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13 Августа 2015. Канал #romantic

[00:00:52] * sentinel (~AndChat123321@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
[00:06:48] * Kristinka (~hjku@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[00:14:17] * syrix нюхает сигарету
[00:17:15] * Luke пускает клубы пара
[00:18:24] * лобстер (~google2015@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:21:22] * лобстер (~google2015@ has joined
[00:22:23] * лобстер is now known as Guest379
[00:33:35] * ДРУГАЯ (~Fronova95@ has joined
[00:33:37] * YooKim sets mode: +v ДРУГАЯ
[00:45:38] * ДРУГАЯ (~Fronova95@ Quit (Quit: Тише едешь - не приедешь! Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[00:49:50] * машенька (~ZUser@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:50:08] * Luke ( Quit (Quit: Papa Joe)
[01:00:41] * Guest379 is now known as лобстер
[01:26:32] * фруктовая (~AndChat622356@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
[02:36:22] * syrix (~syrix@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:37:15] * Ёжик (~rio@ Quit (Quit: Ёжик :))
[02:44:11] * sets mode: +v КриСкаКиСка|AwAy
[02:44:11] * sets mode: +v Drema|away
[03:05:05] * Nord (~svsdv@ Quit (Quit: Никогда лицо мужчины не бывает таким сосредоточенным и одухотворенным как при выборе порнухи. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 9.! CкАчАй с :)
[03:13:01] * d^^b ( has joined
[03:39:00] * LuTeR ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[03:57:57] * d^^b ( Quit (Quit: хуй меня сломишь! Жизнь хороша!)
[03:58:12] * лобстер (~google2015@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:11:52] * Deadly_Mortal (~Death@ Quit (Quit: Прими же мой тёмный дар, отведав нечистую кровь, станешь такой же как я, единый с ночью и тьмой)
[04:12:41] * Deadly_Mortal (~Death@ has joined
[04:17:15] * Чюдо (~kvirc@ has joined
[04:17:17] * YooKim sets mode: +v Чюдо
[04:32:12] * мыф ( has joined
[04:32:13] * YooKim sets mode: +v мыф
[05:20:40] * соляра (~la@ has joined
[05:20:40] * ChanServ sets mode: +v соляра
[05:20:41] * YooKim sets mode: +v соляра
[05:20:44] * соляра is now known as соляра_OFF
[05:53:51] * DOZOR (~dozor@ has joined
[06:01:36] * вктрка ( has joined
[06:01:37] * YooKim sets mode: +v вктрка
[06:08:25] * DOZOR (~dozor@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
[06:12:06] * enot|aw is now known as enot
[06:41:37] * машенька (~ZUser@ has joined
[06:41:39] * YooKim sets mode: +v машенька
[06:59:26] * соляра_OFF is now known as соляра
[07:02:21] * соляра is now known as соляра_OFF
[07:05:29] * PlanetaLeto (~AndChat464025@ has joined
[07:05:31] * YooKim sets mode: +v PlanetaLeto
[07:05:44] * соляра_OFF is now known as соляра
[07:06:57] * соляра is now known as соляра_OFF
[07:11:14] * sm666 ( has joined
[07:13:11] * sm666 ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)
[07:18:50] * PlanetaLeto (~AndChat464025@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:46:28] * машенька (~ZUser@ Quit (Quit: )
[08:03:56] * Eugine-x ( has joined
[08:07:41] * Mint (rose@ has joined
[08:07:42] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[08:09:56] * Озарница (~Olga@ has joined
[08:09:57] * YooKim sets mode: +v Озарница
[08:10:30] * Kristinka (~hjku@ has joined
[08:10:32] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka
[08:24:32] * enot погладил вктрка
[08:32:14] * КриСкаКиСка (~maks8588@ has joined
[08:32:15] * YooKim sets mode: +v КриСкаКиСка
[08:32:15] * xwm_plooT ( Quit (Quit: work work)
[08:37:44] * Михас (Hawk@ has joined
[08:50:04] * PlanetaLeto (~AndChat464025@ has joined
[08:50:06] * YooKim sets mode: +v PlanetaLeto
[08:50:40] * PlanetaLeto (~AndChat464025@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
[08:54:37] * enot погладил КриСкаКиСка
[09:07:17] * Kristinka отсыпала малёк КриСкаКиСка
[09:08:02] * Kristinka (~hjku@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[09:11:11] * фруктовая (~AndChat622356@ has joined
[09:11:13] * YooKim sets mode: +v фруктовая
[09:13:58] * мыф ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:26:07] * Течкин (~Cyber@ has joined
[09:30:56] * allneva_is_a_man (~KKV@ has joined
[09:31:34] * allneva_is_a_man is now known as allneva
[09:31:55] * Михас (Hawk@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[09:34:03] * _DoN_ (~don@ has joined
[09:40:53] * Течкин фапает на КриСкаКиСка
[09:44:27] * Kristinka (~hjku@ has joined
[09:44:30] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka
[09:45:12] * фруктовая is now known as Вишня
[09:46:15] * iliy-w (pll@ has joined
[09:48:46] * КриСкаКиСка is now known as КиСкИнЕт
[09:50:05] * Течкин Слушает «( Алексин - Страшная )»-*-«(00:27/04:05 )»-*-«(Другой стиль )»
[09:50:26] * Течкин Слушает «( F.P.G. - Сучка )»-*-«(00:06/01:44 )»-*-«(Другой стиль )»
[09:50:31] * enot слушает: Rednex – Cotton eye Joe
[09:54:46] * Течкин was kicked by YooKim (Вот и договорились, предупреждали, теперь досвидания :) до встречи! :bwcount: #9733 :)
[09:54:47] * Течкин (~Cyber@ has joined
[09:54:57] * YooKim sets mode: +b *!*Cyber@
[09:54:57] * Течкин was kicked by YooKim (Вот и договорились, предупреждали, теперь досвидания :) до встречи! :bwcount: #9734 :)
[09:57:49] * Вишня (~AndChat622356@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:58:31] * фруктовая (~AndChat622356@ has joined
[09:58:32] * YooKim sets mode: +v фруктовая
[09:58:48] * лобстер (~google2015@ has joined
[09:59:51] * лобстер is now known as Guest390
[10:01:19] * Guest390 is now known as лобстер
[10:01:40] * фруктовая is now known as Вишня
[10:04:27] * Вишня пожала лапу allneva
[10:04:54] * сисурити (~fcz@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:05:16] * сисурити (~fcz@ has joined
[10:05:37] * enot налил для Mint валерьянки
[10:06:51] * allneva разглядывает свою руку в каком месте она лапа
[10:08:40] * ПипеЦ (...@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:15:43] * allneva was kicked by YooKim (Вот и договорились, предупреждали, теперь досвидания :) до встречи! :bwcount: #9735 :)
[10:17:00] * enot обливает холодной водой Вишня
[10:17:21] * Mint обливает кошачьей мочой enot
[10:18:41] * лобстер налил водой презерватив и кинул с 7ого этажа в прохожего
[10:27:18] * PlanetaLeto (~AndChat464025@ has joined
[10:27:19] * YooKim sets mode: +v PlanetaLeto
[10:40:52] * Чюдо утопала оформлять пенсию
[10:45:32] * Озарница (~Olga@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[10:45:49] * LuTeR (~luter@ has joined
[10:47:52] * PlanetaLeto (~AndChat464025@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
[10:51:12] * LuTeR (~luter@ Quit (Quit: я видел как плачет антон....)
[10:55:01] * YooKim sets mode: -b *!*Cyber@
[10:56:15] * _DoN_ (~don@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:59:46] * LuTeR (~luter@ has joined
[10:59:56] * мыф ( has joined
[10:59:57] * YooKim sets mode: +v мыф
[11:01:47] * лобстер KSHMR/VASKI/FRANCISCA HALL - Lazer Love (Record Mix) @ [03:10/00:00]
[11:03:16] * _DoN_ (~don@ has joined
[11:05:12] * Luna пощекотала LuTeR
[11:05:17] * LuTeR патирибил ЛУна
[11:05:24] * Luke ( has joined
[11:12:35] * Alumin (alko@ has joined
[11:13:22] * _DoN_ (~don@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:14:36] * Alumin (alko@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
[11:18:15] * _DoN_ (~don@ has joined
[11:21:31] * Ёжик (~rio@ has joined
[11:23:13] * Eugine-x ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:27:18] * Wit (~wit@ has joined
[11:33:38] * соляра_OFF is now known as маЛЬвинки
[11:35:44] * Luke ( Quit (Quit: Papa Joe)
[11:48:37] * Михас (Hawk@ has joined
[11:50:30] * Eugine-x (~Miranda@ has joined
[11:57:58] * d^^b ( has joined
[11:58:18] * d^^b •"""•"""•"""•"""•"""•""" ВсЕм Приветы"""•"""•"""•"""•"""•"""
[12:00:00] * _DoN_ (~don@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:01:09] * xwm_plooT ( has joined
[12:06:52] * КиСкИнЕт is now known as КриСкаКиСка
[12:06:52] * ПипеЦ (...@ has joined
[12:12:44] * _DoN_ (~don@ has joined
[12:23:47] * Alumin (alko@ has joined
[12:29:14] * Вишня (~AndChat622356@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
[12:31:07] * PlanetaLeto (~AndChat464025@ has joined
[12:31:08] * YooKim sets mode: +v PlanetaLeto
[12:32:04] * PlanetaLeto (~AndChat464025@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
[12:36:31] * _DoN_ (~don@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:37:10] * Alumin (alko@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
[12:40:26] * Kristinka was kicked by YooKim (Интересно и почему девушки никогда не читают что им говорят, пришло время сходить на кухню и подумать! :bwcount: #9736 :)
[12:40:31] * Kristinka (~hjku@ has joined
[12:40:32] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka
[12:41:27] * _DoN_ (~don@ has joined
[12:43:16] * xwm_plooT ( Quit (Quit: 66)
[12:46:39] * just-me (~just-me@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:51:36] * just-me (~just-me@ has joined
[12:53:23] * Озарница (~Olga@ has joined
[12:53:24] * YooKim sets mode: +v Озарница
[12:57:45] * _DoN_ (~don@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:00:25] * КриСкаКиСка (~maks8588@ Quit (Quit: счастливо ребят, рада была с вами побыть))
[13:05:24] * _DoN_ (~don@ has joined
[13:17:07] * just-me (~just-me@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:18:52] * just-me (~just-me@ has joined
[13:23:35] * Leksi ( has joined
[13:25:23] * мыф ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:25:36] * Nord (~svsdv@ has joined
[13:25:49] * Leksi is now known as мыф
[13:25:50] * YooKim sets mode: +v мыф
[13:42:44] * just-me (~just-me@ Quit (Quit: :))
[13:49:29] * xwm_plooT ( has joined
[13:52:50] * _DoN_ (~don@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:59:34] * Luke (~Yar@ has joined
[14:03:50] * _DoN_ (~don@ has joined
[14:19:37] * PlanetaLeto (~AndChat464025@ has joined
[14:19:39] * YooKim sets mode: +v PlanetaLeto
[14:21:19] * LuTeR (~luter@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:21:33] * LuTeR (~luter@ has joined
[14:22:45] * Quick_X (~cataract@ has joined
[14:23:42] * Михас (Hawk@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[14:24:19] * PlanetaLeto (~AndChat464025@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
[14:28:06] * _DoN_ (~don@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:28:34] * Alumin (alko@ has joined
[14:32:22] * Alumin (alko@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
[14:43:05] * пых^пых ( has joined
[14:43:48] * _DoN_ (~don@ has joined
[14:49:56] * пых^пых ( Quit (Quit: jmIrc-m v0.35 by Archangel (Hamper Mod) (
[14:55:36] * фруктовая (~AndChat622356@ has joined
[14:55:38] * YooKim sets mode: +v фруктовая
[14:58:46] * фруктовая is now known as Вишня|готовлю
[15:04:56] * enot is now known as enot|aw
[15:18:36] * Wit (~wit@ Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
[15:24:40] * Чюдо зажмурилась
[15:28:56] * Luna подмигнула LuTeR.
[15:29:31] * LuTeR очаровал Luna
[15:29:43] * Trollface[wrk] погладил Luna
[15:35:19] * Вишня|готовлю (~AndChat622356@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:35:41] * фруктовая (~AndChat622356@ has joined
[15:35:43] * YooKim sets mode: +v фруктовая
[15:36:32] * _DoN_ (~don@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:37:37] * фруктовая (~AndChat622356@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
[15:37:45] * Alumin (alko@ has joined
[15:40:39] * Alumin (alko@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
[15:53:27] * _DoN_ (~don@ has joined
[15:59:24] * d^^b ( Quit (Quit: хуй меня сломишь! Жизнь хороша!)
[16:02:43] * Wit (~wit@ has joined
[16:13:28] * Kristinka (~hjku@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[16:13:36] * Ксюшка (~user@ has joined
[16:13:37] * YooKim sets mode: +v Ксюшка
[16:18:51] * enot|aw is now known as enot
[16:20:06] * Abuse ( has joined
[16:20:06] * Abuse ( has left (^_^)
[16:22:04] * ПипеЦ (...@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:29:46] * _DoN_ (~don@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:30:37] * syrix (~syrix@ has joined
[16:31:07] * Quick_X (~cataract@ Quit (Quit: Bravery. It's what defines us.)
[16:33:40] * syrix (~syrix@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:41:37] * лобстер (~google2015@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:41:37] * Mint (rose@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:44:06] * пых^пых ( has joined
[16:54:04] * allneva_is_a_man (~KKV@ has joined
[16:54:20] * allneva_is_a_man is now known as allneva
[16:58:14] * _DoN_ (~don@ has joined
[16:59:40] * Deadly_Mortal (~Death@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[17:06:14] * Mint (rose@ has joined
[17:06:16] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[17:09:33] * соляра ( has joined
[17:09:33] * ChanServ sets mode: +v соляра
[17:09:34] * YooKim sets mode: +v соляра
[17:12:58] * Ксюшка (~user@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:13:35] * Wit рад видеть прекрасную соляра и приветствует ее на этом канале
[17:13:43] * Wit утащил соляра в уголок и полюбил
[17:19:07] * allneva_is_a_man (~KKV@ has joined
[17:20:48] * allneva (~KKV@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:20:52] * allneva_is_a_man is now known as allneva
[17:21:51] * LuTeR (~luter@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:23:06] * Wit налил соляра чашку чая
[17:24:18] * allneva угостил соляра печенькой
[17:25:03] * соляра угостила всех сливами и помидорками )
[17:26:02] * соляра is now known as _OFF_
[17:34:09] * allneva (~KKV@ Quit (Quit: До свидания. Я вернусь.)
[17:34:26] * wall-e (~KKV-allneva@ has joined
[17:57:44] * Чюдо спряталась за Люка
[18:00:19] * iliy-w (pll@ Quit (Quit: поке \ BB)
[18:08:58] * Озарница (~Olga@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[18:14:50] * LuTeR (~luter@ has joined
[18:15:15] * _DoN_ (~don@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:17:58] * Ermoha (~x3User10795@ has joined
[18:18:35] * Ermoha (~x3User10795@ Quit (Quit: x3irc 7 client -
[18:18:41] * Ermoha (x3User10795@ has joined
[18:20:52] * ПипеЦ (...@ has joined
[18:28:25] * Ermoha (x3User10795@ Quit (Quit: x3irc 7 client -
[18:31:09] * Ermoha (Ermoha@ has joined
[18:46:09] * ядерный_апельсин (~NUser@ has joined
[18:48:57] * allneva|2 (~KKV-allneva@ has joined
[18:49:05] * allneva|2 (~KKV-allneva@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:57:05] * Озарница (~Olga@ has joined
[18:57:06] * YooKim sets mode: +v Озарница
[18:57:16] * Wit рад видеть прекрасную Озарница и приветствует ее на этом канале
[19:02:04] * _OFF_ is now known as соляра
[19:02:47] * Ermoha (Ermoha@ Quit (Quit: )
[19:03:16] * Ermoha (Ermoha@ has joined
[19:04:35] * Ermoha (Ermoha@ Quit (Quit: )
[19:07:26] * Ermoha (Ermoha@ has joined
[19:07:33] * Ermoha (Ermoha@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[19:07:39] * Ermoha (Ermoha@ has joined
[19:11:02] * PlanetaLeto (~AndChat464025@ has joined
[19:11:05] * YooKim sets mode: +v PlanetaLeto
[19:14:27] * syrix (~syrix@ has joined
[19:14:51] * PlanetaLeto (~AndChat464025@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
[19:16:07] * Sasha (XXX@ has joined
[19:17:56] * фруктовая (~AndChat622356@ has joined
[19:17:58] * YooKim sets mode: +v фруктовая
[19:19:04] * мыф ( Quit (Quit: усе птЫчка улЫтучЫлася)
[19:21:33] * ядерный_апельсин (~NUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:24:34] * ядерный_апельсин (~NUser@ has joined
[19:25:13] * Wit утащил соляра в уголок и полюбил
[19:25:41] * соляра наконец то полюбилась ))))))))))))))))))))0
[19:28:54] * wall-e (~KKV-allneva@ Quit (Quit: До свидания. Я вернусь.)
[19:36:44] * соляра напихала до самой жопы в рот помидор LuTeR: - еш9ь. . ой прости - жри . .и радуйся жизни !
[19:39:06] * соляра отвезла коляску с лютером в палату .. .
[19:41:38] * Ледяное_Сердце (~love@ has joined
[19:41:42] * Ледяное_Сердце (~love@ has left ()
[19:42:29] * ядерный_апельсин (~NUser@ Quit (Quit: Брюссельская капуста - доллар в Бельгии. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 9.! CкАчАй с :)
[19:45:40] * фруктовая (~AndChat622356@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
[19:46:26] * соляра is now known as _OFF_
[19:48:20] * LuTeR сделал тук-тук в _OFF_
[19:51:26] * Alumin (alko@ has joined
[19:51:34] * вктрка ( Quit (Quit: )
[19:54:03] * _OFF_ is now known as соляра
[19:55:01] * соляра is now known as _OFF_
[19:55:08] * Озарница (~Olga@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[19:55:21] * машенька (~ZUser@ has joined
[19:55:23] * YooKim sets mode: +v машенька
[19:55:33] * Ermoha отошел (autoaway после 30 минут ожидания)
[19:55:33] * Ermoha is now known as Ermoha|away
[19:56:36] * Luke (~Yar@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[20:03:19] * Серебряный_рыцарь ( has joined
[20:05:21] * Серебряный_рыцарь дарит Mint синюю розу @}-`-,---
[20:07:32] * _OFF_ is now known as соляра
[20:10:29] * Alumin (alko@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
[20:10:49] * Wit прижался к нежной соляра и поцеловал ее в щечку
[20:12:36] * Озарница (~Olga@ has joined
[20:12:38] * YooKim sets mode: +v Озарница
[20:12:53] * соляра is now known as _OFF_
[20:15:09] * _OFF_ ( Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[20:19:07] * Eugine-x (~Miranda@ Quit (Quit: У правды интонация одна (C) Eugine-x)
[20:23:34] * Ermoha|away (Ermoha@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:34:10] * Wit (~wit@ Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
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[20:58:48] * syrix зевает
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[21:52:47] * сисурити was kicked by YooKim (Вот и договорились, предупреждали, теперь досвидания :) до встречи! :bwcount: #9739 :)
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[22:15:06] * Trollface погладил Озарница
[22:15:30] * Trollface потеребонькал машенька
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[22:20:16] * Trollface погладил машенька
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[22:25:54] * Alumin (alko@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
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[23:39:40] * лобстер Gareth Emery - Huracan - Radio Edit [03:16/00:00]
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Query time 0.0236 s