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9 Ноября 2015. Канал #WeNet

[00:24:57] * tont is now known as [die]
[00:44:30] * GOLDENBOY ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[04:23:34] * Додекаэдр is now known as XenonSP
[07:58:06] * Taburetti ( has joined
[08:02:50] * Taburetti ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:09:14] * Taburetti ( has joined
[08:09:21] <Taburetti> привет
[08:28:03] * Leksi (~Leksia@ has joined
[08:28:40] * мыф ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:29:01] * Leksi is now known as мыф
[08:48:08] * Taburetti ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:50:27] * Taburetti ( has joined
[09:42:08] * Taburetti ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:57:23] * DisconnectTabureta ( has joined
[10:11:15] * garmonbozia (~garmonbozia@ has joined
[10:15:43] * XenonSP is now known as Xenon_ЖДРЁТ
[10:15:53] * DisconnectTabureta ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:41:40] * Taburetinator ( has joined
[11:11:30] * sets mode: +o WeNet
[11:11:30] * sets mode: +o ^Oo^
[11:32:00] * Makar is now known as Makaway
[12:11:02] * Xenon_ЖДРЁТ is now known as XenonSP
[14:27:52] * kenguru (~webgate@ has joined
[14:51:35] * Taburetinator ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:10:33] * Azaz (~Azaz@ has left (Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is)
[16:25:57] * ^Oo^ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:27:29] * Руслик ( has joined
[17:27:34] * Руслик ( has left ()
[19:03:17] * [die] is now known as tont
[19:27:00] * kenguru (~webgate@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[22:31:38] * Domas (~webgate@ has joined
[22:33:24] * Domas (~webgate@ has left ()
[22:35:02] * ^-_-^ ( has joined
[22:37:01] * ^-_-^ is now known as ^Oo^
[22:40:58] * ^Oo^ ( has left ()
[22:43:03] * ^-_-^ ( has joined
[22:43:53] * ^-_-^ is now known as ^Oo^
[23:47:55] * Admin[BNC][off] ( has joined
[23:58:43] * tont is now known as [die]
Query time 0.0228 s