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10 Июля 2019. Канал #WeNet

[00:54:44] * ACherry ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[03:10:47] * invader (~invader@ has joined
[07:37:39] * Ural ( has joined
[07:45:16] * kiki (~webgate@ has joined
[07:45:38] * kiki is now known as мими
[08:21:44] * ACherry ( has joined
[09:04:26] * Ural ( Quit (Quit: Promising ideas for happy future: hitech, universal welfare, emancipation, materialism, globalism. Conquest of nature with technologies. Space exploration. Full automation of labor. Universal basic income. Variety aestetics and lifestyles in frame of the humanistic paradigm.)
[10:03:09] * изваяние ( has joined
[10:04:10] * Phoenix[Msc] изваяние изваяние изваяние изваяние изваяние изваяние изваяние изваяние
[10:04:16] * изваяние ( has left ()
[11:03:31] * Morfey ( has joined
[11:03:33] * Morfey ( has left ()
[11:06:36] * Коммунарка (stadium@ has joined
[11:07:39] * Ural ( has joined
[11:07:51] <Коммунарка> _КИЗЕЛОВСКИЙ_, #_#
[11:07:51] * Ural ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[11:08:25] * Phoenix[Msc] Коммунарка Коммунарка Коммунарка Коммунарка Коммунарка Коммунарка Коммунарка Коммунарка
[11:08:43] * Коммунарка (stadium@ has left (socket)
[12:31:35] * карнавал (store@ has joined
[12:35:07] * Phoenix[Msc] карнавал карнавал карнавал карнавал карнавал карнавал карнавал карнавал
[12:35:32] * карнавал (store@ Quit (Quit: пора уходить)
[12:47:45] * invader (~invader@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[13:19:16] * invader (~invader@ has joined
[15:16:04] * GateUser485 (~webgate@ has joined
[15:16:37] * Phoenix[Msc] GateUser485 GateUser485 GateUser485 GateUser485 GateUser485 GateUser485 GateUser485 GateUser485
[15:16:52] * GateUser480 (~webgate@ has joined
[15:16:54] <Phoenix[Msc]> а простите обознался
[15:17:04] * GateUser236 (~webgate@ has joined
[15:17:07] <Phoenix[Msc]> уу
[15:19:57] * GateUser480 (~webgate@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:21:45] * GateUser236 (~webgate@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:27:18] * GateUser485 (~webgate@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:48:33] * Morfey_ ( has joined
[15:48:36] * Morfey_ ( has left ()
[16:06:29] * взор ( has joined
[16:07:43] * взор ( Quit (Quit: killed)
[16:24:10] * мими (~webgate@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:00:32] * GateUser057 ( has joined
[17:03:38] * GateUser057 ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:44:06] * Ухта (transparent@ has joined
[17:44:46] * Ухта (transparent@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[17:52:31] * Ухта (transparent@ has joined
[17:52:59] * Phoenix[Msc] Ухта Ухта Ухта Ухта Ухта Ухта Ухта Ухта
[17:53:25] * Ухта (transparent@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[17:59:07] * Ухта (transparent@ has joined
[17:59:27] * Phoenix[Msc] Ухта Ухта Ухта Ухта Ухта Ухта Ухта Ухта
[17:59:32] * Ухта (transparent@ has left (-()
[19:13:54] * ksandra369 (~androirc-alkatel@ has joined
[19:33:18] * Ерошкин ( has joined
[19:34:08] * Phoenix[Msc] Ерошкин Ерошкин Ерошкин Ерошкин Ерошкин Ерошкин Ерошкин Ерошкин
[19:34:12] * Ерошкин ( has left ()
[19:55:46] * _КИЗЕЛОВСКИЙ_ is now known as ксенон ещё не падох
[20:29:54] * ksandra369 (~androirc-alkatel@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[20:42:03] * Ural ( has joined
[20:42:25] <Ural> Привет! Hi! Hola! Oi! Saluton!
[20:52:54] * Ural ( Quit (Quit: Promising ideas for happy future: hitech, universal welfare, emancipation, materialism, globalism. Conquest of nature with technologies. Space exploration. Full automation of labor. Universal basic income. Variety aestetics and lifestyles in frame of the humanistic paradigm.)
[20:54:21] * инертность (today@ has joined
[20:54:43] <инертность> !seen XenonSP
[20:55:33] * Phoenix[Msc] инертность инертность инертность инертность инертность инертность инертность инертность
[20:55:38] * инертность (today@ has left ()
[21:07:20] * [die] is now known as tont
[21:13:54] * invader (~invader@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[22:05:25] * ksandra369 (~androirc-alkatel@ has joined
[22:38:34] * tont is now known as [die]
[22:43:54] * Ural ( has joined
[23:25:40] * Ural ( Quit (Quit: Promising ideas for happy future: hitech, universal welfare, emancipation, materialism, globalism. Conquest of nature with technologies. Space exploration. Full automation of labor. Universal basic income. Variety aestetics and lifestyles in frame of the humanistic paradigm.)
Query time 0.0038 s