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4 Мая 2019. Канал #help

[06:16:16] * BlueTurtle (fff@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:16:47] * BlueTurtle (fff@ has joined
[06:45:29] * Morfein (Max@ Quit (Excess Flood)
[06:46:35] * Morfein (Max@ has joined
[09:39:23] * ПОЗОЛОТА (GOLDEN@ has joined
[09:40:30] * ПОЗОЛОТА (GOLDEN@ Quit (Killed (_МАЙСКИЙ_ (No reason specified)))
[10:04:34] * _НЯРОВСКИЙ_ ( has joined
[10:04:34] * _НЯРОВСКИЙ_ ( Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/05/04 10.04))
[13:53:20] * отголоски (transport@ has joined
[13:53:42] * отголоски (transport@ Quit (Local kill by _МАЙСКИЙ_ (No reason specified))
[14:35:13] * вопрошание ( has joined
[14:35:13] * вопрошание ( Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/05/04 14.35))
[18:04:31] * гашение (near@ has joined
[18:05:14] * гашение (near@ Quit (autokilled: Network abuse & mass harassment will NOT be tolerated on WeNet. (2019/05/04 18.05))
[18:09:25] * schooner ( has joined
[18:09:39] * schooner ( Quit (autokilled: Network abuse & mass harassment will NOT be tolerated on WeNet. (2019/05/04 18.09))
[18:15:51] * Pseudomertensia (went@ has joined
[18:16:59] * Pseudomertensia (went@ Quit (autokilled: Network abuse & mass harassment will NOT be tolerated on WeNet. (2019/05/04 18.16))
[18:21:02] * дочь (typhoon@ has joined
[18:21:11] * дочь (typhoon@ Quit (autokilled: Network abuse & mass harassment will NOT be tolerated on WeNet. (2019/05/04 18.21))
[18:28:35] * судьба человека (begin@ has joined
[18:29:25] * судьба человека (begin@ Quit (autokilled: RIR Allocation -- Bad Poorly Administered Network -- Open Proxy not allowed on WeNet! (2019/05/04 18.29))
[18:52:45] * Republic of Namibia (trout@ has joined
[18:57:13] * Republic of Namibia (trout@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:03:21] * жужелица (night@ has joined
[19:07:03] * жужелица (night@ Quit (autokilled: Network abuse & mass harassment will NOT be tolerated on WeNet. (2019/05/04 19.07))
[19:34:17] * Amphibologyne (tongue@ has joined
[19:35:07] * Amphibologyne (tongue@ Quit (autokilled: RIR Allocation -- Bad Poorly Administered Network -- Open Proxy not allowed on WeNet! (2019/05/04 19.35))
[19:51:25] * рёв (animal@ has joined
[19:51:25] * рёв (animal@ Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/05/04 19.51))
[20:20:42] * [die] is now known as tont
[22:47:18] * киловатт-час (average@ has joined
[22:49:20] * tont is now known as [die]
[22:49:49] * киловатт-час (average@ Quit (autokilled: Network abuse & mass harassment will NOT be tolerated on WeNet. (2019/05/04 22.49))
[23:05:24] * kornet (~androirc@ has joined
[23:07:21] * kornet (~androirc@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
Query time 0.0031 s