IRC логи каналов.

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11 Марта 2010. Канал #powernet

[00:01:48] * ant1fLexer (____@ Quit (Quit: Хороший, плохой - главное у кого ружьё!)
[00:02:45] * _ВиДеНиЕ_ (VirtuozIRC@ has joined
[00:02:48] * _ВиДеНиЕ_ (VirtuozIRC@ has left ()
[00:07:08] * Guest24833 is now known as Jovanny69
[00:07:18] * bublik (VScript2.0@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:15:26] * Bazie69 (VScript2.0@ Quit (Quit: Тот, чьи губы хранят молчание, выбалтывает кончиками пальчиков. Он выдает себя всеми порами. (c) З. Фрейд)
[00:20:16] * Guest24815 (Patriot@ Quit (Quit: Сэкс с красивыми ....Встречаюсь с симпатичными ... Женюсь на умной !...)
[00:20:18] * Димко (~rendrus@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:25:55] * YmNiK (~pIRCuser9@ has joined
[00:26:00] * YmNiK (~pIRCuser9@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[00:29:23] * ~fen1x (Russia@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:33:32] * Кан (Johny@ has left ()
[00:33:40] * тууяя (pIRCuser29@ Quit (Quit:
[00:33:53] * Juliee (magic_kiss@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:34:01] * Juliee (magic_kiss@ has joined
[00:34:04] * Толька_твой (~Temniy@ Quit (Quit: Пока, пока!)
[00:35:40] * Кан (~Johny@ has joined
[00:36:39] * lastlife is now known as lastlife[BNC]
[00:43:53] * Бесстыжий_Кобелёк (pIRCuser41@ Quit (Quit: флюгенхаймер)
[00:47:49] * Jovanny69 (trion@ Quit (Quit: NeoRa TrioN v1.0 -
[00:56:08] * oleg5006 (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.3 Shiny(svn-3438)
[00:56:18] * kokc (sucker@ Quit (Quit: есть хотел - хлеб украл, а закон наказал...так жестоко)
[01:02:45] * ~Kisulya~ (Kisulya@ Quit (Quit: НоСиТь В дУшЕ нЕвЫсКаЗаНнУю ЛюБоФфЬ - зНаЧиТ уМнОжАтЬ СвОи ПеЧаЛи ‹|¦ DrEaM ScRiPt ¦|›)
[01:03:26] * ifbb (kvirc@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 3.4.0 Virgo
[01:15:07] * Undying (88@ has joined
[01:15:15] * pIRCuser42 (pIRCuser42@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[01:16:28] * murdoc (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: Убивай космонавтов - они лезут на небо!)
[01:22:35] * Иисус is now known as блин
[01:23:26] * блин is now known as травы
[01:23:54] * травы is now known as вазьму_в_дар_траву
[01:24:06] * вазьму_в_дар_траву is now known as вазьму_в_дар_травы
[01:24:12] * вазьму_в_дар_травы is now known as вазьму_в_дар_травы_мешок
[01:32:41] * deniska (fleks@ Quit (Quit: )
[01:32:45] * Juliee (magic_kiss@ has left ()
[01:36:56] * Clint_Eastwood (pavel12111@ Quit (Quit: ара)
[01:39:26] * вазьму_в_дар_травы_мешок is now known as Иисус_в_приват
[01:42:40] * tAch bnm (sexon@ has left ()
[01:43:14] * _LokO_SyTcHeV (Antoshka@ Quit (Quit: Пусть Бог воздаст тебе вдвойне, всё то, что ты желаешь мне!!!)
[01:43:19] * Иисус_в_приват is now known as Иисус
[01:46:44] * Иисус is now known as Иисус_в_приват
[01:53:14] * schizo_eidos is now known as schizo_eidos[offline]
[01:53:50] * baileys (__@ Quit (Quit: )
[02:05:01] * вилориба (~pizdec@ has joined
[02:10:12] * Ананда Марга (~Set@ has joined
[02:24:41] * Ананда Марга is now known as Set
[02:43:17] * вилориба (~pizdec@ Quit (Quit: чао)
[02:47:22] * Convict (~mirc616@ Quit (Quit: я раб судьбы, но не лакей закона!)
[02:56:18] * _Irena_ (kvirc@ Quit (Quit: hjiokpl;[lmkjnhgvyfdctfp)
[02:56:24] * Кан (Johny@ has left ()
[02:57:59] * Spiller ( Quit (Excess Flood)
[02:58:48] * Spiller ( has joined
[02:59:37] * Bullet_for_ (~111@ has joined
[02:59:52] <Bullet_for_> всем привет
[03:00:58] * Bullet_for_ (111@ has left ()
[03:06:50] * DeadGod666 (~zhivoj@ has joined
[03:07:15] <DeadGod666> приветы !!!
[03:11:49] * Set (~Set@ Quit (Quit: отражение в луже вчера было лучше... когда я умру, закапай меня глубже..)
[03:12:55] * Undying (88@ Quit (Quit: Habgier,Missgunst,Hass,Neid! Heil asu Oberosterreich)
[03:55:20] * DeadGod666 (~zhivoj@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[04:11:05] * Иисус_в_приват is now known as Иисус
[04:22:28] * Mirage (mirage@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[04:22:47] * y6uca (~bibo4shot@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[04:25:52] * y6uca (~bibo4shot@ Quit (Quit: )
[04:52:26] * ~Кристино4ка~[приват] is now known as ~Кристино4ка~
[04:53:52] * ~Кристино4ка~ is now known as ~Кристино4ка~[приват]
[05:38:02] * Иисус is now known as Иисус_в_приват
[05:57:38] * baby kiss me (ebu@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:49:45] * Mypuk (MypaLLl@ has joined
[07:03:47] * Mypuk (MypaLLl@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:08:55] * MOONLIT (Antoha@ has joined
[07:29:45] * MOONLIT (Antoha@ Quit (Quit: Я использовал программу «Antoha_Script™Pro«» v4.0 »!)
[08:03:22] * Bazie69 (VScript2.0@ has joined
[08:04:19] * schizo_eidos[offline] is now known as schizo_eidos
[08:04:39] <schizo_eidos> Здарово народ!
[08:06:10] * schizo_eidos is now known as schizo_eidos[offline]
[08:19:20] * ant1fLexer (____@ has joined
[08:29:21] * schizo_eidos[offline] is now known as schizo_eidos
[08:30:02] <schizo_eidos> Всем приветы.
[08:31:21] * вилориба (~pizdec@ has joined
[08:40:08] * schizo_eidos is now known as schizo_eidos[offline]
[08:42:45] * Bazie69 is now known as Leere
[08:50:47] * вилориба (~pizdec@ Quit (Quit: чао)
[08:51:17] * Jovanny69 (trion@ has joined
[08:53:19] * Leere is now known as Leere69
[08:56:21] * Романтики^^_Bembi^^ (Pliv94@ has joined
[08:58:16] * ant1fLexer (____@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:12:20] * schizo_eidos[offline] is now known as schizo_eidos
[09:12:54] <schizo_eidos> Привет Народ!
[09:13:11] * schizo_eidos у кого стоит firewall и инет через vpn отзовитесь пожалуйста
[09:21:19] * A Modern Myth (kakashka@ has joined
[09:34:39] * КрОшШш___ (~snirc00km@ has joined
[09:40:36] * Романтики^^_Bembi^^ (Pliv94@ Quit (Quit: )
[09:48:12] * ifbb (kvirc@ has joined
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[10:27:16] * Palm ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:40:18] * Димко (~rendrus@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:40:27] * pmm (Gg@ Quit (Quit: а\Ё/)
[10:53:20] * Mirage (mirage@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[11:01:16] * Promod (Patriot@ has joined
[11:01:21] * Дрю (_____@ Quit (Quit: want me? ^^)
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[11:40:52] * Ананда Марга (~Set@ has joined
[11:43:42] * Clint_Eastwood (pavel12111@ has joined
[11:50:51] * KREW (no@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[12:02:43] * Spiller ( Quit (Excess Flood)
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[12:11:59] * фульмиаполит (Kagyu@ Quit (Quit: I saw the land, the land above the heaven A place without a crime, place without laws The music there united everybody And all it was so, real so close - Психозогликодецидив!)
[12:23:21] * КрОшШш___ (~snirc00km@ has joined
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[12:39:40] * schizo_eidos is now known as schizo_eidos[offline]
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[12:50:30] * Ананда Марга (~Set@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[12:59:48] * КрОшШш___ (~snirc00km@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:00:48] * Leere69 (VScript2.0@ has left ()
[13:09:19] * F1n (~user407@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[13:12:51] * ДаШутка (~_dashusti@ has joined
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[13:41:03] * BaKsTeR (~bakster@ Quit (Quit: Олеее-олаааа... ФК "Спартак" Москва... Красно-белый, красно-белый, красно-белый НАВСЕГДА!!!)
[13:47:58] * boybest (oOoOo@ has joined
[13:47:58] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!oOoOo@93.*
[13:47:58] * boybest was kicked by ChanServ (User has been banned from the channel)
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[13:55:59] * kokc (sucker@ Quit (Quit: есть хотел - хлеб украл, а закон наказал...так жестоко)
[14:01:30] * КрОшШш___ (~snirc00km@ has joined
[14:02:44] * ~Кристино4ка~[приват] is now known as ~Кристино4ка~
[14:04:16] * тууяя (pIRCuser29@ Quit (Quit:
[14:06:35] * ~Кристино4ка~ всем утре4ка
[14:07:40] <КрОшШш___> Кристино4ка~[приват]:приветик
[14:07:55] <~Кристино4ка~> ))
[14:08:15] <КрОшШш___> )
[14:08:25] <КрОшШш___> Как жизнь молодая?
[14:08:35] <~Кристино4ка~> в полном разгаре
[14:08:40] <КрОшШш___> Кристино4ка~[приват]:
[14:08:50] <КрОшШш___> Ну это замечательно
[14:09:00] <КрОшШш___> Что не на учебе?
[14:09:06] * Clint_Eastwood (pavel12111@ Quit (Quit: ара)
[14:09:09] <~Кристино4ка~> выходной
[14:09:20] <КрОшШш___> Ппц везет
[14:09:31] <КрОшШш___> )
[14:10:55] <~Кристино4ка~> )
[14:11:15] * Романтики^^_Bembi^^ (Pliv94@ has left ()
[14:12:24] <КрОшШш___> Го в приват?)
[14:12:42] <~Кристино4ка~> гоу
[14:22:48] * Jaiss ( has joined
[14:22:48] * * changes topic to 'Официальный канал сети PowerNet г. Волжский | Тел. 51-80-23, 45-00-45 (многоканальный); | Подробная статистика канала: | For voice (+), only for girls, ask denio/Away |'
[14:24:00] * * changes topic to 'Официальный канал сети PowerNet г. Волжский | Тел. 51-80-23, 45-00-45 (многоканальный); | Подробная статистика канала: | For voice (+), only for girls, ask denio/Away |'
[14:26:02] * ~Кристино4ка~ is now known as ~Кристино4ка~[приват]
[14:32:34] * Jovanny69 (trion@ Quit (Quit: NeoRa TrioN v1.0 -
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[14:55:58] * Clint_Eastwood (Timo69@ Quit (Quit: он ушёл, но обещал вернуться)
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[15:36:19] * * changes topic to 'Официальный канал сети PowerNet г. Волжский | Тел. 51-80-23, 45-00-45 (многоканальный); | Подробная статистика канала: | For voice (+), only for girls, ask denio/Away |'
[15:37:59] * * changes topic to 'Официальный канал сети PowerNet г. Волжский | Тел. 51-80-23, 45-00-45 (многоканальный); | Подробная статистика канала: | For voice (+), only for girls, ask denio/Away |'
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[16:41:03] * y6uca (~bibo4shot@ Quit (Quit: В нашу сторану лучше не целься,2 бойца с улицы, до конца в бойни, за брата я любого схаваю ты меня понел?! Сдесь 2 ствола без холостых потронов 1-й пробивает бронь, 2-й контрольный,если есть опора значит всё подконтролем, если ты с миром мы тебя не тронем.)
[16:44:14] * storied (~pIRCuser9@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
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[17:08:49] * нет не кого is now known as `ШаЛуН
[17:10:35] * Наташа_away (Pomantuka9@ has joined
[17:10:39] <Наташа_away> Всем привет =)
[17:10:47] <Наташа_away> !seen Observerok
[17:11:09] <Наташа_away> я пойду спать
[17:11:09] * Наташа_away (Pomantuka9@ has left ()
[17:11:58] * Katena^^ (~sasixyj@ has joined
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[17:13:16] <NON> Здарова Усем!!!
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[17:15:06] * _ЧИРСКАЯ_ (kvirc@ Quit (Quit: общественное мнение,это мнение тех кого не спрашивали!)
[17:18:29] * `ШаЛуН is now known as нет не кого
[17:19:29] * pmm (Gg@ Quit (Quit: а\Ё/)
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[19:37:30] * bibon (bibo4shot@ Quit (Quit: В нашу сторану лучше не целься,2 бойца с улицы, до конца в бойни, за брата я любого схаваю ты меня понел?! Сдесь 2 ствола без холостых потронов 1-й пробивает бронь, 2-й контрольный,если есть опора значит всё подконтролем, если ты с миром мы тебя не тронем.)
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[22:05:39] <lastlife> Привет Всем!
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[23:53:31] <_ВиДеНиЕ_> Hello all!
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Query time 0.059 s