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23 Февраля 2019. Канал #WeNet

[11:07:41] * Spender (~webgate@ has joined
[11:10:28] * Spender_ (~webgate@ has joined
[11:13:33] * Spender_ (~webgate@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:15:41] * Phoenix[Msc] (~Phoenix[Msc] has joined
[11:26:18] * Spender (~webgate@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:26:18] * assault and battery (physical@ has joined
[11:26:22] * assault and battery (physical@ has left ()
[11:47:21] * buttonwood (~frequents@ has joined
[11:47:25] <buttonwood> Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП Гриб_СП
[11:47:36] * buttonwood (~frequents@ Quit (Killed (Гриб_СП (No reason specified)))
[11:59:17] <Phoenix[Msc]> а ты смени ник идент и хост ))
[12:59:49] * volt ( has joined
[12:59:49] * volt ( Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/02/23 12.59))
[14:09:14] * Phoenix[Msk] (~Phoenix[Msc] has joined
[14:11:43] * Phoenix[Msc] (~Phoenix[Msc] Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:08:59] * XenonSP ( has joined
[16:08:59] * XenonSP ( Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2019/02/23 16.08))
[17:47:33] * JoHarKey (~UA1ZGK@ has joined
[18:01:26] * waterbirds (goose@ has joined
[18:01:37] * waterbirds (goose@ has left ()
[21:13:50] * Ledy (~webgate@ has joined
[22:00:40] * [die] is now known as tont
[22:05:16] * GamerOlia_ (~webgate@ has joined
[22:07:50] * GamerOlia__ (~webgate@ has joined
[22:07:56] * GamerOlia__ (~webgate@ has left ()
[22:08:20] * GamerOlia_ (~webgate@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[22:53:04] * Phoenix[Msk] (~Phoenix[Msc] Quit (Quit: Улетело)
[22:56:21] * tont is now known as [die]
[22:57:53] * GamerOlia__ (~webgate@ has joined
[22:58:00] * GamerOlia__ (~webgate@ has left ()
[22:59:22] * GamerOlia (~webgate@ has joined
[23:02:28] * GamerOlia (~webgate@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:22:17] * Ledy (~webgate@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:27:40] * Ledy (~webgate@ has joined
Query time 0.0027 s