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16 Марта 2010. Канал #powernet

[00:00:36] * andrewDEE (DEE@lan2-10-127.unity) Quit (Quit: каждыйпаганый)
[00:02:35] * Толька_твой (~Temniy@ Quit (Quit: Пока, пока!)
[00:05:30] * Nimb (pIRCuser95@ has joined
[00:05:52] * Nimb (pIRCuser95@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[00:08:46] * Тмин (Mdm@ Quit (Quit: ты никто, но ты все..)
[00:11:56] * ZonDeR_ (zonder@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:12:50] * Juliee (magic_kiss@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:13:49] * Juliee (magic_kiss@ has joined
[00:15:21] * Нинель (marakulin@ has left ()
[00:16:13] * Jovanny69 (trion@ Quit (Quit: NeoRa TrioN v1.0 -
[00:16:28] * bublik (VScript2.0@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:18:10] * sosite (~royal@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:19:53] * _Irena_ (kvirc@ Quit (Quit: hjiokpl;[lmkjnhgvyfdctfp)
[00:20:34] * Depeche (~soul7@ Quit (Quit:
[00:30:20] * _ВиДеНиЕ_ (VirtuozIRC@ has joined
[00:30:24] <_ВиДеНиЕ_> Привет Всем!
[00:30:25] * _ВиДеНиЕ_ (VirtuozIRC@ has left ()
[00:35:06] * ant1fLexer (____@ Quit (Quit: Хороший, плохой - главное у кого ружьё!)
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[00:36:17] * Clint_Eastwood (pavel12111@ Quit (Quit: ара)
[00:39:50] * pwt-Rino (suckme@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:39:53] * Juliee (magic_kiss@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:40:41] * aW` ( has joined
[00:41:32] * _ВиДеНиЕ_ (VirtuozIRC@ has joined
[00:41:37] <_ВиДеНиЕ_> Всем приветы.
[00:41:39] * _ВиДеНиЕ_ (VirtuozIRC@ has left ()
[00:42:23] * bryunetochka (sisechki@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:45:59] * aW` is now known as девчёночка
[00:49:39] * murdoc (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: Убивай космонавтов - они лезут на небо!)
[00:49:50] * [~TAYFUN~] (_MasteR_@ has joined
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[01:01:41] * превед_наркотиГ (dari_psi@ has joined
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[01:07:03] * нет не кого is now known as `ШаЛуН
[01:14:48] * Иисус_в_приват is now known as Иисус
[01:15:43] * A-r-a-c-h-n-i-d (Klinzter@ has joined
[01:16:57] * [~TAYFUN~] (~_MasteR_@ has joined
[01:17:14] * [~TAYFUN~] (~_MasteR_@ Quit (Quit: Да)
[01:20:42] * _LokO_SyTcHeV (Antoshka@ Quit (Quit: Пусть Бог воздаст тебе вдвойне, всё то, что ты желаешь мне!!!)
[01:22:45] * Green[V] (NUser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:23:02] * `ШаЛуН is now known as нет не кого
[01:31:57] * превед_наркотиГ (dari_psi@ Quit (Quit: погасло солнце,ночь настала..и для меня тебя не стало..)
[01:32:10] * gonzaleSS (NarkooUse@ has left ()
[01:34:42] * девчёночка ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:41:12] * A-r-a-c-h-n-i-d (Klinzter@ Quit (Quit: Жизнь - черно белое кино, и тебе решать в каком цвете она предстанет перед тобой !)
[01:41:12] * baby kiss me (ebu@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:44:38] * Пахантэ (~Johny@ Quit (Quit: )
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[02:30:39] * KREW[вприват] (no@ Quit (Quit: )
[02:43:53] * Иисус is now known as Иисус_в_приват
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[03:07:13] * deniska ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:08:45] * тууяя (pIRCuser29@ Quit (Quit:
[03:21:36] * Undying (Hypk@ Quit (Quit: Habgier,Missgunst,Hass,Neid! Heil asu Oberosterreich)
[04:22:04] * Spiller ( Quit (Excess Flood)
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[05:59:35] * ТиmkaНехочуУчицоХочуЖеницоБлят (~yaTimoshk@ has joined
[05:59:51] <ТиmkaНехочуУчицоХочуЖеницоБлят> утро дорое
[05:59:55] <ТиmkaНехочуУчицоХочуЖеницоБлят> всем
[06:00:44] * ТиmkaНехочуУчицоХочуЖеницоБлят is now known as Тиmka
[06:00:52] * Тиmka (yaTimoshk@ has left ()
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[07:49:59] * ccn (pIRCuser95@lan2-8-105.unity) Quit (Quit: One, Two Fredie coming for you, Three, Four, better lock your door, Five, Six, grab your crucifix, Seven, Eight, gonna stay up late, Nine, Ten never sleep again)
[07:52:58] * MOONLIT (Antoha@ has joined
[07:54:59] * ant1fLexer (____@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[07:59:22] * andrewDEE (DEE@lan2-10-127.unity) Quit (Quit: каждыйпаганый)
[08:04:24] * A-r-a-c-h-n-i-d (Klinzter@ has joined
[08:05:21] * schizo_eidos[offline] is now known as schizo_eidos
[08:05:47] <schizo_eidos> Привет Всем!
[08:30:37] * _ПirАНьЯ_ (pIRCuser@lan1-4-138.unity) has joined
[08:30:38] * _ПirАНьЯ_ (pIRCuser@lan1-4-138.unity) Quit (Client closed connection)
[08:32:39] * A-r-a-c-h-n-i-d (Klinzter@ Quit (Quit: Жизнь - черно белое кино, и тебе решать в каком цвете она предстанет перед тобой !)
[08:41:42] * MOONLIT (Antoha@ Quit (Quit: Я использовал программу «Antoha_Script™Pro«» v4.0 »!)
[09:17:02] * чевер (~NarkooUse@lan2-10-28.unity) has joined
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[11:36:14] * Promod (Patriot@ Quit (Quit: Сэкс с красивыми ....Встречаюсь с симпатичными ... Женюсь на умной !...)
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[11:58:00] * девчёночка is now known as aW
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[12:08:04] * lor (ef-051@ Quit (Quit: )
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[12:21:50] * baby kiss me (ebu@ has joined
[12:22:05] <XxX_Private> У КАВО есть игра Диабло?
[12:22:21] * needrap34rus|sleep is now known as needrap34rus
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[12:29:16] * девчёночка is now known as aW`
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[12:39:22] * К_раСоТоЧк_а is now known as Красоточка
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[12:47:07] * Лезби_Девочка is now known as Лизбиянка
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[14:01:06] * cherry is now known as cherry[away]
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[14:37:08] <_ЧИРСКАЯ_> всем привет
[14:37:48] * LENNON_ is now known as XXX_Private
[14:42:01] * Иисус_в_приват is now known as Иисус
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[16:11:21] * тууяя (pIRCuser29@ Quit (Quit:
[16:13:00] <Тиmka> с кема тута моно познакомицо, пообщацо??
[16:13:07] <Тиmka> с кема тута моно познакомицо, пообщацо??
[16:13:15] <Тиmka> с кема тута моно познакомицо, пообщацо??
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[16:20:30] <sosite> всем привет
[16:21:22] * Тиmka is now known as ТиmkaСрочноБухатьНадоНервы
[16:22:21] <ТиmkaСрочноБухатьНадоНервы> аааааа епаная депломная
[16:22:32] * ТиmkaСрочноБухатьНадоНервы was kicked by Jaiss (Вот и договорились, предупреждали, теперь досвидания :) до встречи! :bwcount: #240 :)
[16:22:32] * ТиmkaСрочноБухатьНадоНервы (~yaTimoshk@ has joined
[16:24:38] * Kareglazaya (tg@ Quit (Quit: )
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[17:22:59] * cherry|away [ОтошЛа] По причине:Бухаю
[17:23:01] * cherry|away [ПРишЛа] *** Меня Не было: 2secs
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[17:53:39] <lastlife> Привет Всем!
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[19:11:46] * песенкачудесенка is now known as nizhe
[19:12:13] * ТиmkaСрочноБухатьНадоНервы is now known as Тиmka
[19:14:14] <Тиmka> ыыы
[19:14:19] <Тиmka> сдесь кто?
[19:14:22] <Тиmka> есть
[19:14:36] <nizhe> девочек для секса тут нету
[19:14:37] <nizhe> точно
[19:14:40] <LENNON_> есть
[19:14:41] <LENNON_> )))))))))))
[19:14:44] <nizhe> даладно
[19:14:52] <nizhe> это очкарики
[19:14:54] <nizhe> сидят
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[19:19:38] <Тиmka> шлюх тут решили искать
[19:19:39] <Тиmka> )))
[19:19:57] <Тиmka> м удачи
[19:20:27] <nizhe> ахах
[19:20:29] <nizhe> тимка
[19:20:33] <nizhe> ты че
[19:20:37] <nizhe> читать неумеешь?
[19:20:41] <Тиmka> неа
[19:20:54] <Тиmka> аааааааа
[19:20:57] * Jaiss sets mode: +b *!*@
[19:20:57] * Тиmka was kicked by Jaiss (Вот и договорились, предупреждали, теперь досвидания :) до встречи! :bwcount: #241 :)
[19:21:13] <nizhe> мм
[19:21:14] <LENNON_> АХхахахахаха
[19:21:19] <nizhe> лишаете собеседника
[19:21:19] <LENNON_> ))))))))))))))))))) улетел
[19:21:20] <nizhe> как подло
[19:21:21] <nizhe> (
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[19:49:54] <lastlife> приветы !!!
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[20:14:11] <lor> Лизбиянка клиентов много??
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[20:57:48] <schizo_eidos> Привед народ!
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[22:28:03] * schizo_eidos влюбленно смотрит на bryunetochka
[22:28:05] <schizo_eidos> :)))))
[22:28:42] <bryunetochka> опа опа
[22:28:42] <bryunetochka> ))
[22:28:49] * bryunetochka подмигивает schizo_eidos
[22:29:20] <schizo_eidos> ррррь?;)
[22:30:05] <bryunetochka> ппрьь*
[22:30:06] <bryunetochka> )))
[22:30:09] * kokc (sucker@ has joined
[22:30:21] <bryunetochka> я раньше вслух любила это произносить
[22:30:23] <bryunetochka> )
[22:30:38] <schizo_eidos> ппрь?)
[22:30:43] <bryunetochka> да
[22:30:46] <bryunetochka> ну попробуй
[22:30:49] <bryunetochka> шепотом
[22:30:54] <bryunetochka> пппрррьь*
[22:30:55] <bryunetochka> )))
[22:31:29] <bryunetochka> я нормальная
[22:31:32] <bryunetochka> сразу гвоорю)))
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[22:31:58] <schizo_eidos> ))
[22:32:16] <schizo_eidos> у меня только получилось прррррррррь)
[22:32:21] <schizo_eidos> а не пппрррь)
[22:32:31] <bryunetochka> ну да,примерно так и должно было выйти
[22:32:31] <bryunetochka> )))
[22:33:01] * ити is now known as ant1fLexer
[22:33:03] * andrewDEE is now known as Дюшес
[22:33:23] <schizo_eidos> а я люблю как француз картавить рррррррррррь;)
[22:33:41] <bryunetochka> мне кажется нас не многие понимают
[22:33:42] <bryunetochka> сейчас
[22:33:43] <bryunetochka> )))
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[22:35:18] <NON|Отдыхаю> Здарова Усем!!!
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[22:38:14] <schizo_eidos> ^22•31•23^] <+bryunetochka> мне кажется нас не многие понимают
[22:38:17] <schizo_eidos> те не пох?:)
[22:38:22] <schizo_eidos> они же обычные смертные)
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[22:44:14] <bryunetochka> а ну да
[22:44:17] <bryunetochka> как это я забыла
[22:44:18] <bryunetochka> ))
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[23:03:46] <lastlife> Здарово народ!
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[23:13:08] <schizo_eidos> Нaилучиx снов дaмы и господa !! =)
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[23:21:25] <[Не_Для_Всех_Девушек]> AVE SATANAS
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[23:24:05] <sosite> всем привет
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[23:58:55] <_ВиДеНиЕ_> Здарова Усем!!!
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