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11 Января 2019. Канал #help

[00:41:39] * Yejik (~yejik@ has joined
[01:05:30] * Yejik (~yejik@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:10:07] * Додекаэдр is now known as Гриб_СП
[06:25:24] * krolll ( has joined
[06:25:31] <krolll> привет а че эт у меня клайн
[06:25:47] <krolll> через веб зашол ок а через квиц фигу рисует
[08:03:04] * Swiss cheese (lush@ has joined
[08:03:08] * Swiss cheese (lush@ has left ()
[08:18:27] * XENONSP (MARQUIS@ has joined
[08:18:27] * XENONSP (MARQUIS@ Quit (Killed (OperServ (Open proxy NOT allowed on WeNet)))
[08:28:47] * ^Xela^ ( has joined
[08:28:47] * ^Xela^ ( Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/01/11 08.28))
[08:50:55] * krolll ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:01:57] * Sikorsky ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[15:00:44] * Makaway ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:01:38] * [die] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[15:06:35] * impres (unix@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[16:28:58] * [die] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[16:31:39] * Makaway ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:31:39] * PASport[away] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[17:00:52] * Cromlech|away is now known as Cromlech
[17:08:25] * X-Side ( has joined
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[17:41:42] * XenonSP ( has joined
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[18:12:06] * volt (accommodating@ has joined
[18:12:06] * volt (accommodating@ Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/01/11 18.12))
[18:42:55] * маслодельный завод (butter@ has joined
[18:42:55] * маслодельный завод (butter@ Quit (Killed (OperServ (Floodbots are NOT allowed on WeNet IRC Network!)))
[21:24:20] * [die] is now known as tont
[22:02:26] * Cromlech is now known as Cromlech|away
[22:56:14] * tont is now known as [die]
Query time 0.339 s