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6 Ноября 2009. Канал #seen

[00:02:02] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[00:02:29] * tont is now known as [die]
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[00:29:27] * extrovert (kvirc@ has joined
[00:35:16] * Мозговой_слизняк (pIRCuser98@ Quit (Quit: Я знаю придёт тот единственный час и счастье когда-нибудь вспомнит о нас и к нам приплывут тысячи кораблей из дальних морей, и мы непременно на них уплывём, в то место где мы никогда не умрём, где кончится время людскй суеты, где наши мечты...)
[00:50:54] * dsv (~pIRCuser4@ has joined
[01:02:02] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[01:09:06] * Амелия ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:09:07] * ant[bnc] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:09:07] * Expert89[В_КоНтАкТе] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:09:51] * [die] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:10:02] * Talisman ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[01:21:57] * tont ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[01:42:17] * extrovert (kvirc@ Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.2 Shiny
[01:46:33] * Expert89[В_КоНтАкТе] ( has joined
[02:02:01] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[05:18:49] * Костя ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[06:52:01] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[07:45:56] * Толька_твой (~Yurok43@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:53:04] * dsv (~pIRCuser4@ has joined
[09:02:03] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[11:02:07] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[12:02:04] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[13:01:31] * Expert89[В_КоНтАкТе] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[13:07:29] * Амелия (milaya@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:21:44] * Haki (Dead@ has joined
[13:22:06] <Haki> Всем привет =)
[13:23:30] * Talisman ( has joined
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[13:26:37] * Амелия is now known as Guest28980
[13:32:03] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[13:37:30] * Expert89[В_КоНтАкТе] ( has joined
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[14:02:03] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[14:26:57] * Мозговой_слизняк (pIRCuser98@ has joined
[15:12:03] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[15:26:46] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 28
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[16:02:05] * tont sets mode: +v ixbt
[16:02:05] * tont sets mode: +v Notes
[16:02:05] * tont sets mode: +v ZuZu
[16:28:48] * nety (~topgear@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:28:48] * tont ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:28:48] * AliasNET ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:28:48] * Mr-X ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:31:31] * iddqd ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:31:32] * ZuZu ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:31:32] * ixbt ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:33:04] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:33:04] * Talisman ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:33:04] * Костя ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:33:05] * PoRNo-MoRoZ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:33:05] * nblx ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:33:05] * Expert89[В_КоНтАкТе] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:33:05] * Guest28980 ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:33:06] * Notes (~Notes@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:33:06] * Liberty (~newbot@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:33:06] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:33:06] * CuCADMuH ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:33:06] * Мозговой_слизняк (pIRCuser98@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:33:06] * Толька_твой (~Yurok43@ Quit (Netsplitted)
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[16:34:13] * sets mode: +v iddqd
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[16:34:13] * sets mode: +v ixbt
[16:34:14] * Notes (~Notes@ has joined
[16:35:51] * Liberty (~newbot@ has joined
[16:35:51] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ has joined
[16:35:51] * sets mode: +v Liberty
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[16:57:43] * tont ( Quit (Quit: Товарищ! Верь! Взойдёт она, звезда пленительного счастья! IRCопы вспрянут ото сна и на обломках IRC напишут наши имена!)
[16:58:06] * Talisman ( has joined
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[17:00:06] * nety (~topgear@ has joined
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[17:00:06] * sets mode: +o AliasNET
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[17:00:21] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Talisman
[17:00:27] * AliasNET sets mode: +o [die]
[17:00:32] * ~ЮлЯшКа~ ( has joined
[17:00:33] <~ЮлЯшКа~> Усем
[17:00:46] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 24
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[17:05:50] * Толька_твой (~Yurok43@ has joined
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[17:06:49] * Толька_твой (~Yurok43@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[17:07:11] * tont ( Quit (Quit: Товарищ! Верь! Взойдёт она, звезда пленительного счастья! IRCопы вспрянут ото сна и на обломках IRC напишут наши имена!)
[17:07:26] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 22
[17:14:54] * ChanServ sets mode: +n
[17:14:54] * ChanServ sets mode: +t
[17:14:54] * ChanServ sets mode: +r
[17:14:54] * ChanServ sets mode: +c
[17:14:54] * ChanServ changes topic to '¤ Official Help Channel of Search User's ¤ Используйте команду < !seen Nick > или < !seen *!*@IP(host) > для поиска по нику или маске. Для отправки сообщения -- используйте команду < /ms send Nick сообщение >'
[17:14:56] * ChanServ changes topic to '¤ Official Help Channel of Search User's ¤ Используйте команду < !seen Nick > или < !seen *!*@IP(host) > для поиска по нику или маске. Для отправки сообщения -- используйте команду < /ms send Nick сообщение >'
[17:28:16] * [die] is now known as tont
[17:33:16] * sets mode: +l 28
[17:33:16] * Толька_твой (~Yurok43@ has joined
[17:33:26] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 23
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[17:33:58] * Talisman ( has left ()
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[17:34:33] * Expert89[В_КоНтАкТе] ( has joined
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[17:35:05] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Talisman
[17:42:39] * Hyuuga Neji ( has joined
[17:43:25] <Hyuuga Neji> !seen *!*
[17:43:26] <ixbt> Hyuuga Neji, Rs ( последний раз выходил из сети с #wow_офф 1 неделю 2 дней 20 часов 28 минут назад (27.10. 21:13) по причине "Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.35 от yXo ** **" после того, как провел 1 час 29 минут там.
[17:44:35] * Hyuuga Neji ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[18:02:02] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[19:02:04] * Night_Guardian (~guard@ Quit (Client closed connection)
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[19:34:02] <Нет|away> !seen *!*@
[19:34:23] <Нет|away> !seen Lola
[19:35:09] * Нет|away is now known as Нет
[19:35:09] * Нет вернулся: отсутствовал 1час. 19мин. 14сек. (Причина: нет)
[19:44:30] * LENNON_по4ти_влюблён (~Kinslayer@ has joined
[19:44:40] * LENNON_по4ти_влюблён is now known as ^Hell boy^
[19:44:41] <^Hell boy^> !seen *
[19:44:54] * ^Hell boy^ is now known as LENNON_по4ти_влюблён
[19:45:30] * Нет ( has left ()
[20:02:21] * Мозговой_слизняк (pIRCuser98@ has joined
[20:08:53] * LENNON_по4ти_влюблён (~Kinslayer@ Quit (Quit: не будет встреч роз и этих слез ты моя сука но я не твой пес и всё всерьез забудь сотри номер все закончилось конец GAME OVER)
[20:10:03] * Restless_ (~43433@ has joined
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[20:19:40] * Haki (Dead@ has joined
[20:20:04] <Haki> Всем привет =)
[20:35:54] * Haki (Dead@ has left ()
[20:35:59] * Haki (Dead@ has joined
[20:36:21] <Haki> Всем привет =)
[20:50:51] * Haki is now known as [Kenny]
[20:51:14] * [Kenny] is now known as Haki
[21:04:03] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ has joined
[21:15:59] * schizo_eidos (VirtuozIRC@ has joined
[21:16:04] <schizo_eidos> Всем приветы.
[21:16:10] <schizo_eidos> !seen Black_Romeo
[21:57:41] * КапитоШка_ (Rilannet@ has joined
[21:58:21] * КапитоШка_ (Rilannet@ Quit (Quit: Наш форум: Фотогаллерея: Наш сайт:
[22:05:53] * Haki (Dead@ has left ()
[22:15:18] * NDrop (sql@ has joined
[22:15:25] <NDrop> !seen YMCK
[22:15:27] <ixbt> NDrop, Я нашел 3 масок для вашего запроса: YMCK_Всея_Руси, Нео-Иисус, YMCK. YMCK_Всея_Руси (~pIRCuser1@ последний раз меня ник с Нео-Иисус на #СЕКС 3 недель 3 дней 3 часов 54 минут назад (13.10. 19:18), но YMCK_Всея_Руси мистически исчез.
[22:15:50] * NDrop (sql@ has left ()
[22:32:02] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[23:45:38] * schizo_eidos (VirtuozIRC@ Quit (Quit: Никто не в праве сделать выбор,не в праве сделать шаг и ничего здесь не решат Ни Буш,Ни Путин,Ни Шерак!)
[23:51:00] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: )
Query time 0.0076 s