IRC логи каналов.

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3 Ноября 2008. Канал #seen

[00:00:20] * tont is now known as Фараон
[00:06:52] * rave (~admin@ Quit (Write Error: Broken pipe)
[00:16:27] * Ari0n ( has joined
[00:16:47] <Ari0n> !seen *!*@
[00:25:52] * BauBle|so_cool (_______@ has joined
[00:25:57] <BauBle|so_cool> Hello!
[00:26:00] <BauBle|so_cool> !seen d0LBOYbo_O
[00:26:18] <BauBle|so_cool> !выследить d0LBOYbo_O
[00:26:18] * Fedya :: BauBle|so_cool присматривается к следам на земле...
[00:26:19] * ZuZu :: BauBle|so_cool присматривается к следам на земле...
[00:31:41] <BauBle|so_cool> ну всё, пора уходить!
[00:31:41] * BauBle|so_cool (_______@ has left ()
[00:40:19] * Sebastian ушел: Автоaway после 60 минут молчания.
[00:40:19] * Sebastian is now known as Sebastian|away
[00:42:25] * Диманыч ( has joined
[00:43:23] <Диманыч> !seen ежевичка
[00:44:35] * Диманыч ( has left ()
[00:50:11] * Первый_Парень_грустит (~evil@ Quit (Quit: Люблю тебя... Скажи, - нам это нужно?)
[01:05:24] * ПРИКОЛЬНАЯ_ (MegaUser@ has left ()
[01:07:32] * Ari0n is now known as Ari0n[Off]
[02:54:06] * PATRON (Bolt@ has joined
[02:54:11] * PATRON (Bolt@ has left ()
[09:03:38] * Первый_Парень_грустит (~evil@ has joined
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[09:24:30] * solist_ (portable@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[09:38:40] <гадёныш> !seen *lan2-8-28.unity
[09:40:48] * гадёныш (gad@ has left ()
[09:44:00] * solist_ (portable@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[10:14:23] * FLUF (Guest_@flufr.ntown) has joined
[10:14:31] * FLUF (Guest_@flufr.ntown) Quit (Client closed connection)
[10:30:48] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ has joined
[10:57:30] * chilya ( has joined
[10:57:41] <chilya> !seen alisia
[10:58:03] * chilya ( has left ()
[10:59:38] * Cold_boy is now known as Cold_boy|away
[11:08:23] * Первый_Парень (~evil@ has joined
[11:08:27] <Первый_Парень> !seen *@
[11:18:21] * SANE4EK ( has joined
[11:19:25] * SANE4EK
[11:22:52] * Ari0n[Off] is now known as Ari0n
[11:23:06] * sasher (sasher@lan1-2-223.unity) has joined
[11:23:11] <sasher> !seen Oh
[11:26:27] <SANE4EK> !seen Танюха-ха-ха
[11:26:51] * sasher (sasher@lan1-2-223.unity) has left ()
[11:28:56] * SANE4EK ( Quit (Quit: snirc 0.12 by sniper)
[11:35:58] * Dva (YourBot@lan1-1-3.unity) has joined
[11:36:01] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Dva
[11:41:40] * Cold_boy|away is now known as Cold_boy
[11:47:42] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) has joined
[11:48:13] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) has left ()
[11:49:13] * ОлИяМо4кА (~klubnichk@ has joined
[12:01:29] * StipJey ( has joined
[12:01:49] <StipJey> !Seen ploot
[12:04:36] * StipJey ( has left ()
[12:08:20] * Первый_Парень is now known as Первый_Парень_грустит
[12:15:15] * YooKim ( has joined
[12:15:15] * * changes topic to '¤ Official Help Channel of Search User's ¤ Используйте команду < !seen Nick > или < !seen *!*@IP(host) > для поиска юзера по его Нику или маске. Для отправки сообщения -- используйте команду < /ms send Nick сообщение >. {Дружественный Нам Канал -> #EGGdrop}.'
[12:15:20] * AliasNET sets mode: +v YooKim
[12:15:20] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Jaiss
[12:15:21] * * changes topic to '¤ Official Help Channel of Search User's ¤ Используйте команду < !seen Nick > или < !seen *!*@IP(host) > для поиска юзера по его Нику или маске. Для отправки сообщения -- используйте команду < /ms send Nick сообщение >. {Дружественный Нам Канал -> #EGGdrop}.'
[12:21:59] * eXtat1c (~break@ has joined
[12:22:16] <eXtat1c> !seen ArxWolf
[12:22:31] * eXtat1c (~break@ has left ()
[12:36:20] * Dva (YourBot@lan1-1-3.unity) Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:37:42] * Dva (YourBot@lan1-1-3.unity) has joined
[12:37:45] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Dva
[12:40:50] * Dva (YourBot@lan1-1-3.unity) Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:41:34] * Dva (YourBot@lan1-1-3.unity) has joined
[12:41:37] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Dva
[12:44:32] * Dva (YourBot@lan1-1-3.unity) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:52:14] * NDrop[no] ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[12:59:45] * Первый_Парень_грустит (~evil@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:02:01] * Sebastian|away (user@ has left ()
[13:06:47] * Первый_Парень_грустит (~evil@ has joined
[13:14:42] * _~B o y b e s t~_ (pIRCuser53@ has joined
[13:14:52] <_~B o y b e s t~_> !seen ДАЮ_ВСЕМ
[13:29:59] * Ari0n ( has left ()
[13:41:41] * NDrop[no] ( has joined
[13:51:19] * Hepllcu (Hepllcu@ has joined
[13:57:44] * _~B o y b e s t~_ (pIRCuser53@ has left ()
[14:01:10] * solist_ (portable@ Quit (Quit: Portable mIRC-RDn (.35))
[14:01:39] * Птеня (~Ole4ka@ has joined
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[14:31:04] * FLUF (Guest_@flufr.ntown) has joined
[14:33:06] * Лучик (~Elena@ has joined
[14:33:35] * Лучик (Elena@ has left ()
[14:47:06] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: )
[14:59:29] * solist_ (portable@ has joined
[15:04:57] * Hepllcu (Hepllcu@ has left ()
[15:14:43] * FLUF (Guest_@flufr.ntown) Quit (Quit: WoW Liga CLub Server 2.4.2 & *))
[15:28:58] * Первый_Парень_грустит (~evil@ Quit (Quit: Люблю тебя... Скажи, - нам это нужно?)
[15:50:10] * Hepllcu (Hepllcu@ has joined
[16:24:39] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) has joined
[16:24:54] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) Quit (Client closed connection)
[16:29:14] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) has joined
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[16:30:06] * теплый (~mirc62@ has joined
[16:30:20] <теплый> !seen котёно4ек
[16:30:37] <теплый> !seen шалунья
[16:31:19] * теплый (~mirc62@ Quit (Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.21 от yXo -= =- )
[16:36:07] * Infinum (VirtuozIRC@lan2-10-83.unity) has joined
[16:36:18] <Infinum> Привет Народ!
[16:36:58] <Infinum> !seen*!* @
[16:37:02] * Faktor (~Fkr@ has joined
[16:37:55] <Infinum> !seen трахторбек
[16:40:27] * Infinum (VirtuozIRC@lan2-10-83.unity) Quit (Quit: Врагов я забрасываю цветами.......в гробу!)
[16:48:50] * _СлаДкая_МеСть_ (_euser_@ has joined
[16:54:43] * Фараон is now known as tont
[16:57:21] * Sutener ( has joined
[17:05:17] * ОлИяМо4кА (~klubnichk@ has joined
[17:05:51] * ОлИяМо4кА (klubnichk@ has left ()
[17:09:06] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) has joined
[17:11:17] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) Quit (Quit: WoW Liga CLub Server 2.4.2 & *))
[17:21:41] * ОлИяМо4кА (~klubnichk@ has joined
[17:23:38] * _СлаДкая_МеСть_ (_euser_@ Quit (Quit: )
[17:26:39] * RazeR (pgn@sniper.ntown) has joined
[17:28:44] * Мотомото (~soul@ has joined
[17:29:07] <RazeR> * Сейчас Вы на канале #seen
[17:29:07] <RazeR> [17:27:00] * Топик '¤ Official Help Channel of Search User's ¤ Используйте команду < !seen Nick > или < !seen *!*@IP(host) > для поиска юзера по его Нику или маске. Для отправки сообщения -- используйте команду < /ms send Nick сообщение >. {Дружественный Нам Канал -> #EGGdrop}.'
[17:29:07] <RazeR> [17:27:00] * Установлен AliasNET на Tue Sep 09 02:
[17:29:10] <RazeR> мля:d
[17:29:15] <Мотомото> лузер
[17:29:16] <Мотомото> фуу
[17:29:16] <Мотомото> жв
[17:29:25] <RazeR> !seen *!*@
[17:29:32] <RazeR> еба
[17:29:32] * RazeR was kicked by AliasNET (Мат запрещен!)
[17:29:32] * RazeR (pgn@sniper.ntown) has joined
[17:29:32] <RazeR> ЖВ
[17:29:44] <Мотомото> !seen *!*@sniper.ntown
[17:30:05] <RazeR> !seen *!*@
[17:30:11] <Мотомото> прикольная штучко
[17:30:21] <RazeR> !seen *!*@sniper.ntown
[17:30:55] <RazeR> !seen *!*@hitman27.ntown
[17:31:00] <RazeR> ;/
[17:31:11] <RazeR> !seen *!*@diman22.ntown
[17:31:59] <RazeR> !seen *!*@slava77.ntown
[17:33:00] <RazeR> !seen *!*@teddy
[17:33:09] <RazeR> !seen teddy
[17:33:40] * RazeR (pgn@sniper.ntown) has left ()
[17:35:41] * ОлИяМо4кА is now known as I_Shall_Be_Your_Love
[17:36:46] * I_Shall_Be_Your_Love is now known as I_willl_Be_Your_Love
[17:38:26] * Ironnews_ (pIRCuser13@ferum.ntown) has joined
[17:38:37] <Ironnews_> !seen *!*@хост
[17:42:09] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ has joined
[17:42:15] <Ironnews_> !seen *!*
[17:42:30] * Мотомото (soul@ has left ()
[17:42:45] <Ironnews_> !seen St1nG
[17:43:02] * Ironnews_ (pIRCuser13@ferum.ntown) Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[17:43:09] * Samira (~---------@ has joined
[17:44:40] * Samira (---------@ has left ()
[17:46:49] * I_willl_Be_Your_Love is now known as I_will_Be_Your_Love
[17:51:30] * _СлаДкая_МеСть_ (_euser_@ has joined
[17:54:10] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) has joined
[17:54:16] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) Quit (Client closed connection)
[17:55:20] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: )
[17:59:39] * sdg (Guest_@doctorr.ntown) has joined
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[18:03:54] * Звезда в Шоке (Guest_@doctorr.ntown) has joined
[18:04:08] * Звезда в Шоке (Guest_@doctorr.ntown) Quit (Client closed connection)
[18:11:49] * I_will_Be_Your_Love (~klubnichk@ Quit (Quit: 89. "Мне столько раз приходилось слышать о людях, которые умирают от любви, но за всю жизнь я не видела, чтобы кто-нибудь из них действительно умер." - Маргарита Валуа)
[18:38:55] * Faktor (Fkr@ has left ()
[18:44:50] * Первый_Парень_грустит (~evil@ has joined
[18:46:20] * Антракс ( has joined
[18:46:36] <Антракс> !seen *!*doctorr.ntown
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[18:47:29] * ЕВГЕНИЙ_20 (_euser_@ has joined
[18:48:45] <ЕВГЕНИЙ_20> =З=д=а=р=о=в=А=
[18:55:26] * _СлаДкая_МеСть_ (_euser_@ has left ()
[19:03:47] * tont ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[19:04:46] * Sanitar (~bot@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[19:08:55] * tont ( has joined
[19:08:55] * ChanServ sets mode: +o tont
[19:11:50] * Звезда_в_Шоке (Guest_@astra25.ntown) has joined
[19:56:16] * Звезда_в_Шоке (Guest_@astra25.ntown) Quit (Quit: WoW Liga CLub Server 2.4.2 & *))
[19:58:42] * I_will_Be_Your_Love (~klubnichk@ has joined
[20:00:32] * не_добрый_сок (~Ole4ka@ has joined
[20:00:56] * Первый_Парень_грустит (evil@ has left ()
[20:04:44] * I_will_Be_Your_Love (~klubnichk@ Quit (Quit: 89. "Мне столько раз приходилось слышать о людях, которые умирают от любви, но за всю жизнь я не видела, чтобы кто-нибудь из них действительно умер." - Маргарита Валуа)
[20:05:26] * ОлИяМо4кА (~klubnichk@ has joined
[20:06:25] * не_добрый_сок (~Ole4ka@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:30:22] * сникерс (_euser_@ has joined
[20:30:46] <сникерс> =З=д=а=р=о=в=А=
[20:42:30] * ЕВГЕНИЙ_20 (_euser_@ has left ()
[20:48:21] * BlackSmith (_____@ has joined
[20:51:35] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) has joined
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[21:06:07] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ has joined
[21:07:50] * ОлИяМо4кА (klubnichk@ has left ()
[21:12:38] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) has left ()
[21:23:24] * PIT-BULL (olesay24@ has joined
[21:25:33] * сникерс (_euser_@ has left ()
[21:31:06] * BlackSmith (_____@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:44:25] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: )
[21:46:42] * [Ksardas] (Guest_@evgenij.ntown) has joined
[21:57:16] * PIT-BULL (olesay24@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:36:49] * mangos (Guest_@evgenij.ntown) has joined
[22:38:10] * _СлаДкая_МеСть_ (_euser_@ has joined
[22:43:22] * Guest97264 (~Ole4ka@ has joined
[22:45:29] * obw (Idi_naxyu_@ has joined
[22:45:31] <obw> !seen *!*
[22:45:51] * tont sets mode: +v Fedya
[22:45:51] * tont sets mode: +v Sutener
[22:45:51] * tont sets mode: +v ZuZu
[22:45:54] <obw> !seen pumo4ka
[22:46:00] * Guest97264 (~Ole4ka@ Quit (Quit: )
[22:46:30] * obw (Idi_naxyu_@ has left ()
[22:47:25] * ЕВГЕНИЙ_20 (_euser_@ has joined
[22:48:41] <ЕВГЕНИЙ_20> =З=д=а=р=о=в=А=
[22:55:48] <ЕВГЕНИЙ_20> ПРИВЕТ ВСЕМ
[23:04:14] * SANE4EK ( has joined
[23:06:03] * FLUF (Guest_@flufr.ntown) has joined
[23:06:04] <nblx> New channel peak! 26 users!
[23:13:51] * FLUF (Guest_@flufr.ntown) Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:15:49] * NECTARinca (~CL@ has joined
[23:16:01] <NECTARinca> !seen Ржевский
[23:17:17] * VaLeDoL_4удо_колесо (~PsY_mIRC@ has joined
[23:17:18] <nblx> New channel peak! 27 users!
[23:17:22] <NECTARinca> nookie
[23:17:35] <NECTARinca> !seen nookie
[23:17:36] <VaLeDoL_4удо_колесо> !seen [Oskar]Чувак
[23:17:45] <VaLeDoL_4удо_колесо> фака
[23:17:48] <VaLeDoL_4удо_колесо> ладно ухожу
[23:17:48] * VaLeDoL_4удо_колесо (~PsY_mIRC@ has left ()
[23:19:00] <NECTARinca> chikale
[23:19:07] <NECTARinca> !seen chikale
[23:19:48] <NECTARinca> !seen nookie
[23:21:22] <NECTARinca> !seen Zelik
[23:21:51] * SANE4EK ( Quit (Write Error: Broken pipe)
[23:23:05] * ЕВГЕНИЙ_20 (_euser_@ has left ()
[23:48:14] * tont is now known as Фараон
[23:56:20] * _СлаДкая_МеСть_ (_euser_@ Quit (Quit: )
Query time 0.0093 s