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3 Августа 2019. Канал #WeNet

[00:04:01] * Стадо_пьяных_табуретов ( Quit (Quit: Улетело)
[00:18:14] * ACherry ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:47:34] * Russian_Girl is now known as Russian_Girl{off}
[05:58:46] * invader (~invader@ has joined
[08:23:11] * ксенон ещё не падох is now known as XenonVG
[08:28:32] * ACherry ( has joined
[09:14:33] * invader (~invader@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:36:05] * Демон_Эмили_Роуз ( has joined
[11:14:06] * Russian_Girl{off} is now known as Russian_Girl
[14:19:04] * Phoenix[Msc] ( has joined
[15:53:38] * Phoenix[Msc] ( Quit (Quit: Улетело)
[16:15:46] * GOLDENBOY ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:10:53] * Демон_Эмили_Роуз ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:04:08] * Ural (~Ural@ has joined
[22:58:13] * Ural (~Ural@ Quit (Quit: Promising ideas for happy future: hitech, universal welfare, emancipation, materialism, globalism. Conquest of nature with technologies. Space exploration. Full automation of labor. Universal basic income. Variety aestetics and lifestyles in frame of the humanistic paradigm.)
Query time 0.0152 s