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22 Февраля 2019. Канал #WeNet

[03:41:00] * X-Side ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:38:32] * X-Side ( has joined
[08:36:11] * _КОСПАШСКИЙ_ is now known as Гриб_СП
[08:56:41] * X-Side ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[09:14:34] * Phoenix[Msc] (~Phoenix[Msc] has joined
[11:00:19] * GOLDENBOY ( Quit (Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.35 от yXo ** **)
[11:21:28] * GOLDENBOY ( has joined
[12:25:12] * Phoenix[Msc] (~Phoenix[Msc] Quit (Quit: Улетело)
[15:34:22] * Morfey (~webgate@ has joined
[15:34:24] * Morfey (~webgate@ has left ()
[15:47:31] * DarkCat ( has joined
[15:47:45] * DarkCat ( has left (Leaving)
[15:56:06] * gudvin ( has joined
[15:57:07] * gudvin is now known as Guest184
[15:57:40] * Guest184 is now known as draven
[16:04:31] * Morfey_ (~webgate@ has joined
[16:04:35] * Morfey_ (~webgate@ has left ()
[16:27:05] * draven ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:54:03] * Новочеркасск (break@ has joined
[17:54:03] * Новочеркасск (break@ Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/02/22 17.54))
[19:02:38] * ^Xela^ (instrument@ has joined
[19:02:38] * ^Xela^ (instrument@ Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/02/22 19.02))
[19:03:51] * [die] is now known as tont
[19:34:45] * _КОСПАШСКИЙ_ (BATMAN@ has joined
[19:34:45] * _КОСПАШСКИЙ_ (BATMAN@ Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/02/22 19.34))
[21:31:38] * Makaway is now known as Makko
[21:31:57] * Makko is now known as Don_Makario
[21:54:48] * climacteric disease ( has joined
[21:54:58] * climacteric disease ( has left ()
[22:11:33] * Jaiss ( has joined
[22:31:28] * Phoenix[Msc] (~Phoenix[Msc] has joined
[22:46:48] * Phoenix[Msc] (~Phoenix[Msc] Quit (Quit: Улетело)
[23:03:39] * Don_Makario is now known as Makaway
[23:08:29] * tont is now known as [die]
Query time 0.0035 s