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26 Сентября 2020. Канал #romantic

[00:05:28] * Roo ( has joined
[00:08:22] * Толстячок (NarkooUser@ Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[00:09:16] * Толстячок (hawk@ has joined
[00:09:50] * Толстячок (hawk@ Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[00:10:23] * Толстячок (hawk@ has joined
[00:10:46] * Толстячок (hawk@ Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[00:18:12] * Roo ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[02:11:05] * sets mode: +v Буковка[офф]
[02:11:33] * sets mode: +v ksandra369
[02:19:01] * Russian_Girl{off} (depeche_mode@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:19:01] * КриСкаКиСка (maks8588@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:19:01] * CA6OTEP (baaanzai@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:22:02] * сисурити (~fwefwe@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:22:02] * BlueTurtle (~fff@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:22:02] * Rain ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:22:03] * Luna ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:22:03] * _Ёжик_ (ezhik@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:22:03] * нет ни кого ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:22:03] * log ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:27:09] * sets mode: +v Буковка[офф]
[02:27:36] * sets mode: +v ksandra369
[02:43:02] * Morfein (Max@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:43:02] * _bf`0ff ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:43:02] * ^A^ ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:43:02] * ADM[psybnc] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:43:02] * Guest4275 ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:43:02] * Hawk sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[02:43:02] * Буковка[офф] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
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[03:51:03] * sets mode: +v Буковка[офф]
[03:51:08] * YooKim sets mode: +v Буковка[офф]
[03:51:16] * log ( has joined
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[03:51:35] * sets mode: +v ksandra369
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[03:52:29] * ^A^ ( has joined
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[03:52:29] * Morfein (Max@ has joined
[04:35:37] * sets mode: +v Буковка[офф]
[05:58:35] * Russian_Girl{off} (depeche_mode@ has joined
[05:58:35] * КриСкаКиСка (maks8588@ has joined
[05:58:35] * CA6OTEP (baaanzai@ has joined
[05:58:35] * sets mode: +v Russian_Girl{off}
[05:58:35] * sets mode: +v КриСкаКиСка
[05:58:38] * YooKim sets mode: +v Russian_Girl{off}
[05:58:38] * YooKim sets mode: +v КриСкаКиСка
[06:35:35] * sets mode: +v ksandra369
[11:16:39] * сисурити (~fwefwe@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:28:05] * sets mode: +v Буковка[офф]
[13:40:54] * золотоискатель ( has joined
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[13:46:09] * sets mode: +v Буковка[офф]
[13:46:09] * sets mode: +v ksandra369
[13:51:49] * sets mode: +v Luna
[13:55:00] * Russian_Girl{off} (depeche_mode@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[13:55:00] * КриСкаКиСка (maks8588@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[13:55:00] * CA6OTEP (baaanzai@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[14:21:10] * sets mode: +v Буковка[офф]
[14:31:14] * Russian_Girl{off} (depeche_mode@ has joined
[14:31:14] * КриСкаКиСка (maks8588@ has joined
[14:31:14] * CA6OTEP (baaanzai@ has joined
[14:31:14] * sets mode: +v Russian_Girl{off}
[14:31:14] * sets mode: +v КриСкаКиСка
[14:31:16] * YooKim sets mode: +v Russian_Girl{off}
[14:31:16] * YooKim sets mode: +v КриСкаКиСка
[15:21:36] * sets mode: +v Буковка[офф]
[15:31:01] * Russian_Girl{off} (depeche_mode@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:31:01] * КриСкаКиСка (maks8588@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:31:01] * CA6OTEP (baaanzai@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[17:40:11] * Russian_Girl{off} (depeche_mode@ has joined
[17:40:11] * КриСкаКиСка (maks8588@ has joined
[17:40:11] * CA6OTEP (baaanzai@ has joined
[17:40:11] * sets mode: +v Russian_Girl{off}
[17:40:11] * sets mode: +v КриСкаКиСка
[17:40:13] * YooKim sets mode: +v Russian_Girl{off}
[17:40:13] * YooKim sets mode: +v КриСкаКиСка
[17:44:38] * sets mode: +v Буковка[офф]
[17:52:38] * sets mode: +v ksandra369
[17:56:04] * sets mode: +v Russian_Girl{off}
[17:56:04] * sets mode: +v КриСкаКиСка
[18:57:42] * sets mode: +v ksandra369
[19:43:14] * BlueTurtl (~fff@ has joined
[19:44:13] * BlueTurtle (~fff@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:12:01] * Ke (~kvirc@ has joined
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[21:07:52] * Ke (~kvirc@ has joined
[21:24:11] * sets mode: +v Буковка[офф]
[21:24:37] * sets mode: +v Luna
[21:24:55] * TipaZloy (~TipaZloy@ has joined
[21:25:23] <TipaZloy> привет почему у меня русский текст каракулями весь?
[21:25:43] <TipaZloy> сто лет назад последний раз использовал мирк и уже тупо не помню как это решать
[21:25:46] <TipaZloy> :(
[21:26:11] <TipaZloy> ну топик так точно каракулями...
[21:26:20] <TipaZloy> есть ли тут кто живой вот в чем вопрос...
[21:28:40] <TipaZloy> эх... видимо никого и нет. А жаль :(
[21:36:35] <Ke> TipaZloy: Иди отсюда.
[21:44:23] * _bf`0ff ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:44:51] * ^A^ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:54:45] * TipaZloy (~TipaZloy@ Quit (Quit: )
[21:56:15] * Ke (~kvirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:56:30] * sets mode: +v Russian_Girl{off}
[21:56:30] * sets mode: +v КриСкаКиСка
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[23:05:38] * webguy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:08:14] * sets mode: +v Russian_Girl{off}
[23:08:14] * sets mode: +v КриСкаКиСка
[23:11:26] * webguy ( has joined
[23:31:56] * Ke (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria
Query time 0.076 s