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11 Мая 2019. Канал #help

[00:08:06] * DelsiWT_COR_спит (~androirc@ has joined
[00:12:55] <DelsiWT_COR_спит> Rain, Серега ты чтоль?
[00:15:01] * DelsiWT_COR_спит (~androirc@ has left (AndroIRC)
[00:49:31] * invader (~invader@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:49:23] * szKJHsa (~lkasdkljd@ has joined
[03:49:39] <szKJHsa> hi
[03:50:53] * szKJHsa (~lkasdkljd@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[06:21:57] * DelsiWT_COR (~androirc@ has joined
[06:23:42] * DelsiWT_COR (~androirc@ has left (AndroIRC)
[09:46:02] * ГУБОШЛЁП (MONKEY@ has joined
[09:46:36] * ГУБОШЛЁП (MONKEY@ Quit (Local kill by Гриб_СП (No reason specified))
[11:07:15] * вторичное сырьё (ongoing@ has joined
[11:07:15] * вторичное сырьё (ongoing@ Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/05/11 11.07))
[11:42:18] * XENONSP (GENERAL@ has joined
[11:42:18] * XENONSP (GENERAL@ Quit (Killed (OperServ (APNIC Allocation - Poorly Administered Network - Mass Messages and Spam Bots will not be tolerated on WeNet!)))
[12:30:17] * Mertensia macdougalii (yet@ has joined
[12:32:31] * Mertensia macdougalii (yet@ Quit (Quit: Гриб_СП)
[12:47:29] * Гриб_СП is now known as _НЯРОВСКИЙ_
[13:03:55] * sets mode: +o _НЯРОВСКИЙ_
[13:04:39] * ^Xela^ ( has joined
[13:04:39] * ^Xela^ ( Quit (Killed (OperServ (Massmessages, spam & floodbots are N-O-T allowed on WeNet!)))
[13:49:34] * _МАЙСКИЙ_ (May@ has joined
[13:49:34] * _МАЙСКИЙ_ (May@ Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/05/11 13.49))
[17:13:11] * Mihuill (~kvirc@ has joined
[17:28:42] * Mihuill (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia
[18:07:36] * день открытых дверей (like@ has joined
[18:09:22] * день открытых дверей (like@ Quit (Killed (_НЯРОВСКИЙ_ (No reason specified)))
[18:52:54] * лёгкая атлетика (aerophobia@ has joined
[18:52:54] * лёгкая атлетика (aerophobia@ Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/05/11 18.52))
[19:56:20] * [die] is now known as tont
[20:14:51] * ПУШКИНОВЕДЕНИЕ (MODAL@ has joined
[20:32:45] * ПУШКИНОВЕДЕНИЕ (MODAL@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[22:04:07] * tont is now known as [die]
[23:43:40] * чтец (conclusive@ has joined
[23:43:41] * чтец (conclusive@ has left ()
Query time 0.0034 s