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25 Сентября 2008. Канал #Youlike

[00:02:04] * Брутобок ( Quit (Quit: Я брутобок, из ядерной топки скок ©
[00:02:52] * Per4 (~Per4@ Quit (Quit: ?????????????)
[00:03:30] * android (~Auser@ Quit (Quit: A )
[00:04:10] * Валера_Весло is now known as DoctorDraD
[00:04:27] * Bassix (~Bassix@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:06:06] * ^drag0n^ (~drag0n11@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:09:03] * upcka (~pIRCuser3@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:09:22] * Alex_Belov (~Alexander@ has joined
[00:09:55] * Alex_Belov is now known as ABout
[00:13:44] * PradOS55 (~vkremlin@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:24:06] * _FARAON_ (~_FARAON_@ has joined
[00:26:44] * Магистр (~GG@ Quit (Quit: "Этот мир уже не спасти...")
[00:27:32] * AlexM (~avirgo@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[00:35:06] * HeKuT (~Infiniti@ Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by HeKuT`slp)))
[00:35:12] * HeKuT (~Infiniti@ has joined
[00:37:58] * HeKuT (~Infiniti@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:38:10] * HeKuT (~Infiniti@ has joined
[00:52:13] * Ari0n is now known as Ari0n[Off]
[00:57:22] * _FARAON_ (~_FARAON_@ Quit (Quit: )
[01:00:02] <Buster> что с внутренней скоростью?
[01:09:52] * LizoK (Gryn-Suho@ has left ()
[01:27:09] * TauFX (~TauFX@ Quit (Quit: Nettalk6 -
[01:36:57] * CLIP3R--- СлУхАеТ «( Тишина )»-*-«( :00/00:00 )»-*-«( Другой стиль )»
[01:42:32] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:42:38] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ has joined
[01:42:48] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:42:54] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ has joined
[01:52:46] * Guest22597 (~TauFX@ has joined
[01:53:32] * Guest22597 (~TauFX@ Quit (Quit: Nettalk6 -
[01:55:56] * Guest22597 (~TauFX@ has joined
[01:56:10] * Guest22597 is now known as TauFX
[01:57:46] * CLIP3R--- (~dQ@ Quit (Quit: Оптимизм - это недостаток инфорации... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[01:58:20] * DoctorDraD (~DoctorDra@ Quit (Quit: )
[02:05:51] * FleXeR|сопромат is now known as FleXeR
[02:05:59] <FleXeR> фух осилил
[02:08:32] * DJ_ReverS is now known as DJ_ReverS[sleep]
[02:09:57] * cyber|ButCheR (FreeLove@ Quit (Quit: живи быстро, умри молодым и оставь красивый труп... (c) Matt Stuart >> (Я в контакте =)
[02:10:47] * artmK (~artmk90@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:11:05] * HeKuT is now known as HeKuT`Sleeeeeeeep
[02:22:31] <ABout> Buster: Члены Федеральной конкурсной комиссии по телерадиовещанию вчера единогласно рекомендовали продлить на пять лет лицензию на вещание телеканала "2х2", вокруг которого в последнее время разгорелся крупный скандал с обвинениями в подрыве нравственности и экстремизме. При этом комиссия пришла к выводу, что кампания против "2х2" носила спланированный характер.
[02:22:56] <ABout> смотрим дальше :)
[02:24:52] <DJ_ReverS[sleep]> ABout: Сань, попинай там монтажников
[02:27:40] <ABout> они убили Кенни? :)))
[02:27:54] * FleXeR is now known as FleXeR|sleep
[02:32:07] <DJ_ReverS[sleep]> сволочи
[02:33:31] * HeKuT`Sleeeeeeeep (~Infiniti@ Quit (Quit: Никогда не спорьте с идиотом, ибо во время спора вы опускаетесь до его уровня, где он задавит вас своим опытом. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт: N I r c Script! by LeXuS. СкАчАй с :)
[02:52:09] <Buster> ABout :: да эт им большая реклама пошла
[02:58:41] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: )
[03:11:47] * stu- is now known as stu-off
[03:19:26] * stu-off is now known as stu-
[03:27:32] * TauFX (~TauFX@ Quit (Quit: Nettalk6 -
[03:49:06] * bo0nfan (~bo0nfan@ has joined
[03:49:25] * bo0nfan is now known as sTep`
[03:50:02] * sTep` (~bo0nfan@ Quit (Quit: ...)
[03:53:09] * DJ_ReverS[sleep] (~windows86@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:41:24] * Avalon (~Avalon@ Quit (Quit: Табун мурашек затоптал слоника)
[04:51:46] * Sweet_lips ( has joined
[04:52:22] * Sweet_lips ( Quit (Quit: ПоКеДоВа!!! ••• Я заюзал Dmirc 5.3.1 ••• )
[04:56:50] * stu- is now known as stu-off
[05:25:08] * Ari0n[Off] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:29:51] * Ari0n[Off] ( has joined
[06:03:26] * FleXeR|sleep ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:03:49] * mcdebugger (~mc@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[06:04:04] * KLim|FiLm (~Auser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:04:12] * olegche (~olegche@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:04:13] * AB|out (~kvirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[06:24:24] * teddy (~nevri@ has joined
[06:25:03] <teddy> hi-=)
[06:49:27] * FleXeR|sleep ( has joined
[06:49:56] <FleXeR|sleep> доброе утро
[06:50:22] * FleXeR|sleep is now known as FleXeR
[07:06:37] * FleXeR is now known as FleXeR|away
[07:07:50] * teddy (~nevri@ Quit (Quit: )
[07:42:30] * Дядя_Коля[AWAY] (~Hud@ has joined
[07:43:09] * PASport[offline] ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[07:43:09] * stu-off ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[07:43:10] * outLandich ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[08:07:34] * симпсавауте ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:07:34] * byaka ( Quit (Write Error: Broken pipe)
[08:07:34] * aRn0a|afk ( Quit (Write Error: Broken pipe)
[08:08:41] * MaGZz (~MaGZz@ has joined
[08:09:08] * Дядя Коля[AWAY] is now known as Дядя Коля
[08:09:13] <MaGZz> добрый утр
[08:09:46] * Dreamer (Dreamer@ has joined
[08:09:47] <Дядя Коля> Монинг всем
[08:09:49] <Dreamer> утра тут
[08:10:29] * byaka ( has joined
[08:10:32] * aRn0a|afk ( has joined
[08:14:07] <MaGZz> гуууд морнинг
[08:16:29] * симпсавауте ( has joined
[08:28:30] * Premier ( has joined
[08:28:50] <Premier> всем привет
[08:31:03] * DoctorDraD (~DoctorDra@ has joined
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[08:33:15] * пааалехче is now known as палехче|ворк
[08:43:48] * BasS-sot ( has joined
[08:51:30] * Bustеr ( has joined
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[08:58:29] * палехче|ворк ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[09:11:27] * olegche_ ( has joined
[09:12:35] * Bustеr is now known as [-]
[09:14:39] * shurko ( has joined
[09:15:16] <shurko> доброе!
[09:15:50] * Guest22690 is now known as DoctorDraD
[09:18:55] * DoctorDraD (~DoctorDra@ Quit (Quit: )
[09:22:54] * upcka (~pIRCuser3@ has joined
[09:24:25] * Demon ( has joined
[09:24:48] <Demon> Доброго утра
[09:25:16] <MaGZz> O_O
[09:25:28] <MaGZz> бу !
[09:34:03] * Buster ( has joined
[09:48:58] * olegche_ ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[10:00:54] * shurko предательски укусила MaGZz
[10:11:23] * FleXeR|away is now known as FleXeR
[10:11:25] * olegche_ ( has joined
[10:11:36] <FleXeR> день добрый господа
[10:12:52] <MaGZz> да привет
[10:17:48] * Gryni ( has joined
[10:18:24] * Gryni ( Quit (Quit: Не верящие в Кейна проиграют эту битву)
[10:21:58] * ABout is now known as AB|home
[10:24:13] * olegche_ ( Quit (Quit: olegche_)
[10:27:19] * Bassix (~Bassix@ has joined
[10:27:45] * mayd1e (~Auser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:41:11] * shurko ( Quit (Quit: Птица - уникальное создание. Она может провести всю жизнь в клетке, но всё равно она будет петь.)
[10:45:56] * olegche|afk ( has joined
[10:46:29] * olegche|afk is now known as палехче|ворк
[10:47:34] * Bassix is now known as BasS`afk
[10:58:32] * Jasper (~J@ has joined
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[11:00:56] * Buster is now known as Guest22902
[11:01:15] * Buster ( has joined
[11:01:25] * upcka (~pIRCuser3@ Quit (Quit: )
[11:03:47] * Guest22902 ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
[11:08:46] * Gryni ( has joined
[11:17:19] * Gryni ( Quit (Quit: Не верящие в Кейна проиграют эту битву)
[11:27:51] * палехче|ворк is now known as Бу-ра-ти-но
[11:34:49] * Бу-ра-ти-но is now known as Икар
[11:39:35] * BasS`afk is now known as Bassix
[11:41:55] * KLim (~Auser@ has joined
[11:49:04] * `SaTaN` (~satan-rus@ has joined
[11:50:10] * `SaTaN` is now known as Guest22983
[11:50:15] * FleXeR is now known as FleXeR|душ
[11:50:42] * Guest22983 (~satan-rus@ Quit (Quit:
[11:50:52] * Guest22983 (~satan-rus@ has joined
[11:51:23] * Guest22983 is now known as `SaTaN`
[11:53:58] * Икар is now known as пааалехче
[11:57:17] <Buster> !п иваново
[11:59:08] * `SaTaN` (~satan-rus@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[11:59:08] * Bassix (~Bassix@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[11:59:08] * Premier ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[11:59:08] * Balthasar (~Evil@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[11:59:08] * Дядя_Коля[AWAY] (~Hud@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[11:59:08] * AB|home (~Alexander@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[11:59:08] * Sherhan4ik (~nikita.vo@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[11:59:08] * Потрошитель (~joe@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[11:59:08] * Дядя Коля (~_________@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[11:59:08] * fourKings|naik|away (~pickauser@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[11:59:08] * bob[off] (~p4a@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:01:33] * симпсавауте is now known as s1mps
[12:02:26] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
[12:05:51] * mayd1e (~Auser@ has joined
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[12:07:57] * YaMan (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: Человек находит для оправдания своих действий любую причину, кроме одной, для своих преступлений – любое оправдание, кроме одного, для своей безопасности – любой повод, кроме одного: а этим одним является его трусость)
[12:09:12] * Gryn (~Gryn87@ has joined
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[12:12:32] * AB|home is now known as ABout
[12:15:47] * [-] is now known as Buster
[12:23:31] * FleXeR|душ is now known as FleXeR
[12:23:52] * O_~ ( has joined
[12:26:52] * Gryni ( Quit (Quit: Не верящие в Кейна проиграют эту битву)
[12:27:02] * O_~ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:32:51] * FleXeR is now known as FleXeR|уборка
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[12:45:47] * Gryn (~Gryn87@ Quit (Quit: )
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[13:09:08] * CayPMaH (~_____@ Quit (Quit: BraXeD Script version 10.1 by BraXeD Качаем здесь:
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[13:28:48] * HeKuT`slp (~Infiniti@ has joined
[13:28:48] * HeKuT`Sleeeeeeeep (~Infiniti@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[13:33:25] * shurko ( has joined
[13:33:56] * shurko ( Quit (Quit: Птица - уникальное создание. Она может провести всю жизнь в клетке, но всё равно она будет петь.)
[13:38:23] * DJ_ReverS[sleep] (~windows86@ has joined
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[13:42:30] * Beatl-1966 (~maslennik@ has joined
[13:46:43] * FleXeR|уборка is now known as FleXeR
[13:48:59] * TauFX (~TauFX@ has joined
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[13:53:06] * DoctorDraD is now known as Валя_Весло
[13:53:32] * KLim is now known as is`absent
[13:54:48] * Buster is now known as [-]
[13:56:07] * Ybrbnf ( has joined
[13:57:29] <Ybrbnf> Блин.когда мне лайк восстановят?
[13:57:50] * Летящий Против Ветра Хомяк (~makc0h@ has joined
[13:58:20] <Ybrbnf>
[13:58:26] <RauherMaster> долго летящий?
[13:58:29] * Летящий Против Ветра Хомяк is now known as Тяжёлый Шифонер
[13:58:32] <Тяжёлый Шифонер> драсте
[13:58:40] <RauherMaster> тож летящий ?
[13:58:46] <RauherMaster> с 9го этажа?
[13:58:51] <Dreamer> тож потив ветра ? ))
[13:59:00] * Дядя Коля is now known as зёбарь
[14:00:18] <Beatl-1966> г
[14:01:22] * Ybrbnf ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:01:48] <RauherMaster> хы, мтс рулит - нахуй лайк то нужен если мтс есть ;)
[14:03:16] <Beatl-1966> реклама на первом канале? )
[14:06:06] <RauherMaster> блиа, я телек уже месяц не смотрел
[14:06:18] <RauherMaster> а первый канал - год...два
[14:07:16] * sviborg ( has joined
[14:08:50] * CrocoJambo (~Kensei@ has joined
[14:08:54] <Dreamer> !п иваново
[14:10:38] <Dreamer> !п -завтра иваново
[14:12:44] <Beatl-1966> я тоже
[14:12:51] * Buster ( has joined
[14:12:52] <Beatl-1966> с лайком у меня целая видеотека
[14:12:59] * Buster is now known as Guest23223
[14:12:59] <Beatl-1966> и в телеке не нуждаюсь
[14:14:18] * Guest23223 is now known as Buster
[14:16:28] * outLandich ( has joined
[14:17:17] <RauherMaster> а чо не OutLander ?
[14:17:19] * outLandich ( Quit (Quit: iknowwhoiam)
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[14:18:09] <Beatl-1966> а?
[14:18:34] * fourKings|naik|away (~pickauser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:18:52] * HeKuT`slp (~Infiniti@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:19:19] <Frostbite> Beatl-1966 »nbgf abkmvjd vjht&
[14:19:25] <Frostbite> да?
[14:19:30] * _zip_ (~zipppp@ Quit (Quit: Костюм-тройка: пенсне, презерватив и галстук... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[14:19:43] <Beatl-1966> ага?
[14:19:56] * olegche (~olegche@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:20:21] <Beatl-1966> да?
[14:21:40] <Beatl-1966> фильмов море?
[14:24:58] <Frostbite> да
[14:26:51] * CrocoJambo (~Kensei@ Quit (Quit: Я первый ученик среди ребят, пятёрки в мой дневник,как ласточки, летят.!.)
[14:27:48] * is`absent (~Auser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[14:34:41] <Alex_Belov|work> утранах
[14:35:41] <Buster> re
[14:37:18] <Beatl-1966> ага
[14:37:32] * KLim (~Auser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[14:46:34] * mcdebugger (~mc@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[14:48:01] * Plazik_mobil ( has joined
[14:48:14] <Plazik_mobil> мда
[14:48:34] <Buster> ггггггггг
[14:48:37] * _FARAON_ (~_FARAON_@ has joined
[14:48:40] <Plazik_mobil> ||Alex_Belov|work||,опять магистраль чинят?
[14:49:33] * stu- (~fuckoff@ has joined
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[14:49:44] <Plazik_mobil> ура
[14:50:23] * Plazik_mobil ( Quit (Quit: Lost)
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[14:54:06] * LanсeR (~nIRC322@ has joined
[14:54:14] <LanсeR> здарова всем
[14:55:15] * nFIL (~nfil@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[14:57:20] * rasta boy is now known as i love bitches
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[15:04:00] * WeNNom12 (~pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[15:04:43] <LanсeR> атас профилактика
[15:04:56] <MaGZz> O_o
[15:14:00] * Guest23301 is now known as FleXeR
[15:24:39] * BAmBOOcHaAa (~KosmoSUse@ has joined
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[15:29:06] <Beatl-1966> МАГЗ
[15:29:16] <Beatl-1966> здравствуй!
[15:29:47] * Guest17557 is now known as nFIL
[15:31:36] * O_~ ( has joined
[15:31:38] <MaGZz> прив Битл
[15:31:53] <MaGZz> как оно ? 8)
[15:32:08] <Beatl-1966> норм
[15:32:10] <Beatl-1966> даже круть
[15:32:11] <Beatl-1966> живу
[15:32:13] <Beatl-1966> ты?
[15:32:22] <Beatl-1966> пока что лайк радует
[15:32:23] * Beatl-1966 (~maslennik@ Quit (Quit: )
[15:32:34] * пааалехче is now known as белоносый_бельчонок
[15:33:18] * O_~ ( Quit (Quit: Всем пока!. PS: !!!! >>> --> #wow.bloodmyst #Real <-- <<< !!!!)
[15:34:03] <MaGZz> недавно лайк ткоа очнулся 8)
[15:34:09] <MaGZz> 2 мес не работал
[15:34:51] * Тяжёлый Шифонер (~makc0h@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:35:56] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
[15:37:25] * shurko is now known as aksa
[15:39:48] <MaGZz> бжжжжж
[15:39:51] <MaGZz> -_-
[15:40:57] * Валя_Весло (~DoctorDra@ Quit (Quit: )
[15:41:14] * [xxx] (~Shmit65@ has joined
[15:41:46] <[xxx]> ребята помогите настроить торрент
[15:43:15] <MaGZz> что бы порнушку покачивать ?
[15:43:23] <MaGZz> уууу \(X_x)/
[15:43:37] * Buster ( has joined
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[15:49:12] <DJ_ReverS> от тока меня лайк нерадует нихуя
[15:49:26] <Buster> ))
[15:49:40] <fourKings|naik> а мне нравиться (С)
[15:49:50] <DJ_ReverS> а нам похуй (С)
[15:50:03] <Димитреску> - DJ_ReverS - те не починили еще?
[15:50:09] <DJ_ReverS> неа
[15:50:23] <fourKings|naik> и не починят потому что а нам похуй (С)
[15:50:29] <DJ_ReverS> да да да
[15:50:30] * белоносый_бельчонок is now known as пааааалехче
[15:50:33] <fourKings|naik> :D
[15:50:42] <DJ_ReverS> :)
[15:50:46] <DJ_ReverS> Я ДАВНО ЭТО УЖЕ ПОНЯЛ
[15:50:47] <DJ_ReverS> о
[15:50:50] <DJ_ReverS> йй
[15:52:11] <aksa> ))
[15:52:22] <aksa> Старость - не радость)
[15:53:14] * Plazik is now known as Plazik[off]
[15:54:00] * teddy (~nevri@ has joined
[15:54:49] <teddy> хаЙ
[15:54:55] <aksa> хуй
[15:54:58] * _FARAON_ (~_FARAON_@ Quit (Quit: )
[15:55:22] <Димитреску> стримовцы есть тут?
[15:55:35] * nFIL (~nfil@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:55:37] <Димитреску> вам просили передать с локального трекера (15:51:13) xamer: стримвцем можно попробовать качать! передайте им это!
[15:55:40] * Guest17557 (~nfil@ has joined
[15:55:57] <aksa> Передаст)
[15:56:34] * MaGZz поставил передатчик на передачу
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[15:58:34] * YooKim sets mode: +v Незнакомка_МС
[15:58:38] <Димитреску> ну понеслось... :)
[15:58:52] <Plazik[off]> Buster, у тебя есть Crysis_Warhead?
[16:00:02] * TauFX (~TauFX@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[16:00:26] <_RonnY_> чет инет лагает
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[16:02:02] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ Quit (Quit: Снова и снова готовимся к схватке, Чтоб заглянуть в глаза страху в упор. Штаб подключён, экипажи впорядке - игра это жизнь, а жизнь DozoR)
[16:02:18] * sTep` is now known as sTep`|away
[16:02:18] * sTep`|away [ОтоШёл] По причине: Залип В la2]
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[16:05:01] * Егоркааа (~Egorkaaaa@ has joined
[16:05:48] * Егоркааа ..::: Хай ПиПл =) :::..
[16:06:18] <MaGZz> трям мэн
[16:06:31] <Buster> Plazik[off] неа
[16:06:43] * _RonnY_ (~javed92@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:06:48] <Plazik[off]> уже качаю
[16:06:59] * LanсeR (~nIRC322@ Quit (Quit: nIRC script v3.2.2 -
[16:08:28] * xyl1gan ( has joined
[16:08:31] <xyl1gan> !help
[16:08:50] * ch3st3r (~admin@ has joined
[16:09:19] * MaGZz выдал аптечку xyl1gan
[16:09:56] <xyl1gan> спс ненадо
[16:10:34] * ch3st3r is now known as продам_Nokia_6233_приват
[16:10:57] * [xxx] (~Shmit65@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:12:08] * xyl1gan ( has left ()
[16:12:12] <Buster> Plazik[off] тыж играть не умееш )
[16:12:29] * ~Virtual~ (~Auser@ has joined
[16:12:31] <Plazik[off]> я не себе
[16:12:31] * Slayer` (~Slayer@ has joined
[16:22:27] * i love bitches (~no@ Quit (Quit: A )
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[16:28:34] * Ari0n (~ivanzh@ has joined
[16:28:43] <Ari0n> кто нить в контру играет?)
[16:28:55] * LanсeR (~nIRC322@ has joined
[16:32:39] * Mirinda (~agafon83@ has joined
[16:32:41] <Buster> Ari0n да
[16:32:55] <Buster> как могу предположить, ты )
[16:33:10] <Ari0n> сейчас работают локальные серваки?)
[16:33:18] <Ari0n> ну я не особо..просто интересуют)
[16:33:38] <Buster> какие нить работают
[16:33:45] <Ari0n> Buster а ты не играеш?
[16:34:16] <Buster> нет
[16:34:37] <Buster> в такое старьё играют те у кого тачка слабая
[16:34:44] <Ari0n> :)
[16:34:58] <Ari0n> ну не в ликейке же неделями зависать :)
[16:35:02] <Ari0n> линейке*
[16:35:15] <Ari0n> а тут ..ненавящево так, часок пострелял, и норм :)
[16:36:38] * `SaTaN` (~satan-rus@ has joined
[16:36:38] <Ari0n> где могут быть опубликованы адреса серверов?
[16:37:14] <nFIL> Checksum Offload что это по русски скажите плиз ?
[16:37:31] <Buster> несошлась контрольная сумма
[16:37:32] <nFIL> это в настрйоках сетевой карты но как это по русски будет
[16:37:52] <nFIL> мне надо выключить это а я не знаю как это будет по русски
[16:40:58] <Buster> забей
[16:41:03] <Buster> этто те не надо
[16:43:51] * ~ЭГОисто4ка~ (~Ups@ Quit (Quit: буду скучать...)
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[16:55:13] * Незнакомка_МС сматывается и говорит всем покедова
[16:55:55] * Незнакомка_МС (~rambler@ Quit (Quit: Постой,мой ангел,я люблю, ведь ты знаешь,зачем исчезаешь? Вернись...)
[16:57:08] * Егоркааа is now known as EgorkOFF
[16:57:08] * EgorkOFF ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» дела ««« ::..
[16:57:39] <Buster> !vgrange
[16:57:48] <Buster> !vguess 18
[16:58:06] <Dreamer> !vguess 9
[16:58:30] * DoctorDraD (~DoctorDra@ has joined
[16:59:07] <MaGZz> !усыпить Dreamer
[16:59:24] * Dreamer свалил MaGZz мощным прямым ударом в челюсть
[16:59:27] * DoctorDraD is now known as Guest23571
[16:59:27] <Dreamer> )))
[16:59:44] <MaGZz> цуко
[17:00:39] * Guest23571 is now known as DoctorDraD
[17:02:21] <Светок> !vguess 5
[17:03:04] <MaGZz> досвидос хорошего коннекта фсем
[17:03:07] * MaGZz (MaGZz@ has left ()
[17:04:31] * EgorkOFF ..:: ПрИшЁл »»» Меня Не было: 7mins 22secs »»» Отсутствовал по причине: дела ««« ::..
[17:04:43] * EgorkOFF is now known as Егоркааа
[17:04:44] * Егоркааа (~Egorkaaaa@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[17:05:25] * aksa ( Quit (Quit: Птица - уникальное создание. Она может провести всю жизнь в клетке, но всё равно она будет петь.)
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[17:11:07] * Dreamer прощается со всеми
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[17:13:23] * Premier ( Quit (Quit: Trust no one.)
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[17:15:38] * Chicken (~kyky@ has joined
[17:15:54] <Chicken> всем привет
[17:16:27] <продам_Nokia_6233_приват> прет
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[17:49:32] * O_~ ( Quit (Quit: Всем пока!. PS: !!!! >>> --> #wow.bloodmyst #Real <-- <<< !!!!)
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[18:10:43] * _zip_ (~zipppp@ Quit (Quit: Произнесите вслух: А WHO его знает? Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[18:10:47] <Никитааа> Помогите
[18:10:49] * ButCheR is now known as sTalker|ButCheR
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[18:11:03] * Никитааа ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[18:12:51] * Никитааа ( has joined
[18:13:34] <Никитааа> Помогите народ
[18:14:34] <Никитааа> :-(
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[18:18:06] <ЮлиЭннА> всем привет
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[18:45:18] * sTep`|away [ПРишёЛ] *** Меня Не было: 2hrs 43mins]
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[19:17:06] * slayer` (~Slayer_@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:20:31] <Buster> Plazik[off] :: тут?
[19:20:36] <Plazik[off]> да
[19:20:48] <Buster> Plazik[off] :: попробуй 2х2
[19:21:21] * Balthasar (~Evil@ has joined
[19:21:30] <Plazik[off]> попробовал
[19:21:36] <Buster> пашет?
[19:21:56] <Plazik[off]> да
[19:22:10] * outLandich ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:22:25] <Buster> ща ещё парочку добавлю
[19:22:52] <Plazik[off]> каналов?
[19:22:57] * outLandich ( has joined
[19:23:01] <Buster> угу
[19:23:11] <Plazik[off]> музыкальны будут?
[19:23:15] <Buster> хз
[19:23:21] <Plazik[off]> или американские)
[19:23:37] * outLandich ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[19:23:55] * PradOS55 (~vkremlin@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:24:00] <Plazik[off]> я за музыкальные)))
[19:24:02] * drag0n_ ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа >>> В НиКуДа! <<< ::..
[19:24:08] <Plazik[off]> только чтоб на анг пели)
[19:24:34] <Buster> $
[19:24:39] * outLandich ( has joined
[19:26:37] <Plazik[off]> плиз)
[19:27:11] * Beatl-1966 (~maslennik@ has joined
[19:27:28] <Buster> у меня нету лишнего оборудования
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[19:27:57] * TauFX is now known as TauFX|в_работе
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[19:55:56] * ButCheR (FreeLove@ Quit (Quit: живи быстро, умри молодым и оставь красивый труп... (c) Matt Stuart >> (Я в контакте =)
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[20:31:37] <Buster> !Op
[20:31:37] * YooKim sets mode: +o Buster
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[20:33:33] * outLandich ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:34:02] * Buster changes topic to '.: Официальный канал сети YouLike ;) :. | Телефон службы поддержки 58-00-08 | Сайт: | DC++ хабы dchub:// dchub:// | Video x2 |'
[20:34:21] * Buster sets mode: -o Buster
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[20:35:21] * diavol (~diavolcs@ Quit (Quit: )
[20:35:56] * Sherhan4ik (~nikita.vo@ Quit (Quit: Как будет по-латыни "Нет предела человеческой глупости"? Ответ: "Non limitus hominus dolboebus". Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
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[20:36:33] <Sherhan4ik> Всем привет =)
[20:36:40] * drag0n_ is now known as ^drag0n^
[20:37:27] <Sherhan4ik> ладно ухожу
[20:37:27] * Sherhan4ik (~nikita.vo@ has left ()
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[20:37:51] <Sherhan4ik> Всем привет =)
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[20:44:44] <tellmemore> народ инет у всех пашет кое как в последние дни?
[20:44:56] <tellmemore> вчера и сегодня..
[20:45:06] <Buster> gfitn
[20:45:08] <Buster> пашет
[20:45:22] <tellmemore> блин
[20:45:30] <tellmemore> пашет то он пашет
[20:45:47] * sp1inteX` (~sp1inteX@ has joined
[20:45:55] <tellmemore> но страницы грузятся подолгу и не открываются
[20:46:58] * sp1inteX` (~sp1inteX@ Quit (Quit: В лесу было накурено... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[20:49:36] <tellmemore> Buster, это не есть гуд, я так понимаю:
[20:49:38] <tellmemore> Microsoft Windows [Версия 6.0.6001]
[20:49:38] <tellmemore> (C) Корпорация Майкрософт, 2006. Все права защищены.
[20:49:38] <tellmemore> C:\Users\tellmemore>tracert
[20:49:38] <tellmemore> Трассировка маршрута к []
[20:49:38] <tellmemore> с максимальным числом прыжков 30:
[20:49:38] * tellmemore was kicked by YooKim (flood)
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[20:50:32] <Buster> tellmemore :: яндекс у всех не пашет
[20:51:01] * YooKim sets mode: -b *!*
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[22:28:28] <Plazik[off]> Buster, это про что?
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[22:28:56] <Buster> что увидиш то и будет
[22:28:56] <Buster> )
[22:31:31] <Plazik> какая то мода была
[22:31:39] <Plazik> там музку крутят?
[22:31:44] <Buster> нет
[22:31:56] <Plazik> :(
[22:32:37] <Plazik> Уже более часа недоступен самый популярный поисковик рунета - Яндекс.
[22:32:44] <Plazik>
[22:33:07] <shurko> Фигня. Работает всё)
[22:33:22] * Bassix is now known as BasS`afk`beeR
[22:33:22] * FleXeR ( Quit (Quit: Crashing sucks)
[22:33:49] * Buster[off] ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Session timeout))
[22:34:01] <Buster> shurko :: у тя локльная версия?)
[22:34:04] <Buster> в кеше)
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[22:35:01] <arctic monkey> Buster: Угу. И обновление страницы тоже происходит из кэша)
[22:35:12] * arctic monkey is now known as Guest24382
[22:35:16] * Bloborob93 ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[22:35:37] <Guest24382> И ищет он тожет по кэшу)
[22:35:38] <Guest24382> э
[22:35:53] * Guest24382 is now known as arctic monkey_
[22:37:18] <olegche> хм
[22:37:22] <olegche> Яндекс работате
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[22:38:07] <arctic monkey_> Плазик пишет новости, а Бастер просто так мистификатор. Спелись)
[22:38:30] <Plazik> ы
[22:38:35] <Plazik> бай олл
[22:38:43] <arctic monkey_> Удачи)
[22:38:44] * Plazik (~Plazik@ Quit (Quit: LOST)
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[22:55:01] * Фростбайт (~FrostBite@ Quit (Quit: Современное общество заражено американизмом; есть что-то дикое в той алчности к золоту, которая характеризует современных американцев и все в большей степени заражает современную Европу (Ф.Ницше 1844-1900).)
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[23:00:23] <android> !п Иваново
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