joined
[20:20:52] * Би_Надя19 -=* Прет народ, как делы ваши ??? *=- :-{}
[20:24:59] * ИвановскийМальчег полапал Би_Надя19
[20:25:13] <Би_Надя19> » ИвановскийМальчег » :)
[20:25:30] <ИвановскийМальчег> мякинькая)
[20:34:44] * Би_Надя19 (~456@ Quit (Quit: Ну выпил литр, ну два, ну три, но нажираться то зачем? Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 9.! CкАчАй с :)
[20:36:27] * pIRCuser21 ( has joined
[20:36:53] * Phoenix (Phoenix@ Quit (Quit: )
[20:36:59] <pIRCuser21> !Want *
[20:37:46] * Лямурчик ( Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[20:37:59] <pIRCuser21> !Want *
[20:38:19] <pIRCuser21> !Trance
[20:38:21] * grom~ (newuser@ has joined
[20:39:05] <pIRCuser21> !Rap
[20:40:44] * Каря ( Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[20:40:49] <pIRCuser21> !Want *
[20:44:18] * pIRCuser21 ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[20:44:35] * ИвановскийМальчег (region37@ has left ()
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[20:47:31] <pIRCuser21> !Want *
[20:48:08] <pIRCuser21> !слушать
[20:48:19] <pIRCuser21> !Слушать
[20:50:10] * pIRCuser21 ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
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[20:50:39] <pIRCuser21> !Want *
[20:51:05] <pIRCuser21> !Rap
[20:51:32] * grom~ (newuser@ Quit (Quit: пока вы спите котз танцуют джагу джагу -->(( evGeSha lox )) раб мой ;DD)
[20:56:57] * afternoon ( Quit (Quit: Заклинания и молитвы работают только у тех, кто живет лицензионную версию жизни.)
[20:57:35] * Адекват (pIRCuser63@ Quit (Quit: C'est la vie, mais parfois il me semble que la mort vaut mieux)
[21:02:23] * _Jesus (~newuser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:05:26] * {Tony} ( has joined
[21:06:05] * {Tony} ( Quit (Quit: Возможны любые чудеса - надо только уметь верить, надо только уметь слушать...)
[21:06:07] * {Tony} ( has joined
[21:09:28] * _марина_ ( Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает)
[21:10:14] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: АХАХАХХА ЙЙЙЙЙЙУУУУУУХХХХХХ :DDDD)
[21:12:22] * КукушОнок ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:17:50] <pIRCuser21> !40
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[22:00:50] * Sikonda (~pIRCuser8@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[22:19:14] * k_E_N_S_H_I_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Я юзаю самый реальный скрипт ==>> StimScript 3.0 <<== Скачай с .)
[22:23:32] * Belosnegka (newuser@ Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает)
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[22:33:32] * ]I[uxap_ (~W@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:46:44] * __Nikitos__ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:49:54] * pIRCuser21 ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[23:01:28] * {Tony} ( Quit (Quit: Возможны любые чудеса - надо только уметь верить, надо только уметь слушать...)
[23:03:41] * IFBB ( Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.3 Shiny(svn-3155)
[23:05:48] <Штурмбанфюрер> !топ
[23:06:03] <Штурмбанфюрер> !викторина
[23:06:13] <Штурмбанфюрер> джин
[23:06:32] <Штурмбанфюрер> обносок
[23:06:38] <Штурмбанфюрер> обноска
[23:07:10] * RK3UWE (UA3UTN@ has joined
[23:07:12] * UA3UTN (UA3UTN@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:07:23] * Final ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:07:27] <Штурмбанфюрер> органщик
[23:08:11] * RK3UWE is now known as UA3UTN
[23:17:49] * he_is_boy (~he_is_boy@ has joined
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[23:34:48] * Дух_времени ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:35:21] * КАТЯ24 ( has joined
[23:40:12] * RusPrizrak (pIRCuser75@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:42:42] * КАТЯ24 °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ДоБрОй ноЧи °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
[23:48:14] * RusPrizrak (pIRCuser75@ has joined
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[23:48:43] * __Nikitos__ ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
Query time 0.1018 s